~Wendy~ profile picture


Wednesday's Adventures- Wendy's odd, vintage, and sometimes morbid curiosities

About Me

I'm Wendy, a "Wednesday child" (Wednesday's child is full of woe) and since childhood have been drawn to darker aesthetics.
Nicknamed Wednesday by Grandpa (and if he was really trying to get my attention he'd say 'Wednesday Thursday! Friday!!')
I adore black velvet and wear it often. I have a wide variety of interests- reading being one of the main ones. One can never have enough books- just have to figure out where to put 'em all! Then there are cemeteries, styles of days gone by, oddities, things bizarre and colorful- including people!.
A constant student of life, book, and arcane knowledge, I am very eclectic. I enjoy people watching- it is amazing what you can learn just by observation, try it sometime. I am actively engaged in living authentically and believe in seeking my bliss, doing as I will, and I don't apologize for my attitude, point of view or for attaining my desires!
I have carefully put this page together hoping to give the viewer an insight to all the complexities that together = me. I love all the things here and the style most definately reflects me and my life~so I hope you enjoy it! Peculiar things about me include~ I can wiggle my nose (yes-just like on Bewitched), My Great Great Uncle was a crew member on the USS Cyclops which vanished in the Bermuda Triangle Area. I have had up close encounters with Spirits and a visit from an Angel (same one- twice)
I currently reside near Los Angeles, California with my husband Jeff, our 6 Cats, and a Turtle. I am currently in school, just changed my major from Anthropology to History. In addition to those courses I keep up on my magical education with classes and workshops on things like Hoodoo, and Tarot. I am passionate about learning and love school. My Blog is called 'Bell Book and Coffee'~ I post to it here and there as time permits. To see my Blog you may have to highlight the dark area to make the text show if you don't see it.
~ COMMENTS-I used to be able to comment all my friends every week, but alas due to the Myspace capchas it has become too time consuming- so I am now going to resort to sending comments to those who are kind enough to send them to me. I always send a comment when I add someone. My comments tend to be large with both words and pictures and can be on any subject- if for some reason you find the subject matter distasteful just delete it- dont complain about it please. See my blog or some of my friends pages for examples. . If I sent out a comment that you did not get, please drop me a line and I will be happy to get it to you. I remain very flattered that I actually get requests for my comments~
I have two wonderful, smart, creative and beautiful adult daughters who are each very individual and definite 'out of the box' thinkers.
I am absolutely a cat person. We have 6 cats- Thomas- an Orange cat with no tail (he lost it in a fight with a Truck),
Sammy- a 17 pound long haired Siamese- Sammy likes to lay down ON you not near you,
Missy- Black and White basic cat model number 4 with rabbit fur option,
Jack- Black and White magical cat with the question mark tail who enjoys being upside down,
Pyewacket- we call her Wacky-striped grey, black top with white under, and gold underfur- (thats like underwear for cats) she is high strung and skittish and just wacky!,
and her sister Moon- solid black cat with gold eyes- she likes to talk, announce her presence when she enters a room and run away randomly at any move to touch her
I collect books on Cemeteries, Gravemarkers and Anthropology, Archaeology, Religions, and Death customs, practices and rituals. I also have a large collection of Day of the Dead, and Retro Halloween memorabillia, Including a large collection of Witches. More of what I like can be found over there on that side of the page ---
I have been an avid Taphophile and Cemetery lover since I can remember. Cemeteries, Gravestones, Death Art, Death customs and ritual practices around the world are a lifelong obsession of mine. I am annoyed by people who spell CEMETERY incorrectly. There is NO 'A' in Cemetery!
I am a long time student and practitioner of the Occult and HPs of Forest House Coven. I have been involved with Witchcraft for many years. I am not Wiccan, but practice a more traditional (as I see it) and eclectic style of the craft. I employ both dark and light 'arts' toward obtaining my goals. I am a firm believer in seeking, finding and using one's own power. I walk with confidence on my own path and make my own magic.
I find myself saddened and fed up at todays witchy wannabees. I have met very few who take the Craft seriously and are willling to take the time to learn. Rather, they want the name tag and to dabble in casting spells. I won't even go into the fluff bunnies, fast track degree seekers, and B.S.ers all over the 'net with their claims of power and magic- sigh. .
~ YES!!~
My Coven Sisters are all interesting, dynamic, creative and powerful ladies and I admire and adore them all!
For more about my Coven, Please visit the Coven Website at the link below.
Forest House Coven
Yes- I use a Mac.

