Christopher Penczak profile picture

Christopher Penczak

Those who seek only the heavens never grow deep. Seek wisdom in the dark, wet places and you’ll fi

About Me

Hi. My name is Christopher Penczak. I'm a modern witch living in New Hampshire with my husband, RPG author Steve Kenson ( I'm an ordained minister focusing on the pagan and gay communities, teaching classes on witchcraft, magick and healing, as well as writing books such as The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, The Outer Temple of Witchcraft, The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft, Gay Witchcraft, Instant Magick, City Magick, Spirit Allies, and Sons of the Goddess. I write and see clients during the day and teach at night and on weekends. I travel a lot on book tours and doing weekend intensives. Who knows, I might be in a town near you soon. Check my schedule on My students often ask what they should call themselves. I don't teach a lineage based tradition, but one that focuses on your individual relationship with the divine. But that often leaves you without a label to describe yourself to others. We don't have a title like Gardnerian or Alexandrian. I call the teaching tradition the Temple of Witchcraft, but some of my funnier students have been going around calling themselves Christopherians. Though I think its silly and discourage it, and know they only do it in jest, I like it better than Penczakians, so I thought I would embrace it this once on my MySpace account.

My Interests

Witchcraft, Wicca, Paganism, Magick, Astrology, Alchemy, Thelema, Crystals, Herbalism, Flower Essences, Yoga, Books, Writing, Tarot, Faeries, Ancestors, Egypt, Sumer, Celtic, Mythology, Comics, X-Men, Vertigo Comics, Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, Warren Ellis, Music, Guitar, Piano, Gardening, Fitness, Body Building, Cartoons,

I'd like to meet:

I'm looking to connect with other like minded indviduals interested in the healing arts. Since I'm on the road so much, I don't have a lot of time to write back or comment on your page, but I thought this is a good way to let people know what I'm up to and what's on my mind. If you want to be approved as a friend - send me an email and tell me a little bit about yourself so I can easily figure out who is spam and who is real...


Tori Amos, Belly, Tanya Donelly, Jesus Jones, Bang Tango, Mother Love Bone, Cinderella, Guns N Roses, The Cowboy Junkies, The Pixies, P.J. Harvey, Liz Phair, Sky Heroes, Igor Stravinksy, Wolfgang Amodeus Mozart, Patsy Cline, Aimee Mann, Dead Can Dance, Wendy Rule, Juliana Hatfield, Catherine Wheel, Letters to Cleo, Prince, U2


Not a huge movie buff - The usual trilogies: Star Wars series, X-Men series, Lord of the Rings. Dark comedies and sci-fi.


Daily Show, West Wing, Veronica Mars, Harvy Birdman, Venture Brothers, Star Trek, Justice League, Pokemon, Doctor Who


(and Comic Books) - The Vampire Lestat by Ann Rice, Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda, The Witching Hour by Ann Rice, The Sandman Graphic Novel Series by Neil Gaimen, Power of the Witch by Laurie Cabot, The Living Gita by Sri Swami Satchidananda, The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, Lammas Night by Katherine Kurtz, Technobabel by Steve Kenson, The Living One by Lewis Ganet , Nothing in this Book is True by Bob Frissell, X-Men: The Phoenix Saga By Chris Clarmont and John Byrne,


Well - beings that I admire - Ghandi, Maria Prophetissa, Nicohals Flamel, Solomon, Comte de Saint German, Gwydion, Macha, Sun Bear, Yogananda, Jacques DeMolay, Orpheus

My Blog

Samhain Mailing

Samhain Blessings and Welcome to the Darkening of the Year, My favorite time of year falls upon us, the Season of the Witch. I've been blessed to be able to spend more time outdoors, amongst the falli...
Posted by Christopher Penczak on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 09:06:00 PST

Magickal Mountain Mabon Weekend

Sorry it's taken me so long to post about what was overall a really great trip. My travels out were both a blessing and a curse. I got up at "oh my gods'o'clock" to make my plane, to find out it was d...
Posted by Christopher Penczak on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 10:53:00 PST

The Cup of Healing at Between the Worlds

I'm back home from BTW, only to do laundry, pack up and head off to the Chamisa Mabon celebration in New Mexico, which I mistakenly keep posting that it's in Arizona. I'm not sure why...perhaps I need...
Posted by Christopher Penczak on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 06:23:00 PST

In-Person and Online Inner Temple Apprenticeship

I am very pleased to announce a special learning opportunity. Starting this fall, I'll be teaching a year-long Inner Temple of Witchcraft apprenticeship. There are two options available. The first is ...
Posted by Christopher Penczak on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 08:36:00 PST

Dream Poetry

I woke up with these words and images in my head earlier in the week and meant to post it. I have worn the birch cap and held the willow wandI have prayed in the temples and bowed before godsWith fami...
Posted by Christopher Penczak on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 06:36:00 PST

Lammas Incense

For the incense makers amongst my readers, here is my Lammas Incense recipe. Lammas Incense 2 Parts Frankincense1 Part Hops1 Part Mullien Leaf1 Part Milky Oats1 Part Sassafras1 Part Chamomile1 Part Sa...
Posted by Christopher Penczak on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 12:15:00 PST

Lammas Blessing

We approach the festival of Lammas, also known as Lughnassah or First Harvest. In the mythos of the Wheel of the Year, the God of Oak and Growing Things was defeated by his dark half, the Horned Hunte...
Posted by Christopher Penczak on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:53:00 PST

Summer/Fall Class Schedule and Solstice Mailing

Blessed Solstice, I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather. I've been busily gardening this year, for the first time in years starting plants by seed. I was gifted with an amazing group of traditi...
Posted by Christopher Penczak on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 07:25:00 PST

Super Complex (but Fun) Solstice Incense

Blessed Solstice Everyone,Though I have missed out on a Beltaine Incense, as I was traveling and didn't celebrate a sabbat at home this year, I am home for Litha, and I wanted to share again my super ...
Posted by Christopher Penczak on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 04:31:00 PST

Online Teaching?

I'm taking a bit of a poll. I get asked a lot to do online classes and teach people via a distance, because even with my travel schedule, many people cannot make it out to one of my events. Though I p...
Posted by Christopher Penczak on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:07:00 PST