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Gothic Gypsy Witch

About Me


HIGHTOWER LOWDOWN "is to truth what Bush is to incompetence." Click here for website

About Me: I am passionate about music. Animal lover. Bush hater. Nature-lovingtree-hugging Witch. Reiki Master. Hynotherapist. Very in-touch with mydarkside & into exploring it. Very in-touch with my soul's aspirations and strive for ever-increasig Awareness. I'm bi-polar, I tend to live in extremes, my moods are subject to change at anytime. But who I am, my personal truths, are these: All life is sacred. We,and everything, have been ladled out of the same 'cosmic punch-bowl',therefore everyone & everything is interconnected. "I wasthrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I lookedinto the soul of the boy sitting next to me." - Woody Allen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My Interests

SOME OF MY LOVES: Family & Friends
My pets 8 cats, a dog, 3 pygmy goats, 3 miniature donkeys, 3 rabbits, a duck(6 were killed :( 14 hens, 3 banty roosters

Animals and Natural Areas and organizations which attempt to protect them.
Best Friends No-Kill Animal Sanctuary in Utah is huge, and awesome in its accomplishments.

On each of the websites below, you can click a button to support the cause Each click creates funding, and costs you nothing!

Otters Holding Hands IS A PROUD SPONSOR OF

CURRENT MOON lunar phase

Nature. Witchcraft. God/dess Energy.

The Bittersweet Beauty of Melancholia

Intense Relationships

And Mourning the Loss of Them
Ode to the AudioGalaxy era
Turning back the hands of time if only in my mind reliving those enticing nights of music, mirth & wine longing for the emotion -albeit fraught with pain- wondering what (or whom) can make me feel that way again

Music, Art & Photography

Pre-Raphaelite Art

Long soaks in my claw-foot tub, and luxurious French-milled soaps.

Being in our hot tub late at night, without the jets on, so the only sounds we hear are those of the gurgling of the nearby brook.
Luna, the Moon, especially when She is at Her brightest & darkest.

Sunsets which become indeliby etched in my memory

Hiking. Camping. Swimming.
Being in cold mountain lakes, clear creeks, muddy ponds, and Mother ocean
Diving into pitch-black lakes at night.
Floating in our pond, under drifting clouds, or under the dark night sky.

Watching bees & butterflies on flowers & dragonflys on waterlilys.

Traveling off the beaten path, exploring unmarked mountain roads & back-country desert...
Trees, and sitting with my back against them -especially very old ones.

Wandering in deep forests.

The magnificent beauty of Nature as She changes from one season to the next...
Cold Winter Morns when all is frosted & pristine...and the snow looks like diamonds

Spring's renewal...the awakening flora and the whirr of insects.

Peepers & bullfrogs in Summer. Wysteria.
The scent of approaching rain & the fierce beauty of thunderstorms.
Lush green enchanted woods & grottos.

Autumn's colored leaves, adrift on wind or water;
and the exquisite fragrance of damp earth & decaying leaves.

The earthy scents of Patchouli and Vetiver.
Nocturnal creatures. The haunting calls of owls and loons.
The magickal moments of Dusk & Dawn.

Evening walks in fog-shrouded woods...

Standing in the wind - mesmerized, charged...ALIVE - as storms draw near

Abandoned cemeteries, especially on grey rainy days;
and on moonlit nights, when the tombstones take on a ghostly glow.

Goth culture. Body modification.
Horror novels & movies. Vampires. Ghosts. Ouija boards & seances.
Haunted houses (I lived in one for 22 yrs.)
Being afraid...getting off on the adrenaline rush it creates.

ALONE ~Edgar Allan Poe
From childhood's hour I have not been As others were; I have not seen My sorrow; I could not awaken My heart to joy at the same tone; And all I loved, I loved alone. Then- in my childhood, in the dawn Of a most stormy life- was drawn From every depth of good and ill The mystery which binds me still: From the torrent, or the fountain, From the red cliff of the mountain, From the sun that round me rolled In its autumn tint of gold, From the lightning in the sky From the thunder and the storm, And the cloud that took the form (When the rest of Heaven was blue) Of a demon in my view.
Blood. Cutting.

Writing, with elegant pens in fine leather-bound journals, at night, by candlelight;
and hand-written letters on beautiful stationery.

All-night-long conversations over merlot & candlelight.
Gourmet chocolate & Dark Sumatra coffee.
Polishing off a bottle of Mezcal & downing the worm in the last shot.
Corona(s!)with lime of course.
Emily the Strange & Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl

Altered states of consciousness.

Grass, all kinds. Mushrooms, all kinds.

This is your brain

This is your brain on acid


wandering...wondering...full of wonder feeling at one with god/dess's green earth and yet, not feeling a part of this world -- how can this be?

many questions unanswered, but this i know: i live for the vibrations of earth and sky, of water and wind. i close my eyes, and there are no boundaries, no physical body confining my spirit... and yet i cannot say that i 'float free' for i am tethered to the beauty of this world - fierce & fleeting tho' it may be.i wander amongst the trees i rush with the stream's flowing waters not knowing, not wanting to know, where i end and everything else begins.and then there are the starsburning in the night sky, and in my memories... calling to me, in a soundless way... which is felt, not heard-- my heart knows how to listen.again i ask: how can i be a part of this magick, and yet feel i do not belong to this place, this time?TRUST. trust that i know what i need to know, for here, for now....but never giving up hope of knowing more! ~~~~ ©LunaLadee

I'd like to meet:

MELANCHOLY SOULS drawn to dark beauty.

ENLIGHTENED BEINGS on a quest to heighten their Awareness & connection with Divinity

KINDRED SPIRITS who truly love animals, Nature & music

And, of course, Witches & Pagans & Goths, oh my! ;-)

The Goddess, and Goth: both embody beauty...Light & Dark aspects...

I am the harmonious tune of the songbird And the laughter of a gleeful child I am the bubbling sound of the running brook And the scent of the flowers wild
I am the floating leaf upon the breeze And the dancing fire in the forest glade I am the sweet smell of rains upon the soil And the rapture of passion when love is made
I am the germination of seed in the Spring And the ripening of wheat in the Sun I am the peaceful depth of the twilight That soothes the soul when day is done
I am found in the twinkling of an aged eye And found in the birth of a newborn pup Yes...Birth and Growth and Death, am I I am the gracious Earth, on whom you sup
I am your sister, your mother, the wise one I wrap you gently in the warmth of my love That which your seek you shall find within: Not without...not below...not above!
Remember always, my children, be reverent Be gentle, loving and kind to each other And hold sacred the Earth and its creatures: For I am the Lady: Creatrix and Mother!-Kalioppe-

I AM A STRONG WOMAN...but that doesn't mean I don't have "off days"...
As I let go of my feelings of guilt, I am in touch with my inner sociopath. I have the power to channel my imagination into ever-soaring levels of suspicion and paranoia. I assume full responsibility for my actions, except the ones that are someone else's fault. In some cultures what I do would be considered normal. My intuition nearly makes up for my lack of wisdom and judgment. I need not suffer in silence while I can still moan, whimper and complain. When someone hurts me, I know that forgiveness is cheaper than a lawsuit, but not nearly as rewarding. I am at one with my duality. Blessed are the flexible, for they can tie themselves in knots. I honor and express all facets of my being, regardless of state and local laws. Just for today, I will not sit in my living room all day in my underwear...instead, I will move my computer into the bedroom. I will no longer waste my time reliving the past; I will spend it worrying about the future. The complete lack of evidence is the surest proof that the conspiracy is working. Before I criticize a person, I'll walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get angry, they're a mile away and barefoot.


I LOVE: Lyrics so exquisite they overwhelm me.

Music which resonates so deeply within that it expresses far more than words ever could.

Rhythms which awaken the oldest part of my psyche, transporting me to the time when life was dictated by the rhythms of Nature, not clocks.

There are too many favorites to list, but here are some artists and particular songs that I really like.
*****CURRENTLY IN LOVE WITH: CARVED IN STONE***** such a sublime, melancholic sound - beautiful songs about Death. Very highly recommended! especially "The Lady of the Wood" & "Longing for Home" & "Last Words" & "Sohn der Morganrote". Actually, all of her songs are beautiful!

Also listening to SWANS OF AVON especially love "Maniac Dreamer"(accoustic version) & "Sun of Eve". PENITENT. TENHI. NEUTRAL esp."Diamonds in Your Hands" with Romowe Rikoito.

BACKWORLD esp."Leaves in Autumn" and Wishbone Ash "Leaf and Stream" two very beautiful songs which compliment each other.

WHEN IT'S 3 A.M. and your mind still won't let you sleep, put these songs on 'repeat' and just cry... Evanescence "My Immortal" & Joan Osborne "Crazy Baby" & Mojave 3 "She Broke You Softly" & Cowboy Junkies "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" & Gary Allan "Smokerings in the Dark" (NOTE: There are less than a dozen Country songs I like, this is one; after driving too many hours, I checked into a motel in some southern state, fell across the bed, turned on the radio, this song was playing...and the lyrics really got to me.)