My Interests

In no Particular order~Cemeteries, Monuments, Tombstones, Death Art, Funerary Rituals, Mourning Art & Jewelry, Victoriana, Edwardian Era, Pin Up, Spiritualism,
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, Red Musk, Witches, Witchcraft, Fortune Telling, Superstition, History, Gothica, Halloween-- I really LOVE Halloween!!,
Day of the Dead, School, Old Churches, Literature, Roses, Flowers, Azrael, Vintage, Antique, Burlesque,
Oddities, Costume, Gypsies, Pre-Raphaelites, My Dark Red Hair, Egyptian, Black Velvet, Long Skirts, Autumn, Spring,
Mardi Gras, The Moon, Bizarre, Jazz, Spells, Hexes, Sacred Hearts, My Daughters, Patchouli, Guadalupe, Alice in Wonderland,
Corsets, Cats, Catholic Iconistic Art, History, Coffee, Oreos, Hats, Black, Skeletons, Stripped Stockings, Ruby Slippers
Jeff, Lions, Silver, Disneyland, Ouija, Tarot, Oracles, Saints, Friends, Mac, Candles, Incense,
Sage, My Coven Sisters, Home, Feather Pillows, Sleep, Reading, Writing, Walking, Bike Riding, Iced tea, Beach,
Shells, Beach Glass, Ocean, Labyrinths, Jasmine, Ojai, Muertas, Ravens/Crows, Folk Art, Folk Lore, Books,
Classical, 1920's-1940's Music, Classic Rock, Marilyn Manson, Ojai, Gemology, St. Expedite, Hour Glasses, Journals, Shoes, Fairy Tales,
Geneaology, Pellegrino, Skulls, Vodou, Hoodoo, Conjure, Pow Wow, Gargoyles, Besoms, Cauldrons,
Tea Cups, Pirates, Long Nails, The Pearl, Anubis, Gardens, Carousel Horses, Lemons, Local History, Ghosts, Hauntings,
Museums, Folk Lore, Soiled Doves, Lavender, California, The Number 9, Thinking, Red, White Gold, The Occult, Arcane studies, Anthropology, Archaeology,
Geisha, Odd Dolls, Jeeps, Mardi Gras, Crystal Balls, Rubies, Garnets, Shakespeare, Clocks, Fetish, The Unusual, The Bizarre,

I am a Native Californian- several generations back on my Maternal side. I LOVE California~ it Rules!

The Crow is my main totem animal, guardian and messenger. They always have been with me.

DISNEYLAND- Did I mention I like Disneyland? Jeff and I go there at least once month, sometimes more like 2 or 3 times a month in the autumn, in October when the Haunted Mansion gets it's Nightmare Before Christmas makeover. I ADORE it as Jack Skellington's house. We always ride Pirates of the Caribbean of course, and at least one spin on the Tea Cups!

The Doll’s Funeral~circa 1899

When - my - dolly - died, - when - my dolly - died, I - sat - on - the - step - and - I - cried - and - cried;
And I couldn't eat any jam and bread, 'Cause it didn't seem right when my doll was dead. And Bridget was sorry as she could be, For she patted my head, and "O," said she, "To think that the pretty has gone and died!" Then I broke out afresh and I cried and cried.

And all the dollies from all around Came to see my dolly put under the ground; There was Luly Lee and Mary Clack Brought their dolls over, all dressed in black; And Emiline Hope and Sara Lou Came over and brought their dollies, too, And all the time I cried and cried, 'Cause it hurt me so when my dolly died.

We dressed her up in a new white gown, With ribbons and laces all around; And made her a coffin in a box Where my brother keeps his spelling blocks; And we had some prayers, and a funeral, too; And our hymn was "The Two Little Girls in Blue." But for me, I only cried and cried, 'Cause it truly hurt when my dolly died.

We dug her a grave in the violet bed, And planted violets at her head; And we raised a stone and wrote quite plain, "Here lies a dear doll who died of pain." And then my brother, said he, "Amen," And we all went back to the house again, But all the same I cried and cried, Because I'd a right when my doll had died.

And then we had more jam and bread, But I didn't eat, 'cause my doll was dead. But I tied some crape on my doll house door, And then I stood and cried some more. I couldn't be happy, don't you see! Because the funeral belonged to me. And then the others went home, and then I went out and dug up my doll again.

