The Arts; healing, acting, film, theater, dance, literature (reading and writing), Paranormal Investigation, Travel, Good Food and Drink, Hiking, Gardening, History, By Gone Eras, Quantum and Astro Physics
Those who are interested in Alternative Therapies (esp. Rolfing(R), Cranio-sacral Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Movement and Dance Therapy), Middle Eastern Dance(including Bellydance and Folkloric Dance), Argentine Tango, Writing, Acting, Good Movies, Good Food, Good Books, Good Music, Hiking in Colorado (and everywhere else) and folks who generally live life to the fullest with honesty and integrity.
Nearly all types of music; World Music, Middle Eastern Music, Argentine Tango, Bosinova, Salsa, Flamenco and Classical Guitar, Jazz (early to modern), Big Band, Classic (and newer) Rock & Roll, Opera, Classical, Gregorian Chant, Punk, Post-punk, New Romantic, Goth, Disco.
Films from the silent era and black and whites through the technicolor era and into the present. Some of my favorite movies are based on classic literature. I also adore foreign films (especially British), classic gothic horror, fantasy, and science fiction.
My current favs: All History programs (esp. those about ancient civilizations), Planet Earth Series, Nature, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Nova, Masterpiece Theater, Cities of the Underworld, No Reservations, South Park, (RIP Shows); Flight of the Conchords, Rome, Extras, Cosmos, Connections, Six Feet Under, Carnivale, X files, Arrested Development, Sex and the City, Farscape. I don't watch this much television (really).
A few, but not all of my favorites are Ann Radcliff, The Brontes, Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Twain, Dickinson, Cervantes, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, Thackary, Hawthorn, Wilkie Collins, Edgard Allen Poe, Tolkien, Paulo Coehlo, Pablo Neruda, Rilke, Keats, Quantum Reality by Nick Herbert, Elegant Universe books by Brian Greene, A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking.
Jesus, Siddhartha, Susan B. Anthony, Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa, Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, both of my Grandmothers and my Step-grandmother as well.