Ben Franklin profile picture

Ben Franklin

Never confuse motion with action...

About Me

To really get the whole picture, please venture to read "Ben Franklin: The Enlightened American" above in my blog section. It's is a beautifully executed paper that my one true love, my little crazy mickrican, wrote about should sum it all up! As she so eloquently put it: "Franklin was born the son of a candle-maker and received only two years of formal education. However, through his talent and hard work and a self-made education based largely on experience, Franklin rose from his humble origins to become one of the greatest American minds and a proud pillar of our national heritage. Today Ben Franklin is recognized as an American statesman, printer, journalist, scientist, author, publisher, philanthropist, abolitionist, public servant, librarian, diplomat, inventor, musician, economist and thinker. No one exemplifies the awesome power of the individual, first foreseen by the great thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment, more than Benjamin Franklin, the Enlightened American." I couldn't have said it any better...Is she not the best?! I'm so lucky! Take a minute from your day and read's well worth the time. Maybe it will help people realize that flying a freakin kite wasn't my greatest accomplishment!
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My Interests

The Ocean, Science, Personal Betterment, Using My Feathered Quill on My Little Mixed Spick, Politics, the Power Of The Word, Freedom, Education, Travel, The Common Good, Philanthropic Endeavors, Spas, Literature, Writing, Travel, Music, Thinking.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ, Socrates, as many Parisian woman as possible


I usually just wach the logs crack in my Franklin Stove, but my girl says that I would find Stewey from The Family Guy histerical...


I love them all! My Autobiography is actually quite good, if you have the time.


Socrates, Mozart, Jesus Christ, Beethovan & Crazy MickRican (she's hot!)

My Blog

Ben Franklin: The Enlightened American

He snatched the lightening from the heavens and the scepter from the tyrants. Turgot, French economist and physiocrat, said this of Ben Franklin thinking of his great achievements in the field of e...
Posted by Ben Franklin on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 10:47:00 PST

Chapter 5 from my Autobiography

Continuation of the Account of my Life, begun at Passy, near Paris, 1784. It is some time since I receiv'd the above letters, but I have been too busy till now to think of complying with the reques...
Posted by Ben Franklin on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:54:00 PST

The Thirteen Virtues

These names of virtues, with their precepts, were: 1. TEMPERANCE. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation. 2. SILENCE. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling c...
Posted by Ben Franklin on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:24:00 PST

My Life Line..

1706 Born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17 1718 Begins an apprenticeship in his brother James' printing shop in Boston 1723 Age 17, leaves his family, running away to Philad...
Posted by Ben Franklin on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:22:00 PST