Banco de Gaia "Glove Puppet" - for when one feels inadequate.

TWO SONGS absolutely perfect for obsessing over someone: Star Industry "Like a Ghost" and Love & Rockets "Haunted".

THREE SONGS which play together nicely: Stone Breath "Sleep Then, With the Incense of Orchids Around You" - so magical and hypotic...close your eyes and be carried to another realm. Ataraxia "I Love Every Waving Thing" and Sanctum "Dragonfly".

VERY BEAUTIFUL MUSIC... Sarah Brightman. Loreena McKennitt. Enya esp."Evening Falls" - so hauntingly beautiful! Philip Riley & Jayne Elleson esp. "Pictish Girl" & "Sanctus" & "Soon the Day Will Fade Away" -all beautiful! If you like Enya, you'll like Riley & Elleson. Idir & Karen Matheson "A Vava Inouva" gorgeous! Lothlorien esp. "Siuil a Ruin" -one of many good versions of this beautiful song. Ceredwen. Vas. Angels of Venice. Kate Price esp."Slavic Nights". Libana esp."Lo Yisa Goy". Connie Dover esp."Ubi Caritas". Libera. Bond.

DEAD CAN DANCE. Lisa Gerrard. Brendan Perry.

WENDY RULE a beautiful witch with an amazing voice! Powerful lyrics. Esp. love "Danse Macabre." INKUBUS SUKKUBUS *excellent* pagan/goth-rock! Gypsy's Soul "Epona's Wild Daughter". Inanna "Moon Daughter".

HANNAH FURY esp. "Away" (listen to the lyrics!) Corrina Fugate esp. "Cold" a beautiful song about SI (cutting).

ABNEY PARK can't think of anyone to compare them to, their sound is unique & fantastic!

Empyrium esp."Dying Brokenhearted" & "Lover's Grief" & "The Sad Song and the Wind" - such sublime melancholy! The 3rd and the Mortal. Kari Rueslatten. Within Temptation.

Drain S.T.H. esp."Unforgiving Hours". Hungry Lucy. Faith and the Muse. Nox Arcana. Clan of Xymox.

Autumn's Tears. In Gowan Ring. Nature & Organization. Current93. Death in June. ATF. Coil. The Iditarod & Sharron Kraus.

The Moon and the Night Spirit. O Quam Tristis. Six Organs of Admittance. The Joy of Nature. Love is Colder Than Death. Dark Sanctuary. Elijah's Mantle. Ozymandias. Regard Extreme. Ophelia's Dream. Ashram. Ronan Quays. Helium Vola. The Soil Bleeds Black. TMLHBAC. Of the Wand and the Moon esp."I Crave for You" & "Raven Chant". Elane. Chamber of Sorrows. Faun. Nebelung. Goblin Market "No Grace" (beautiful, but how empty one must feel, believing that).

Fictional esp. "Hangman" & "On Helloween". Iris. Angels & Agony. Diorama esp. "Leaving Hollywood". Merge esp."Lost in Eternity". Mesh. Gossamer esp. the Wayne Hussey remixes. Depeche Mode. DeVision esp."Regret". Wolfsheim esp. "Blind". D-devils "Black Magic". Perfidious Words. Solitary Experiments.

DELERIUM esp. "Karma" album. SARAH McLACHLAN esp. "Possession" & "Ice", & "Silence" w/ Delerium, & "Angel" w/ Emmylou Harris.

BTfaBG. AREA (Projekt Label) esp. "Tunnel" & "Vigilant" (exquisitely melancholy songs from this group.) Wendy Wall "Time of the Season" cover & "Nothing Lasts Forever" (she has a deep sexy voice). Johnny Hollow "Gone".