I once had a sweet little doll, dears, The prettiest doll in the world;
Her cheeks were so red and white, dears, And her hair was so charmingly curled.
But I lost my poor little doll, dears, As I played on the heath one day;
And I cried for her more than a week, dears, But I never could find where she lay.
I found my poor little doll, dears, As I played on the heath one day;
Folks say she is terribly changed, dears, For her paint is all washed away,
And her arms trodden off by the cows, dears, And her hair not the least bit curled;
Yet for old sake's sake, she is still, dears, The prettiest doll in the world.

A meeting place for the Eclectic Wicked Witch

Los Angeles Gothic Women's Tea Society

Please check out The Tea Society using the link above. Ladies of darkness from anywhere are welcomed. Please state your interests on your submission so I know you are not a spam-bot!

Witchcraft (from Old English wiccecræft "sorcery , necromancy"), in various historical, anthropological, religious and mythological contexts, is the use of certain kinds of supernatural or magical powers.
A witch (from Old English masculine wicca, feminine wicce, see Witch (etymology) is a practitioner of witchcraft. The Online Etymology Dictionary states a "possible connection to Gothic weihs "holy" and Ger. weihan "consecrate," and writes, "the priests of a suppressed religion naturally become magicians to its successors or opponents. Practices to which the witchcraft label have historically been applied are those which influence another person's mind, body or property against his or her will, or which are believed, by the person doing the labelling, to undermine the social or religious order. Some modern commentators consider the malefic nature of witchcraft to be a Christian projection.

The concept of a magic-worker influencing another person's body or property against his or her will was clearly present in many cultures, as there are traditions in both folk magic and religious magic that have the purpose of countering malicious magic or identifying malicious magic users. Many examples can be found in ancient texts, such as those from Egypt and Babylonia. Where malicious magic is believed to have the power to influence the mind, body or possessions, malicious magic users can become a credible cause for disease, sickness in animals, bad luck, sudden death, impotence and other such misfortunes. Witchcraft of a more benign and socially acceptable sort may then be employed to turn the malevolence aside, or identify the supposed evil-doer so that punishment may be carried out. The folk magic used to identify or protect against malicious magic users is often indistinguishable from that used by the witches themselves.

There has also existed in popular belief the concept of white witches and white witchcraft, which is strictly benevolent. Many neopagan witches strongly identify with this concept, and profess ethical codes that prevent them from performing magic on a person without their request.
Where belief in malicious magic practices exists, such practitioners are typically forbidden by law as well as hated and feared by the general populace, while beneficial magic is tolerated or even accepted wholesale by the people - even if the orthodox establishment objects to it.
Probably the most obvious characteristic of a witch was the ability to cast a spell, a "spell" being the word used to signify the means employed to accomplish a magical action. A spell could consist of a set of words, a formula or verse, or a ritual action, or any combination of these. Spells traditionally were cast by many methods, such as by the inscription of runes or sigils on an object to give it magical powers, by the immolation or binding of a wax or clay image (poppet) of a person to affect him or her magically, by the recitation of incantations, by the performance of physical rituals, by the employment of magical herbs as amulets or potions, by gazing at mirrors, swords or other specula (scrying) for purposes of divination, and by many others means.
Strictly speaking, "necromancy" is the practice of conjuring the spirits of the dead for divination or prophecy - although the term has also been applied to raising the dead for other purposes. The Biblical 'Witch' of Endor is supposed to have performed it, and it is among the witchcraft practices condemned by Ælfric of Eynsham: "Yet fares witches to where roads meet, and to heathen burials with their phantom craft and call to them the devil, and he comes to them in the dead man's likeness, as if he from death arises, but she cannot cause that to happen, the dead to arise through her wizardry." Powers typically attributed to European witches include turning food poisonous or inedible, flying on broomsticks or pitchforks, casting spells, cursing people, making livestock ill and crops fail, and creating fear and local chaos.

Belief in curses is found in many cultures and is mentioned in the scriptures of many religions. Many if not most established religions forbid such practices outright, but others, citing the long history of scriptural curses, utilize them only in defense against evil that struck at them first. All religions offer forms of blessings of homes and objects and people, with the intent of removing curses. Typically, then, a curse is only a category or type of something much larger, namely the entirety of any given culture's religio-magical paradigm. The deliberate levying of curses is often part of the practice of magic, taking place at the boundary between organized religion and folkloric customs. Magic, sometimes known as sorcery, is a conceptual system that asserts human ability to control the natural world (including events, objects, people, and physical phenomena) through mystical, paranormal or supernatural means. Special names for specific types of curses can be found in various cultures: • African American voodoo presents us with the jinx/haitians and crossed conditions, as well as a form of foot track magic, whereby cursed objects are laid in the paths of victims and activated when walked over. • Middle Eastern and Mediterranean culture is the source of the belief in the evil eye, which may be the result of envy but, more rarely, is said to be the result of a deliberate curse. • German people, including the Pennsylvania Dutch speak in terms of hexing (from the German word for witchcraft), and a common hex in days past was that laid by a stable-witch who caused milk cows to go dry and horses to go lame.
The prototypical "magicians" were a class of priests, the Magi of Zoroastrianism, and their reputation together with that of Ancient Egypt shaped the hermeticism of Hellenistic religion. The Greek mystery religions had strongly magical components, and in Egypt, a large number of magical papyri, in Greek, Coptic, and Demotic, have been recovered. These sources contain early instances of much of the magical lore that later became part of Western cultural expectations about the practice of magic, especially ceremonial magic.They contain early instances of: • the use of "magic words" said to have the power to command spirits; • the use of wands and other ritual tools; • the use of a magic circle to defend the magician against the spirits he is invoking or evoking; and • the use of mysterious symbols or sigils thought useful to invoke or evoke spirits. • The use of spirit mediums is also documented in these texts; many of the spells call for a child to be brought to the magic circle to act as a conduit for messages from the spirits. The time of the Emperor Julian of Rome, marked by a reaction against the influence of Christianity, saw a revival of magical practices associated with neo-Platonism under the guise of theurgy.

Especially in media aimed at children (such as fairy tales), witches are often depicted as wicked old women with wrinkled skin and pointy hats, clothed in black or purple, with warts on their noses and sometimes long claw-like fingernails. Like the three "Weird Sisters" from Macbeth, they are often portrayed as concocting potions in large cauldrons. Witches typically ride through the air on a broomstick as in the Harry Potter universe or in more modern spoof versions, a vacuum cleaner as in the Hocus Pocus universe. One of the most famous recent depictions is the Wicked Witch of the West, from L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. • Witches may also be depicted as essentially good, as in Bewitched, or Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, as well as in the television show Charmed, where the main characters are witches and they must protect the innocents from demons and other malevolent creatures. • Following the movie The Craft, popular fictional depictions of witchcraft have increasingly drawn from Wiccan practices, and portrayed witchcraft as having a religious basis. • Though now in modern culture witches can be depicted as just normal looking humans such as Harry Potter and the line between "good and evil" is becoming less black and white.

Because I could not stop for Death He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality

We slowly drove, he knew no haste, And I had put away My labor, and my leisure too, For his civility

We passed the school where children played, Their lessons scarcely done; We passed the fields of gazing grain, We passed the setting sun

We paused before a house that seemed A swelling of the ground; The roof was scarcely visible, The cornice but a mound

Since then 'tis centuries; but each Feels shorter than the day I first surmised the horses' heads Were toward eternity

Skulls and Dead Roses Group

I died for Beauty, but was scarce Adjusted in the tomb, When one who died for Truth was lain In an adjoining room

He questioned softly why I failed? "For Beauty" I replied "And I for Truth- the two are one We brethren are" he said

And so, as kinsmen met a night, We talked between the rooms, Until the moss had reached our lips, And covered up our names.

CURRENT MOON moon phase info

I'd like to meet:

Interesting, Creative, Eclectic, adult people who see things in different and unusual ways. People who gravitate toward the beauty found in the Shadows, in nature, in other people. And people who like to think and ask questions. People who aren't in a box!
If I request an add from you it is because there is something on your space that I find to be interesting or beautiful. If I respond to your request it will be for the same reasons.

Thank you for all the wonderful pictures of the vintage ladies sent to me- I LOVE them. I Really appreciate all your comments and the wonderful artwork that comes with many of them. If you don't see your comment then likely the HTML had an error or the comment contained a reference to drugs which I won't post. I also won't respond to or post 'chain letter' type comments. Sorry but I am not subscribing to any Blogs, but do pop in to read them as time permits .

