Watching the tragic/comic lives of men and civilizations from the shadows, eyes like clocks, counting out the days that remain. The Baron also enjoys watching television in this manner. The Baron also very much enjoys writing/speaking in the third person. Passive tense is also under-rated, in the Baron's opinion.
The Baron is primarily concerned with finding mortals who’re interested in drinking from his cup of bitter wisdom. It’s a lot like coffee, so don’t be afraid. Publishing contacts, other ex-super villains, and minions are also encouraged to contact the Baron. Especially hot minions.The Baron would love to meet the mysterious "Red Baron," as his pizza is delicious, and perhaps he could have a little "Baron talk" with him. The Baron misses staying up all night, eating popcorn, giggling and having "Baron talk." Sigh.
The deafening hoofbeats of humanity, steadily marching toward annihilation. In additon to this distinguished aural palate pleaser, the Baron has recently become aware of another sonic project. Apparently his experimental attempts at dual-incarnation were a success, and he has also manifested as a music group, Baron Samadhi . Unfortunately, the Baron has no memories of this attempt, and associations between him and this band must currently be considered cosmic coincidence.
The Baron enjoys Donnie Darko, as he, too, was once trapped in a pocket dimension. The Baron is also down with some Live and Let Die.
The Book of the Law, The Book of Thoth, The Book of the Names of the Dead, The Book of Changes, The Teen Witch's Book of Super-Sexy Spella and Incantations, and anything John Grisham - the Baron loves trashy page-turners!
Magnetar Craptuck, Tiger Claustin, Phobos and William Isle Esq.