Thelema, Ordo Templi Orientis, Aleister Crowley, Magick, Mysticism, Occult, , Ceremonial Magick, Solomonic Magick, Scottish Rite Masonry, Enochian, Goetia, Tarot, Qabalah, Books, Pagan, Knights Templar, Gnostics, Guitar, Ukulele, Magical Egypt, Oracles, Alchemy, Tantra, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica.WESTERN CEREMONIAL MAGICK -- ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (O.T.O. ) --Since 1975 I've been deeply involoved in the work of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) a magical fraternal organization formed at the turn of the 20th century and led for a number of years by the controversial writer/poet/mountaineer/magician, Aleister Crowley. I am currently the O.T.O.'s United States Deputy Grand Master General. I travel quite alot each year, both on Order business and to promote my books and DVDs.FREEMASONRY---I'm a Freemason, and take particular interest in the esoteric aspects of this venerable Craft.WRITING -- I have been writing professionally since 1990. I've been very lucky in getting my books published. ( See ) I currently have fourteen or so titles currently in print and have had my books translated into 8 languages. I'm constantly working on new books and other occult related projectsRELAXATION -- I am very lazy. I'm a non-smoker, but I eat too much, and when not otherwise constructively occupied, have a penchant for an afternoon martini or two.CHARLEY D. AND MILO -- I was a musician as a young man. I even did some songwriting and together with my partner Charley D. Harris recorded two singles and an album on the Epic Records label. We called ourselves Charley D. and Milo. I recently recorded a CD of my songs of sentiment and blaspheme that if you go to my website you can purchase .... I'm not asking you to listen to... just buy it.I try to relax everyday by playing my guitar and ukulele. This irritates Constance no end. (But she likes the ukulele best ... she says it gives me "Homeopathic Sex-appeal."
Lao Tzu ___________________________________________________________
Very eclectic. (I hate that word for some reason.) Classical music is my soundtrack-of-life drug of choice, but I love all sorts of genres and artists, especially standards from the 30s...Cole Porter, the Gershwin brothers, Josephine Baker. I was crazy about the Beatles, Bob Dylan, and the Fuggs, but I'm not very knowledgeable about newer artists, not out of lack of interest, but simply out of lack of hours in the day. I was a musician before I became a magician. I pretty much gave it a rest for 25 years. Now I love to plunk around. Recently I acquired a beautiful new Larrivee OM-03 that sounds so good it makes me cry. I've even recently recorded a CD of my blasphemous ditties. You can (shameless plug warning) you can even order it at: get it. It's not like I'm asking you to listen to it!
Back in the early 70s I studied acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute in Hollywood. Strasberg was still alive and teaching the Monday workshops. That was a real thrill. I didn't really have acting ambitions. I just thought it would be cool to be educated in the "Method". I love film though, but I travel so much that I mostly have to see my movies at 35,000 feet and hear them on funky little headsets. My classic favorites are; Rear Window, North by Northwest, Elmer Gantry, Robin Hood, The Man Who Would be King, Chinatown, LA Confidential, Akira, Spirited Away, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Kill Bill II, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, anything with the master Depp, Remains of the Day, Howard's End, Lord of the Rings (all), Good Night, Good Luck, Unforgiven, Airplane, Young Frankenstein, and the 1966 short film, "Da Duva (The Dove)."..
I LOVE DEXTER! Between OTO meetings and lecture I watched the entire first season a few weeks ago with my friend Hannah in NYC. Thanks Hannah. Dexter is truly about the real meaning of 'family'.Constance and I are the classic PBS family. We don't have cable and so are missing out on a few of the better things (I lament missing the Daily Show). But I certainly don't miss the 'reality' shows and Fox News. I appear from time to time on television programs that need a comment or two by an occult studies expert with silver hair, but I've yet to actually see the programs in which I appear.I confess that I like The Office and My Name is Earl (and when Constance is taking a bath, the Law and Order programs.
Ironically, I don't read much for recreation. I do, however, consume more than my share of quaint and currious volumes of forbidden lore, some of it very old and rare._______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________~Below is information about the most recent published work by Lon Milo Duquette~
__________________________________________Accidental Christ
The Story of Jesus
(as told by his uncle)
a novel by
Lon Milo DuQuette
ISBN-13: 987-0978959203
2000 years ago a man walked the sands of Roman Palestine
Some called him "King"
others called him "God"
but who was he... really?
Could his story and his words all have been one, big misunderstanding?
Could he have been the Accidental Christ? ____________________________________________________________
Constance DuQuette; Arild Stromsvag; Mel Bay; Ken Nordine, LeRoy Lauer, Cole Porter, Robert Anton Wilson; Orson Wells; Hypatia of Alexander; Mansur el Halaj; Jacques DeMolay; Ben Franklin; Mark Twain; Pete Seager, Fred Astair, Albert Pike; Sir Francis Dashwood; Aleister Crowley; Timothy Leary; John Lennon; I.Z. Gilford; Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford.