My name's Dostoevsky, my human companion Ryan rescued me one night when it was snowing out, I was cold and hungry and some of my fur had been burnt off. He wasn't sure if he could have me, but he knew I didn't want to stay out there! I've lived with him ever since. I spend most of my time curled up in his lap, though I also like to walk around and cry for no reason. I keep my own hours; Ryan always thinks he's going to be able to sleep, but oh no my friend, it's playtime. If he needs reminding of that I bite the back of his legs while he's sleeping or knock things over in his room. And sometimes for good measure I just run after him and sink my claws into the backs of his legs while he's walking down the hall, and bite his feet. I like making sure he knows who's boss around here. I mean he has it easy really, working all the time and coming home sweaty and waking me up. I'd like to see him be a cat for a day, sheesh! I'm usually sitting on his lap, so feel free to message him @ H0ldenCaulfield7
Take the quiz:
What kind of cat are you?
tom cat
You are a tom. Big, mascualine and a babe magnet I guess. Use protection is all I can say.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!