Those who are my friends here AMAZE me with their creativity and style! Check them out- you will see what I mean! I am one of those who do not approve every request, yes I choose carefully- but see how awesome these friends of mine are? Even the comments they leave astound me! I also rotate my 'top' friends often.

I am not into gore- Big Misconception! Admiring the beauty of cemetery art, dark aesthetics and such and gore are NOT the same thing! Finding beauty in Death art- does not mean I like killing and gore or people and animals dying.
(Which is why I am declining all those requests to add from slasher films)

Not interested in anything aside from friendship as I am very happily married.

The Characters from Alice in Wonderland

Yes it's ~Devil's Food Cake~ true evil!!!

Banners by Fresh Ink Designs


Billie Holiday, Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennet, Jo Stafford- Anything 1930's-1940's- (my XM Radio can almost always be found on the 1940's station)
Classic Rock- Black Sabbath, Zeppelin, AC/DC.

Marilyn Manson- BEST concert I ever saw!!

Saw Wicked and LOVED it!






My House? Slytherin of course!


Love the Aadams Family, but in truth I don't watch much TV. If I do watch its usually a Documentary, Archaeological or Historical program. I use my TV mostly as an XM Radio!


I am a bookworm. I Adore books- always have. I could never have too many! There are so many that I love I don't think I could pick a single favorite.
I enjoy browsing book stores, especially really good used book stores, such as the Illiad in North Hollywood. I can spend hours! I almost always find a few must haves.
To all the women in my life- I highly recommend Simple Abundance


What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
You will be sucked dry by a leech. I'd stay away from swimming holes, and stick to good old cement. Even if it does hurt like hell when your toe scrapes the bottom.
Take this quiz !

Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code


Jeff is my Hero, my Prince, my Lion and my Love!

Guadalupe~she is my most favored and used form of Goddess.

The Wicked Witch of the West

My Blog

Turkey Vultures

This morning as my husband and I were heading out, we saw about 10 large birds- turkey vultures- circling in the air over what appeared to be the next main street over. We decided to go see what they...
Posted by ~Wendy~ on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 06:40:00 PST

Sinagua Indian Pictographs

On our trip to Arizona, Jeff and I took a 4 hour off roadin 'Pink Jeep 'tour. Part of the tour included a stop and a hike up to some ancient Sinagua indian ruins. There were many Pictographs- really c...
Posted by ~Wendy~ on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 07:00:00 PST


This wonderful guy is the latest addition to my collection of curios from all over. He is a 'clown' Kachina. I first saw the 'clown' at a Grand Canyon shop while looking at all the wonderful Kachinas ...
Posted by ~Wendy~ on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 06:27:00 PST

Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Today my husband and I took a few hours to visit one of my favorite haunts the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. I have spent many hours at this cemetery over the years and have taken many photos of the bea...
Posted by ~Wendy~ on Tue, 27 May 2008 08:14:00 PST

Chicago City Cemetery~Lincoln Park

Here is a cool article from the Chicago Reader. My Husband and my Dad are both from there- and this is about Cemeteries- so of course its of interest to me.A Conservatory, a Zoo, and 12,000 CorpsesAn ...
Posted by ~Wendy~ on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:04:00 PST

1970s Fun and More

Since I have not blogged in a while I thought I might. I dont really have a topic per se so it will just be a bunch of rambling- lucky you!I have spent the day off (thank the Goddess!) just puttering ...
Posted by ~Wendy~ on Sat, 03 May 2008 06:06:00 PST

The Mystery of the USS Cyclops

I thought I would take the time to post some information about an enduring mystery that involves my great, great uncle Frank C. Nigg. - Lieut. (JG). He was one of the crew on this ship that vanished w...
Posted by ~Wendy~ on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 06:47:00 PST

Its almost March already!

 This photo is one I took this morning of a few Dolls that I have. I have them on display in my front room. Their little eyes take in all that goes on around them. When I was a little girl, I was...
Posted by ~Wendy~ on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 10:52:00 PST

Happy New Year

To all my friends- I wish you a happy, and wonderful new year. Thank you for all your great letters and all the fabulous pictures that you have sent to me to add to my collection. Your kind words abou...
Posted by ~Wendy~ on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 07:18:00 PST

Winter Solstice and the history of the Season

The Winter Solstice, also known as Midwinter, occurs around December 21 or 22 each year in the Northern hemisphere, and June 20 or 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. It occurs on the shortest day or longe...
Posted by ~Wendy~ on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 09:32:00 PST