Buckfug ♫ profile picture

Buckfug ♫

Ignore these four words.

About Me

Originally from the Uterus of Deborah. I am an atheist. I actually read books. I love tattoos. I play the guitar. I sing. I can't seem to keep my mouth shut. I cannot connect sentences to be fluent. Does anyone actually read this shit? If you don't get the sarcasm and the blatant frivolity of this profile, then you don't know me, and I don't want to know you. Also, if you know of any children that might be mine out there, please contact me. I am in search of some kids that may, or may not be mine.

You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My other personality. Other people say she is the nice one. Any kids I have out there that I may be unaware of.SOME OF MY TATTOOS. DON"T WORRY I ONLY SHAVED UNDER MY HAIR. IT'S STILL LONG PURPLE AND RED!


The creative kind! Suzet puts me up to it!My new color and my baby, Jonah.

I always keep the three "J's" in mind: Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, & Jim Morrison. ?Throw in CCR and Queen. ?


My Homemade Porno. It sucks really, but I get off on it. This isn't it. ↓ ♥

Shaun of the Dead


The Office, The Colbert Report, Penn and Teller's "Bullshit", "Your Mother's Wet Dream," "Twice on a Dirty Pig," "Up Yours Tonight and Never," "Christ, I Need a Drink."


"THE GOD DELUSION", "When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?", "Freakonomics", anything with the word "Dozer" in the title, and YOUR MOTHER'S DIARY. (Quick read.)


Dr. Seuss. Monty Python. My Dingleberries. Your dad's secretary. The monkey humpin' a football. My boobs. Your sweet stank. Squishy balls.

Damn Satan! He is responsible for all of my shortcomings!NOT MY BOOBS UP THERE!Yes, it is my butt.