Peter Murphy esp. "Let Me Love You" & "Cuts You Up". This Mortal Coil. Sisters of Mercy. Hilmar Orn Hilmarson. Midnattsol esp. "Unpayable Silence". November Project "Endless Circle". The Days of the Moon "Droit du Seigneur". Hooo "Angels Like Moths Eat the Leaves". Kari Rueslatten esp. "I Mavens Favn". Sorrow esp. "Haunting" & "Evo". Ivoux "Rusalka". Asp "Where Do the Gods Go?" & "Sing Child". Blue October "Black Orchid". Bella Morte "Winter". Blackmore's Night esp. "Ocean Gypsy". Cold "Witches". Cowboy Junkies esp. "Witches" & "Misguided Angel". Rachels. Glenn Danzig's "Black Aria" album. Sky Cries Mary "Back to the Sea". Alan Moore & David J's "March of the Sinister Ducks". Weltenbrand esp. "In God's or the Devil's Name". Mike Oldfield "Moonlight Shadow". Nick Cave esp. "Weeping Song". Leonard Cohen. Nick Drake esp. "Cello Song". Jeff Buckley. Northern Territories. Hedwig & the Angry Inch "Origin of Love". Oasis cover of Cat Stevens "Trouble". Din Fiv "We Are". Rosa Crux esp. "Invocation". Rosewater Elizabeth "Endings". Saviour Machine "Behold a Pale Horse". Seabound "Avalost." Seal "Kiss from a Rose." Secret Discovery esp. "Slave." Loren DiGiorgi "Eulogy". Lunascape esp. "Tears from the Moon." & Conjure One esp. "Tears from the Moon." Lonesome Wyatt and the Holy Spooks "A Lovely Coffin." Maria McKee "Breathe" (incredible lyrics!.) Madrugada esp. "A Deadened Mind." Engelsstaub esp."L'appel de l'ange". Josh Groban's cover of "Vincent" for the melancholy mad artist. Pink Martini "Song of the Black Lizard". Pierre Esteve "Black Moon" (different, great.) Gothic Love Trip "Corsets of Broken Bone". Folk Implosion "Simean Groove" & "Natural One". Godhead cover of "Eleanor Rigby". Karla Bonoff's cover of "The Water is Wide". Laika "Black Cat Bone". The Merry Thoughts. The Magnetic Fields "Epitaph for My Heart". Michael Gira. My Dying Bride "For You" & "For My Fallen Angel." Per Somnia. Shadow Project "Forever Came Today". Silverman "Gun at My Head". Mellow Candle "Silver Song". Shivaree "Goodnight Moon". Zeeza "Lament of a Vampire's Mistress". The Damned "Sanctum Sanctorum". The New York Room esp."Minion of the Gypsies". Sunwheel "Walk Upon the Grass". Eleni Mandell "Snake Song". Universalia Jane "Ode for Emancipation". Sheila Chandra esp. "Ever So Lonely Eyes" & "Song of the Banshee". Van "Count Dracula". Xymox. Susheela Raman's cover of "Song to the Siren".

BACK IN ANOTHER LIFETIME, when I was a hippie chick...

esp."Witchwood" & "The Papist". Rick Wakeman (esp. "The Sad Dream)/Yes. Fotheringay/Sandy Denny/Fairport Convention esp. "Winter Winds" & "The Way I Feel" (ah, god, Trevor Lucas has such a great voice!) Steeleye Span esp. "Cold, Rainy, Haily Night". Matthew's Southern Comfort "Darkness Darkness" & "The Castle Far". Maddy Prior & June Tabor "Grey Funnel Line" (gorgeous harmony!). Pentangle esp. "Lyke Wake Dirge". THE BEATLES esp. "A Day in the Life" & "In My Life" & "She's Leaving Home". JOHN LENNON esp. "Imagine" the ultimate creed for peace. PINK FLOYD. LED ZEPPLIN. THE DOORS. SANTANA esp. "Black Magic Woman". King Crimson's "Moonchild". Ultimate Spinach esp. "Hip Death Goddess". The Zombies esp. "A Rose for Emily" & "Time of the Season" & "Hung Up on a Dream". The Beau Brummels. The Steve Miller Band. Cat Stevens esp. "Sad Lisa" beautiful lyrics & "Trouble". Donovan "The Mountain" & "Season of the Witch". The Electric Prunes "I Had Too Much to Dream Last Night. Linda Ronstadt. Fleetwood Mac, post-blues but pre-80s. The Troggs esp. "Wild Thing". The Rolling Stones esp. "Sympathy for the Devil". Buffalo Springfield. Neil Young. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young esp. "Teach Your Children". Tommy James & the Shondells. The Monkees esp. "Shades of Grey" & "She". The Kinks esp. "You Really Got Me". Jimi Hendrix esp. "Purple Haze" & "All Along the Watchtower". JEFFERSON AIRPLANE esp."Somebody to Love". The Animals esp. "House of the Rising Sun". The Moody Blues esp. "Nights in White Satin". Procol Harum esp. "A Whiter Shade of Pale". The Rascals. The Byrds. The Yardbirds/Eric Clapton/John Mayall's Bluesbreakers/Cream(esp. "White Room" & "Sunshine of Your Love")/Blind Faith. The Mamas & the Papas esp. "California Dreamin'". The Turtles. The Association. The Lovin' Spoonful. The Cowsills "The Rain, The Park & Other Things". Paul Revere & The Raiders. The Outsiders "Girl in Love".

