Universe, Earth, Life, Human beings, Women, Beauty, Women, Arts, Women, Philosophy, and still Women. Armagnac, Cognac, good wine.
L'univers, la Terre, la Vie, les Humains, les Femmes, la Beauté, les Femmes, les Arts, les Femmes, la Philosophie, et toujours les Femmes. L'Armagnac, le Cognac, le bon vin.
People who have something to say. Alternatively, people who say something with their eyes.
Des gens qui ont des choses à dire. Alternativement, des gens qui disent des choses avec leurs yeux.
Tons of things. See a list of my influences there:
Des tonnes de trucs. Voir une liste de mes influences sur : Aint No Dub
Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Alien. This is it almost (yeah, ok fine, plus hundreds...). I am lazy reminding and listing the whole stuff that I love. Let's add Brazil (Terry Gillian), the Monthy Pythons in general. Kill Bill (Tarantino).
Star Wars, Le Seigneur des Anneaux, Alien. C'est à peu près tout (ouaii, bon d'accord, plus des centaines d'autres... Je suis un peu feignasse à me rappeler et lister tout ce que j'aime). Disons, ce qui me vient aussi à l'esprit immédiatement : Brazil (Terry Gillian), et les Monthy Pythons en général. Kill Bill (Tarantino). Bien. Etc, etc.
Television fucks your brain. Except maybe some good documentaries, rugby matches (France and Stade Toulousain), and cycling, as I used to be a good amateur, not too bad one (and only with clean fresh water, nothing else).
Sauf quelques documentaires bien foutus, les matches de rugby (Stade Toulousain et France), et le cyclisme, dont j'ai été un bon pratiquant amateur très assidu et pas trop nul (à l'eau claire s'il vous plait).
A video of my band, Ain't No Dub.
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© Bertrand Damien - ESP Music
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Oh, drifting, drifting through the city
Like a sailor on the sea
Oh, looking for your presence
Yes I was so sure, that you would be there
Day after day, around the corner
Next door
Hum, hoping, hoping to see your eyes
I’ll be back tomorrow
I know you’ll cross the street
Like a siren in the sea
You still don’t know me
But I always knew, you will recognize me
This day
Oh, tomorrow
In the death of your eyes
In the heat of your arms
In the whisper of your lips
Oh, despairing, despairing to kiss your eyes
You won’t be there tomorrow
I won’t blaze in your light
I’m sinking in the sea, night after night
You never heard me, day after day
Oh, tomorrow
In the death of your eyes
In the heat of your arms
In the whisper of your lips
Oh, tomorrow
In the death of your eyes
In the heat of your arms
In the whisper of your lies
Will You Come
I read everyday, there are too many books I love to mention.
Je lis tous les jours, il y a trop de livres que j'adore pour les citer.
No More Heroes (The Stranglers, 1977)