Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD profile picture

Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD

Hated by men of science and faith alike!

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( The Baron is the finest 5000 year old ex-super villain astrologer you'll ever meet. Bio: Born in Babylon in 3579 BCE to a family of priest-astrologers, he was an impetuous youth. He graduated, with honors, from Babylon University (Go Scorpions!) with degrees in Astrology and Planetary Magic, and a minor in Doom Studies. After a brief career as an advisor to the king, he found himself dissatisfied helping the corrupt monarch plot successful military campaigns, and bored with helping the farmers bring in a good harvest. Tired of wordly concerns, he decideded to pursue something interesting: Super-Villainy! A distinguished career followed: - Caused Trojan War
- Fall of Roman Empire
- Gave Charlemagne massive wedgie For a complete Resume, check But all good (and evil) things come to an end. The Baron withdrew from the material plane in the late 11th century and settled into a quaint cabin on the astral. After centuries of meditation, he set a new and possibly suicidal challenge: Us his potent astro-skills to help the humans, despite the obvious futility. Needing a body, he possessed the finest of his descendents and set about spreading his word far and wide. These days the Baron works as a mortal astrologer, dividing his time between writing, teaching, and reading charts. If you are interested in a private reading, please email the Baron for a services and prices. - BSVC Ministry of Propaganda
Note: The Baron's bitter wisdom is also available outside of myspace. Try Abyssal Epistles on Blogger
Classic Columns! The Zodiac Of: EssenceRelationshipsSelf UndoingStrategyMental FailurePsychological WarfareRPG NerdinessMartial StyleSexual Shortcomings
Dialogues w/ Lon Milo Duquette:Baron Vs. Rabbi, Round IVirtuous Pagans: Equinox Dialogue
Special Topics:New Planets in AstrologyInterview With Pluto

My Interests

Watching the tragic/comic lives of men and civilizations from the shadows, eyes like clocks, counting out the days that remain. The Baron also enjoys watching television in this manner. The Baron also very much enjoys writing/speaking in the third person. Passive tense is also under-rated, in the Baron's opinion.

I'd like to meet:

The Baron is primarily concerned with finding mortals who’re interested in drinking from his cup of bitter wisdom. It’s a lot like coffee, so don’t be afraid. Publishing contacts, other ex-super villains, and minions are also encouraged to contact the Baron. Especially hot minions.The Baron would love to meet the mysterious "Red Baron," as his pizza is delicious, and perhaps he could have a little "Baron talk" with him. The Baron misses staying up all night, eating popcorn, giggling and having "Baron talk." Sigh.


The deafening hoofbeats of humanity, steadily marching toward annihilation. In additon to this distinguished aural palate pleaser, the Baron has recently become aware of another sonic project. Apparently his experimental attempts at dual-incarnation were a success, and he has also manifested as a music group, Baron Samadhi . Unfortunately, the Baron has no memories of this attempt, and associations between him and this band must currently be considered cosmic coincidence.


The Baron enjoys Donnie Darko, as he, too, was once trapped in a pocket dimension. The Baron is also down with some Live and Let Die.




The Book of the Law, The Book of Thoth, The Book of the Names of the Dead, The Book of Changes, The Teen Witch's Book of Super-Sexy Spella and Incantations, and anything John Grisham - the Baron loves trashy page-turners!


Magnetar Craptuck, Tiger Claustin, Phobos and William Isle Esq.

My Blog

Astrology 19th-25th: Mental Maelstrom

ABYSSAL EPISTLES The Astrology of Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse  Disclaimer: If you do not take every word of these horoscopes with the utmost faith, you will die. Statistics bear this out. ...
Posted by Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD on Tue, 20 May 2008 03:51:00 PST

Astrology 12th-18th: Juggernaut Repair Service

Posted by Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD on Thu, 15 May 2008 04:17:00 PST

Astrology 5th-11th: Exit Strategy

Posted by Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD on Tue, 06 May 2008 01:51:00 PST

May Readings

Hey Folks,     The Baron's fragile mortal vessel is filling in his consultation schedule for May.  Please send all inquiries about consultations to this myspace profile or direct i...
Posted by Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD on Thu, 01 May 2008 02:49:00 PST

Astrology 28th-4th: Concrete Improvements

Posted by Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:49:00 PST

Astrology 21st-27th: Incomplete

ABYSSAL EPISTLES The Astrology of Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse  Disclaimer: If you do not take every word of these horoscopes with the utmost faith, you will die. Statistics bear this out...
Posted by Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:11:00 PST

Spring Astrology Classes

Spring Cleaning For Your (Beer) Battered Soul!    Wash out your ears and spread your legs, it's time for the Spring semester of Astrology clases.     The Baron's mortal a...
Posted by Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:18:00 PST

Astrology 14th-20th: Geopathic Stress

ABYSSAL EPISTLES The Astrology of Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD  Disclaimer: If you do not take every word of these horoscopes with the utmost faith, you will die. Statistics bear this ou...
Posted by Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:22:00 PST

Astrology 7th-13th: Only So Many Bricks

ABYSSAL EPISTLES The Astrology of Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD  Disclaimer: If you do not take every word of these horoscopes with the utmost faith, you will die. Statistics bear this ou...
Posted by Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 04:06:00 PST

Astrology 31st-6th: Pleasant Thunder

ABYSSAL EPISTLES The Astrology of Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD  Disclaimer: If you do not take every word of these horoscopes with the utmost faith, you will die. Statistics bear this ou...
Posted by Baron Samadhi von Coppockalypse, PhD on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 04:46:00 PST