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Mr Aint

Humanism is a modern idea - L'Humanisme est une idée moderne

About Me

Producer (Ensuran Prod., ESP Music), composer-song writer, lyrics writer, and bass player @ Aint No Dub (also sing a bit sometimes, on "Will You Come" for instance).
I have written here, a number of poems. That is something named "a journey to my space". I wrote my journey to my space. I have published poetry in French, but this stuff is my first attempt to write a book in English and French at the same time. It's a weird adventure crossing the moving borderline of virtuality and reality. I stopped, and completed the Book 1. This day is December 9, 2006. You can still read this in the blog space, there are a number of them (browse the blog archives "older" link). It has taken me very intensively. It's is a real journey, not a virtual one.
This day is January 30, 2006. After a while without publishing, but still writing, I am back for sharing with those who want to. This "Journey to my space, Book 2", is under construction. I am writing. Look out, subscribe to my blog.
May 16, 2007. I wrote the last poem of the book, it's called "Amorous Dialogues", and will be the entry for the Poegasm final contest this upcoming week-end. If you like it by the way, you will be welcome for an encouraging vote :-)
"A Journey to My Space - Un voyage dans mon espace" will be published and available on and other stores this summer.
You can also visit my poetry web site, where you will find the whole collection of "Journey to My Space", in English, and in French. Click on this link:
Bertrand Damien

Who am I? I was an accident (a happy one though, because I'm here to tell...) that my mother wanted to keep whatever happens and she paid it a costly price. My progenitor was a French Minister, married and looking for beautiful young women. Incidentely, I have half brothers and sisters that I don't know. Just know that one of them is a famous painter, a pop art pope living in NY where he was with Andy Warhol.
Born in Paris, I grew up in south of France, with my father in heart who took me and mom when I was 2. And gave me also 2 other brothers.
I studied a bit, university of Philosophy in Toulouse, though not really paying attention and much time to it because I was too much in my punk years, playing music, recording vynils, touring on stage, running radio shows, setting up art gallery, and creating my first enterprise to find a way to fill up a fridge.
At some point I decided it was too hard to live of music then, so I decided to make some money on creative technology ideas of my own, to give a chance to come back to music later, with some bucks in the pocket. Which I did. Created 3 enterprises, then recruited by some big US corp (Intel), then back to entrepreneurial things. I was even a recognized expert, a pioneer in VoIP, an often awarded speaker at worldwide conferences, a Director of strategic marketing consulting and etc. And finally I met success at some point with a startup created in 99, in which I was a player amongst others. Enough to say "ciao the telecoms" when we were bought by some giant, and I came back to what I always wanted to do. Music.
In fact, I've spent the past 15-20 years travelling throughout the world, visiting about 60 countries or more, meeting people, discovering different cultures, and so forth. Few lessons I've learnt.
First, we're all the same human kind.
Second, a consequence of First, fools and dirty bad people exist everywhere, but true great people are also all around us.
Third, there is no culture superior to another, there are just different contexts and experiences.
Fourth, poverty is the source of 50% of the pain in the world.
Fifth, money and power dominations are the mirrored images of poverty that provide the 50 remaining percents of pain.

My Interests

Universe, Earth, life, humans, women, beauty, arts, women, philosophy, wine, women, poetry, music, women, jokes, friends, politics, ladybugs and other insects.

I'd like to meet:

People who have something to say. Alternatively, people who say something with their eyes.

Also, yes, I'm punk-pop-dub-rocker, but not only. If you want to hear other stuff, here enclosed another mp3 player.
Europa is a piece I wrote for a project album called "The Planeteers", with other fellow musicians such as Todd Barton, Sylvia Pengilly, Neil godstein, David Coffin, Glen Bledsoe, Mike Tang... My friend Dom Puchar plays the cello there, I'm doing the rest (detailed presentation with the Europa video posted on this page).

Espagnole n1 is a piece I wrote also last year, for piano, cello and violin. I play the piano, and the Puchar' Bros (Dom and Steph) play the cello and alto violin respectively.
Unfortunately, mp3 compression sucks a lot with classical pieces, especially destroying the piano harmonics and creating a crappy, metallic, kind of saturation when streaming the file on the net. It sucks, no way to fix that unless using Apple's AAC coders, which are not supported by myspace...


Tons of things. If you wanna see a list of my favourites, Go to

I drink every day a beer to the tribute of Joe Strummer.


Star Wars, The Lord of the Ring, Alien. That's it, pretty much (yeah, of course, plus hundreds... I'm a bit lazy remembering everything I love). Although, coming to my mind now: Brazil (Terry Gillian), and in general Monthy Pythons' movies. Kill Bill (Tarantino). Well. Etc.


