Pink Lady Patty profile picture

Pink Lady Patty

Pink Lady Patty® The Queen of Oldies

About Me


I am not accepting new friends "right now". Mainly because of the Myspace glitch problems. Thank you ever so for understanding.
So many mail me, and ask
"why don't you have any pictures of yourself"
OK.. here we go again with those just surfing for pics
To those that ask here is your
I do have pics of myself
but you actually have to scroll down
or up,and look at my profile to see them.
Opening your eyes helps too.
Photo album pics are for friends ONLY!
Very Important:
Please read my entire profile before
you click “add me” or before
you mail me!
Take a few minutes to read a little
about me, and a few of
my Favorite things, and
Favorite people!
Click below to see some awesome
music videos!~These have been featured
on the Official websites of
BJ Thomas
and Johnny Maestro & The Brooklyn Bridge
I am putting one of the videos here of the song
"Precious and Few", take
a look and please go, and see the others.
Videos created by the talented WOMAN "themaltesebippy"
ALSO; For more information about
Sonny Geraci, please visit:

Some people ask me what I do. Funny thing is this;
It's been on my profile for about 2 years.
(LOL) Read on....
"Pink Lady Patty®
The Queen of Oldies's Music"
That's me~
NO,no not because of the movie Grease either.
So many people mix that up, and assume that I'm
"role playing" a Pink Ladie from the movie. NOT at all.
However , I did dress the part for a Johnny Contardo
show in June 2007. Johnny was lead singer for
Sha-Na-Na, and he did also apprear in the movie "Grease"
Photo taken 2007
Anyway.. my name, Pink Lady Patty is
MY actual trademark "Radio" name.
I have done alot of shows, but the main
one is "The Hits of Yesteryear" Radio Show
With Glenn Sauter.
It's an oldies-based show originating
(pre-recorded) in Washington, D.C. and it
features music and artists from the 50's, 60's
and 70's. It's currently in Syndication
in markets
from Oregon to New York on
terrestial radio, and is also a featured program
with top-tier ratings on the Live 365 internet network .
In New York the show is featured
on the number 1 rated station in
The Hamptons, WLNG (currently enjoying an
above 10.3 share of the market) in the
The Hamptons-Manhattan connection.

My Interests

"Oldies music"
I love, love, love it! I love bringing it to OTHER people that appreciate, and have a passion for it like I do
It's so very magical

I'd like to meet:

Groovy Friends :)
With a great sense of humor!~
Friends ONLY!
With all due respect
I am not looking for a date, at all!

Please real friends only. There is a difference.
( just my "Personal" opinion )
I.E. Who is this person to me, verses what
can they do for me bla bla bla.

Friends can still have fun, BUT
when they crossover into the land of
BS, and/or being down right rude, well
then they , to me, are (say it with me)
nuttier than a fruitcake.
I believe true friends are always
there for you, but I also believe
they understand you have a life as well.
True colors always come shining through
with the BS'ers (fruitcakes), that is a "given"

Remember to live, laugh, love
& let there be peace (vote Batman/and Batgirls 2008!)


As Far as what type of music I enjoy.. well my goodness.My life is music so I can only touch on that here.

I enjoy Big Band, Classical, Doo wop/ Oldies, psychedelic and much much more.. a mere sample is here on my profile. But my favorite era has to be the 60's.

I do NOT care for rap, well I do like "Ces Soirees La" by Yannick.. (French version of "Oh What a night") that is about as "Rap" as I go

Oh and Broadway , my heart is there for sure! I adore it.



I do enjoy many movies!
"Same Time Next Year"
is up there in the top 5.. which incidentally was also on Broadway before becoming a movie.

It Opened : Mar 14, 1975 and Closed: Sep 3, 1978.
The movie was released in 1978.
A few shows that I have seen
"Jersey Boys"
"Chicago" X 2
"Sugar Babies"
"Same Time Next Year"

Photo taken 2006


Photo below taken the end of 2007
Whatta rainy night!


New Pictures added!Hey I do not usually take these quizes, so I did and here it is WOW! They are so true! It works, it told me I was who I am! (he he)

You are Pink Lady Patty
Naurally sensual and beautiful
Uh after a ton of make up
The rest is true
he he

You're an exotic beauty who turns heads everywhere
You've got a look that's one of a kind

That's because of the Corset Lady, TY! .. What Famous whatever Are You or what, well? ..


1.) MY DAD
2.) MY 23 year old SON


Mike Gravel

My Blog

I never Blog, so why Now? JUNE 5th?

I am doing this because as alot of you know.. if anyone is even reading this.. that My dear sweet Grandma died a few months ago. I was beside myself. Oh sure I was blessed like you would not believe t...
Posted by Pink Lady Patty on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:38:00 PST