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One person at a time. Be someone who matters and become a friend on this Spot of Blue. Tell your friends and become part of the solution. I can't do it alone.
Be sure to stop by Showcase Your Music or NoiseHead and rate Spot of Blue to help spread the word!and rate Spot of Blue's songs.
The goal of this page is to reach all people of all races around the world to show how we can all live together on this Spot of Blue called EARTH.
You can make a difference by sharing a common goal to unite the people of the world for Peace.
Help us gain members by telling your friends and their friends to join in this Quest for Blue.
Share your thoughts with others and find out what it takes to live as one on this fragile spot in the universe.
Be sure to sign the Guest book !
Thanks for taking the time to listen to my songs and becoming one of my friends here on myspace and letting me share them with you.