Universe, Earth, life, humans, women, beauty, arts, women, philosophy, wine, women, poetry, music, women, jokes, friends, politics, ladybugs and other insects.
People who have something to say. Alternatively, people who say something with their eyes.
Also, yes, I'm punk-pop-dub-rocker, but not only. If you want to hear other stuff, here enclosed another mp3 player.
Europa is a piece I wrote for a project album called "The Planeteers", with other fellow musicians such as Todd Barton, Sylvia Pengilly, Neil godstein, David Coffin, Glen Bledsoe, Mike Tang... My friend Dom Puchar plays the cello there, I'm doing the rest (detailed presentation with the Europa video posted on this page).
Espagnole n1 is a piece I wrote also last year, for piano, cello and violin. I play the piano, and the Puchar' Bros (Dom and Steph) play the cello and alto violin respectively.
Unfortunately, mp3 compression sucks a lot with classical pieces, especially destroying the piano harmonics and creating a crappy, metallic, kind of saturation when streaming the file on the net. It sucks, no way to fix that unless using Apple's AAC coders, which are not supported by myspace...
Tons of things. If you wanna see a list of my favourites,
Go to http://www.myspace.com/aintnodub
I drink every day a beer to the tribute of Joe Strummer.
Star Wars, The Lord of the Ring, Alien. That's it, pretty much (yeah, of course, plus hundreds... I'm a bit lazy remembering everything I love). Although, coming to my mind now: Brazil (Terry Gillian), and in general Monthy Pythons' movies. Kill Bill (Tarantino). Well. Etc.
South Park. Documentaries. Rugby matches, and cycling (Tour de France). That's all folks.
Jack Vance, Terry Pratchett, Peter Hamilton, Fritz Lieber, Dan Simmons, George R.R. Martin, Tad Williams, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Blaise Cendrars, Rimbaud, Spinoza, Nietzsche, James Ellroy, well... hundreds more. There is no day in my life without opening a book. Currently reading, in the trilogy of Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake, "Titus Groan" (London, 1959).
I peak at each of your postures
I bring together all the words of you
To the discovery of your colours
Changing like the wind of your mood
All these shapes that are carved
With each of your steps, all of your gestures
I collect them and I sink in them
To know each of their nuances
They are the dictionary of your hidden
The puzzle without frame of your soul
That I want to rebuild at every instant
In this secret place in my mind
Where I venerate this artwork that you
To my guard, without suspecting it
Because you always look elsewhere
When my eyes adore you.
Bertrand Damien, aka Mr Ain't - © 2007
No More Heroes (The Stranglers, 1977)
Humanism is a broad category of ethical philosophies that affirm the dignity and worth of all people, based on the ability to determine right and wrong by appeal to universal human qualities—particularly rationalism. Humanism is a component of a variety of more specific philosophical systems, and is incorporated into several religious schools of thought. Humanism entails a commitment to the search for truth and morality through human means in support of human interests. In focusing on the capacity for self-determination, humanism rejects the validity of transcendental justifications, such as a dependence on faith, the supernatural, or divinely revealed texts. Humanists endorse universal morality based on the commonality of human nature, suggesting that solutions to human social and cultural problems cannot be parochial. More on Wikipedia