We come from a land in the heart of Europe, in days of yore
called Boiohaemum. Our country lies in the cradle of the Celtic cultural tradition,
which later integrated the elements of German and Slavonic tribes and formed
an individual Central-European cultural inheritance.
Our music and lyrics are adherent to the tradition of our pagan forefathers.
Many years of oppression by the Christ doctrine couldn't destroy our bonds and
we have discovered the fascinating fountain of inspiration. The ancient wisdom
is in opposition to the present life-style and we think, that nowadays we might
be enlightened by it. Our view of the world is a view of a pagan born into the
present. We don't want to tell anyone the old sagas and stories. Our lyrics
contain present-day topics and reflect the course of events around us, but it's
veiled with symbols, that are native and intimate for us.
The Pagan Gods still live in all of us..
Beltaine - Lone
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