South Park. Documentaries. Rugby matches, and cycling (Tour de France). That's all folks.


Jack Vance, Terry Pratchett, Peter Hamilton, Fritz Lieber, Dan Simmons, George R.R. Martin, Tad Williams, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Blaise Cendrars, Rimbaud, Spinoza, Nietzsche, James Ellroy, well... hundreds more. There is no day in my life without opening a book. Currently reading, in the trilogy of Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake, "Titus Groan" (London, 1959).
I peak at each of your postures
I bring together all the words of you
To the discovery of your colours
Changing like the wind of your mood
All these shapes that are carved
With each of your steps, all of your gestures
I collect them and I sink in them
To know each of their nuances
They are the dictionary of your hidden
The puzzle without frame of your soul
That I want to rebuild at every instant
In this secret place in my mind
Where I venerate this artwork that you
To my guard, without suspecting it
Because you always look elsewhere
When my eyes adore you.
Bertrand Damien, aka Mr Ain't - © 2007


No More Heroes (The Stranglers, 1977)

Humanism is a broad category of ethical philosophies that affirm the dignity and worth of all people, based on the ability to determine right and wrong by appeal to universal human qualities—particularly rationalism. Humanism is a component of a variety of more specific philosophical systems, and is incorporated into several religious schools of thought. Humanism entails a commitment to the search for truth and morality through human means in support of human interests. In focusing on the capacity for self-determination, humanism rejects the validity of transcendental justifications, such as a dependence on faith, the supernatural, or divinely revealed texts. Humanists endorse universal morality based on the commonality of human nature, suggesting that solutions to human social and cultural problems cannot be parochial. More on Wikipedia

My Blog

Amorous Dialogues (POEGASM 2.0 entry)

My Poegasm AllStars entry.Voting closes at 2 pm on Sunday.There are a number of great contestants in the final, read their poems from Je Maverick page , and vote for the best one!Read my own entry he...
Posted by Mr Aint on Sat, 19 May 2007 01:13:00 PST

Dialogues Amoureux (Finale de POEGASM 2.0)

Mon poème pour la finale Poegasm AllStars& Il y a nombre de bons participants dans cette finale, lisez leur poèmes depuis la page de Jé Maverick, et votez pour le meilleur ! Lisez ma propre contribut...
Posted by Mr Aint on Sat, 19 May 2007 01:10:00 PST

Final count down

Count down to the Final.Yes, I mean the final of Poegasm 2.0, the poetry contest promoted and organised by Je Maverick .There are lots of good poets in this final, a great opportunity to read some go...
Posted by Mr Aint on Fri, 18 May 2007 03:33:00 PST


Time to post the Epilogue of "Journey to My Space". C'est le moment.I will probably repost a few other poems from Book 1 and 2 for all those of you who never had the opportunity to read them before in...
Posted by Mr Aint on Wed, 09 May 2007 04:37:00 PST

Three little moments - Trois petits moments

A little sequence of prose extracted from the Journey to My Space, Book 1.Soft words, misty gaze, and smiles on my face. Perfect fit with the first morning of this week-end.Friday, November 17, 2006Ha...
Posted by Mr Aint on Sat, 05 May 2007 01:42:00 PST

Magic Potion - Potion magique

After A Ripe Fruit, here it is another repost from "A Journey to My Space, Book 1": Magic Potion. A tribute to my Celtic ancesters, or a tribute to the most famous French Comics, Asterix le Gaulois (A...
Posted by Mr Aint on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 06:33:00 PST

Little Candy - Petit bonbon

The Journey to My Space is completed. Now working on the final details for publishing.Although, as I explained already, I will not post the Epilogue right now. Prior to doing this, I will continue to ...
Posted by Mr Aint on Wed, 02 May 2007 01:29:00 PST

Wheel of Seasons - Roue des saisons

Wheel of Seasons is the last poem of Journey To My Space, before the Epilogue. You may find it full of sorrow in some parts. I'd like to tell you that I didn't feel sad at the moment of this writting,...
Posted by Mr Aint on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 02:23:00 PST

The Journey - Le voyage (from Book 1)

Hello again.As i said, I am quite close to the final completion of The Journey to My Space.Actually, I wrote the last poem (Wheel of Seasons), and the Epilogue, just yesterday. But I have to review th...
Posted by Mr Aint on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 04:49:00 PST

Ripe Fruit, from the Book 1

Friends and readers,"A Journey to My Space" is near completion. I am currently writing the epilogue. Before it comes out publicly, I am going to let you discover (and for just a few of you, re-discove...
Posted by Mr Aint on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 06:35:00 PST