I very much enjoy hanging out in a beam of sunshine, watching birds and chasing bugs! I appreciate fine kitty grass and catnip plants, especially if they are freshly grown. My favorite foods are my all-organic California Natural cereal, shrimp, crab legs, broccoli, peas, Romaine lettuce leaves, bacon, chicken nuggets and pizza crust. Sometimes I'll go a little nuts and indulge in some sunflower seeds! Mrrowr!
I love hanging out with my mom-pet, Lori- she's great- we have a wonderful, mystical, cosmic connection and she loves me more than anything in the world!
I've taught my humans how to play fetch! They've caught on exceptionally well and I can keep them at it for hours sometimes! It's funny how excited they get when I bring my fur shmousie toy back to them *sooo* lightning-fast! Before it can even hit the ground, usually! I'm amazing! And it's a fantastic way to get exercise, too!
I *love* to chase BuBBLEs!!!
Check out my Bubble-Chasing Video:
I'd like to meet:
Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Pink Panther
and the cat
who lives across the street and sometimes hangs out underneath my window!
And maybe some of you cool MySpace cats, too! Purrrrr!
I like smooth jazz, The Pink Panther and the sound of the ocean. Birds are nice, too.
Cat in the Hat, The Pink Panther, The Birds!, Sylvester and Tweety, The Lion King
I find the Planet's Funniest Animals to be quite riveting.
Whatever my mom-pet's reading! If she likes it a lot, she sits still for a long time and then I can snuggle on her lap! Sometimes she reads outside on the balcony. That's my favorite.
My mom and dad pets!
How old are you?
Check out your age
in Cat/Human Years:
I have a pet TiGeR! Isn't he adorable!?
His name is Little Striped Kitty Dude!
He needed a home, so I adopted him! He's really sweet and he loves everyone!
******Click on me! I PuRRrrr!******
adopt your own virtual pet!
You can pet him if you want! He's very friendly and playful! He likes to be petted and he likes to play with the cursor! He bats at it and follows it around! He loves it when people give him special attention! You can even feed him a steak if you want to! Just click on "More" in the bottom right corner of his box. He's a really cool TiGER!!!! I *LoVE* him so much! Purrrrrr!
A Survey for Pets!
What type of animal are you? A fantastically gorgeous FELiNE!
What is your name? Diego
What other nicknames do you have? Diego-Luego, The Meow Mixer, Mr. Angel, Handsome, Gorgeous, Kitten with Mittens
What is your favorite treat? crab legs, for sure!
What would your owner describe you as? Perfect, gorgeous, brilliantly intelligent, silky soft, her best friend!
What is the funniest thing you have done? Probably the day I decided to hang out inside the bird's cage... the bird was on top of the cage at the time! Birds are strangely intriguing…
What is the bravest thing you have done? I chased away a possum that was lurking around on our front porch! He really pissed me off!
Are you neutered? of course I am!
Are you a social animal? I'm social with cool people who get to know me and love me! I'm also on speaking terms with the birds who hang out in the trees outside our house!
Are you always doing something bad when nobody is looking? Nah! I do it when they ARE looking! More fun that way!
Are you friendly? Sure! Purrrrrr…
Are you overweight? Not even a little! I work out a lot!
Do you like warm milk? not into dairy, really
Do you eat cheese? every now and then. I have to be in the mood.
Do you eat bugs? As long as they're flying around and trying to get away! They're delicious!
Do you live with other animals? I have a bird, 7 fish and 3 snails... and of course my 2 humans! They're really cool pets! They know LOTS of tricks and Lori’s a really great huntress! She always brings me home good stuff!
Do you like being in the house more than being outside? Pretty much- I like to get in a little balcony time every day, tho!
Do you like to exercise? Yeah, I love it! I taught my humans to play fetch! I bring them my fur mousie toy and they throw it in lots of different directions- I'm SO FAST I usually get there in time to catch it and then I bring it right back so they can throw it again!
Do you like car rides? No way, Jose! Cars are weird.
Do you get into stuff? only if it's there...
Do you get along with your mommy or daddy? Sure I do! Both of them! I hang out with them all the time! They're my best buddies!
Do you like to swim? Uh, no thanks! I almost went swimming in my mom's bubble bath the other night! Luckily, she caught me in time- my paw got wet though, and it took me almost half an hour to dry it off! Gross!
Do you chase laser pen dots? You mean Laser Monster?! I kill him!! Where'd he go?!!!
And finally, Do you love your mommy or daddy? I LOVE them both TONS, but especially my mom, Lori!
Here’s another personality survey I had my secretary fill out for me! You cannot possibly ever get bored reading about me! I know, right?
Another Fascinating Diego Survey:
1. DO YOU SNORE? Don't be silly! I am PERFECT!
2. ARE YOU A LOVER OR A FIGHTER? I'm a lover, Baby!
3. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR? The vacuum cleaner... also fireworks. They're horrible. The street cleaner sucks, too.
4. DO YOU LIKE TAKING BATHS OR SHOWERS? I take several baths every day... on the balcony, on the sofa, on the bed...
5. ANY SECRET TALENTS? No secrets- everything's out in the open! Everybody knows how great I am!
6. DO YOU LIKE TO SWIM? Don't be ridiculous! Water is for drinking and smacking around with your paws! You're not supposed to get *inside* of it! My mom does, though- she's so funny! She has this big box in the bathroom that she fills with water and bubbles, and then she gets *inside* it! She's totally covered in the stuff! It's crazy! I always have to go in there and laugh at her! Also, I want to make sure she gets out of there alive.
8. ARE YOU AN ONLY PET? I'm the only one that counts! There's a bird and some fish... they're somewhat entertaining.
9. WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING? I hunt bugs all the time! It's fun! I wish I could go outside and hunt those fluttery, fascinating birds out there in the trees! There's even one that has a nest right out on our front porch! That one’d be real easy to catch, I bet!
11. DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME? Diego Luego. Angel Boy. Handsome. Mr. Kitten. Kitten with Mittens. Gorgeous.
12. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE IN A CAR? About a year ago to go get my shots updated. it sucked. totally.
13. ARE YOU A HEAVY SLEEPER? Not really. Unless I'm completely undisturbed. Then I can keep it up for half the day and well into the night!
14. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? Golden, with just a hint of green
15. DO YOU LIKE CAMPING? Sometimes my mom makes a tent for me out of the bedroom sheets! *That's* fun!
16. ARE DOGS A MANS BEST FRIEND? men? dogs? who knows what they think?
18. DO YOU WEAR NAIL POLISH? that would be ridiculous!
19. FAVORITE THING TO DO ON A NICE DAY? Sleep in the Sun...
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TOY? My fur shmousie toys! I have them in all colors! My favorites are the purple ones!
My special friend, Whisper made this for me!
I loves ya', Whisper! You rock! Purrrrr!
My wonderful friends Pinot, Oreo and Boo made this
sweet friendship banner for me! Love you guys! Purrrrr!