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Stephen Colbert

Your Number One Spot for Truthiness on the Web

About Me

Who is Stephen Colbert you asked? Well, you may know me as Stephen Colbert the TV Pundit with the wildly successful show called The Colbert Report. Or maybe I'm Stephen Colbert the Peabody award winner, an award I got for my excellents on Television. Or am I, Stephen Colbert, the Golden Globe Award winner? Or maybe I'm Stephen Colbert the Devilishly handsome stud that graces you on TV. Or am I, Stephen Colbert, the God fearing Catholic from South Carolina that's on TV. Or what about Stephen Colbert, the former Presidential Candidate of South Carolina with the wash board abs. Whatever you see me as, you should view me as one thing, an American, just like you, except I am on TV. So you should view me as an American that's on TV. Which makes me better than you.
If you don’t believe that I’m better than you, why don’t you ask People Magazine, who recognized me as one of the Sexiest Men Alive? Or you could ask GQ, who honored me as one of the Men of The Year for 2006. Not to mention that Maxim Magazine named me, Stephen Colbert, one of the Sexiest News Anchors in the world. Plus, I won VH1’s Big Breakthrough Award. Ben and Jerry also honored Stephen Colbert by naming an ice cream after me, Stephen Colbert's AmeriCone Dream . If you are not convinced that I am better than you after reading all of those accomplishment, just remember one thing, that Hungary is naming a bridge after me. Oh and don't forget that I am the best selling author of I Am America (And So Can You) .
Please Nation, do your part to help America by going to and buying things like a Colbert Report Mug or T-Shirt or Stephen Colbert's Formula 401. This will help the U.S. economy and the last time I checked the only ones that don't want the U.S. economy to grow are Terrorist. So, if you are not a terrorist, go to the website and make sure you have your credit card information ready too.
One last note, I have to put the following awards: Peabody, Golden Globe, Pulitzer Prize, and Noble Prize on notice. As soon as you give me an award I will take you off of notice.

My Interests

America, TV, Truthiness and Stephen Colbert

I'd like to meet:

Who haven't I met is more like it! Maybe Jesus


Ted Nugent, Bob (Kid) Rock, Toby Keith You know Republicans that Rock!!! Oh and of course Kelly Clarkson!!!




The Colbert Report (watch it weekdays at 10:30 AM, 8:30 PM, 11:30 PM, and 1:30 AM) The O'Reilly Factor, My Super Sweet 16, Tiara Girls


I Am America (And So Can You) , Don't Buy This Book if You Don't Have the Balls, Silent Night: Reassessing the Sociological Imprint of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, Alpha Squad 7, Don't Buy This Book if You Don't Have the Balls - for Kids. And of Course All these fine books are written by me Stephen Colbert. I don't read other peoples books due to all the words. All though I do listen to The Bible on tape while being driven around town in my Hummer Limo. James Earl Jones voice is very convincing as Jesus!


Stephen Colbert, Richard Nixon, Tom DeLay, George Bushes, Bill O'Reilly, Jesus Christ, Hallmark, and how I could I almost forget the Zesty Flavor of Nacho Cheese Doritos .

My Blog

How Should Stephen Colbert Pick "Stephen Colberts MySpace Friend other than Stephen Colbert"

Nation,Today I come to you because I have picked another "Stephen Colbert’s MySpace Friend other than Stephen Colbert". This young one is a individual that claims to be a movie from the 80&rsquo...
Posted by Stephen Colbert on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:45:00 PST

New Myspace Friend picked another on the horizon

Good evening nation. Tonight I come to you not as the Stephen Colbert the TV Pundit with the wildly successful show called The Colbert Report, or Stephen Colbert the Peabody award winner, or Stephen C...
Posted by Stephen Colbert on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:36:00 PST

My Top Myspace Friends

Yes nation it’s that time again. Time for me to say good by to the current holder of "Stephen Colbert’s MySpace Friend other than Stephen Colbert" spot and find a new "Stephen Colbert&rsqu...
Posted by Stephen Colbert on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:12:00 PST

Catching-up with your pal, me, Stephen Colbert

Dear Nation, I know I haven't done one of these Blog thingy's for a while, but since there is a writers strike and there won't be new episodes of The Colbert Report until it's over, I figured what the...
Posted by Stephen Colbert on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 03:53:00 PST

Half-Hour News Hour

I hope you heroes were able to watch the debut of the Half-Hour News Hour on Fox News last night. Unlike every other show on Fox News, this is not fair and balanced. This is a welcome change...
Posted by Stephen Colbert on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 02:20:00 PST

Guitar Solo Challenge

As many of you already know, on December 20, I am waging an epic battle against The Decemberist. I have been training hard and fully expect to smoke them in their little Guitar Solo Challenge. Now Nat...
Posted by Stephen Colbert on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 03:37:00 PST

On Newsstands Now...

Me! That's right, yours truly is the dominating topic in the magazine industry. As you all know, I was named one of the Sexiest Men Alive by People. This is an honor I clearly deserve and next year I...
Posted by Stephen Colbert on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 04:23:00 PST

Hunky Halloween

Now that Halloween is over nation I'm sure your wondering how hunky I looked in my costume. And all I can say is progressivly hunkier. First I started out in a full body cat suit which emphasised my m...
Posted by Stephen Colbert on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:28:00 PST

Welcome to my world Nation

Your Seduction Style: Au NaturalYou rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!The root of your n...
Posted by Stephen Colbert on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:59:00 PST

My Nailing

As you all know, over the past year, I have nailed countless people on my show. My unbelievable ability to nail people has led many of you to ask me if I have ever been on the receiving end of a naili...
Posted by Stephen Colbert on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 03:38:00 PST