To Be Continued...this is an ongoing work


Woody Allen's movies. Kevin Smith's movies. Tim Burton's movies. Movies with Johnny Depp Helena Bonham Carter Christopher Walken Christina Ricci and John Malkovich
Black Humor, such as "After Hours" & "Last Supper" & "Heathers" & "Happiness" & "House of Yes" & "Drowning Mona" & "Jawbreakers""Mind Walk" -if I had the money, I'd buy it for everyone I know.
Tons of scary movies (I'm still working on that list)
Bizarre Movies:
Check out Dr. Caligari 1986 cult hit


The Llama Song
Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Spider Webs


Spongebong hemp pants


(I'm in recovery from my prior addictions to the X-Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and South Park.)


Too many to list, here are a few:
The Works Of:
Fritjof Capra
Rupert Sheldrake
Thich Nhat Hanh
Matthew Fox
Terance McKenna
Chris Griscom, esp. "Time is an Illusion"
Charlotte Brontë
Emily Bronte
George Eliot(Mary Anne Evans)
Jane Austen
Sylvia Plath
Edgar Allan Poe (I love the poem "Alone")
Anais Nin
Tom Robbins
Poppy Z. Brite's horror novels
Leilah Wendell "Our Name is Melancholy"
Tom Holland "Slave to My Thirst" & "Lord of the Dead"
Anne Rice's first three vampire novels & "Memnoch the Devil"
"When Elephants Weep". "The Parrot's Lament". "Through Animals'Eyes". "Witchcraft: Theory and Practice". "The Spiral Dance". "Drawing Down the Moon". "The Blade and the Chalice". "This Elegant Universe". "The New Physics". "Mysticism and the New Physics". "Cosmic Consciousness". "The Oracle Glass". "The Red Tent". "Stranger in a Strange Land". "Schroedinger's Cat". "Demon Box". "Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream". "Nine and a Half Weeks: A Memoir of a Love Affair". "Written on the Body". "Damage". "The Torture Garden". "Topping from Below". "Meeting the Master". "Kink" (and most Kathe Koja novels.) "Confessions of a Pagan Nun". "The Monk". "Catcher in the Rye". "A Clockwork Orange". "The Sheltering Sky". "Noctuary". "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". "Blood Kiss: Vampire Erotica". "Dark Angels: Lesbian Vampire Stories". "Daughters of Darkness: Lesbian Vampire Stories". "Asylum". "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me". "Angels & Demons". "Far Journeys". "Meeting the Shadow". "A Creed for the Third Millennium". And many more...
---WORTH READING: The Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, had been observed in the wild for a period of over 30years. In 1952, on the island of Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant. An 18-month-old female named Imo found she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way and they taught their mothers too. This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys before the eyes of the scientists. Between 1952 and 1958 all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable. Only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes. Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshimam monkeys were washing sweet potatoes - the exact number is not known. Let us suppose that when the sun rose one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their sweet potatoes. Let's further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes. THEN IT HAPPENED! By that evening almost everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them. The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough! But notice: A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea. Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes. Thus, when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind. Although the exact number may vary, this Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon means that when only a limited number of people know of a new way, it may remain the conscious property of these people. But there is a point at which if only one more person tunes-in to a new awareness, a field is strengthened so that this awareness is picked up by almost everyone! --an excerpt from "The 100th Monkey: A Story About Social Change" by Ken Keyes, Jr. In the mood for mind-expansion? Check out And the writings of Fritjof Capra, Ph.D., physicist and systems theorist. Or watch the movie "Mindwalk" for a synopsis of his theories. Brilliant.


Real people in my life: my husband & children & parents; some of my friends. They're honest & open: sharing their trials, victories & failures...letting me learn from their experiences. My Father, for having fought & been wounded in WWII, and survived floating in the freezing North Atlantic after his ship was torpedoed...he joined the Navy at the age of 17, wanting to be of service to his country. These people have taught me the meaning of true "unconditional love." And speaking of that, I must mention the many animals with whom I share my life. Pets give 200% but expect so little in of life's true blessings. Life, it's all about Love.

My Blog

The Meaning of Life - Is There Any?

A friend posted an interesting blog on his page, and inspired me to start one.  Here is my reply to his post, which questions "reality". Since no one has come up with a definitive explanation, i...
Posted by Luna on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:39:00 PST