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The Witch's Cottage

I am here for Friends

About Me

Welcome to the witch's cottage...nestled in an ancient forest, where magick is alive and well. Here you will find many a curious tale, an online book of shadows, and the wisdom of the old ways. Have a look around, enjoy your stay, and come back again! Merry meet and merry part, until we merry meet again, my friend.


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My Interests

witchcraft, nature spirituality, gaia, the lord and lady, the wild wood, the fae, spellcraft, grey cats, ancient forests, full moons, the sea, starry nights, divination, the tarot, making oils, insence, teas. crystals, astral travel, spells, the sabbats, beautiful altars, a well stocked herb cabinet...

I'd like to meet:

witches, wild women, goddesses, faeries...

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the moors, loreena mckennit, gabrielle roth and the mirrors, dead can dance, lots of others.


the mists of avalon, the last unicorn, the dark crystal, legend, practical magic, bell, book and candle, the wicker man, many others.


charmed, ghosthunters, anything on discovery, history, etc having to do with the paranormal.


i will be putting together a book list shortly, of my favorites. :)


my sacred mother in this life, and the great mother of us all.