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*** Free promotional copies of the new Red King album "Somniferum"***
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There are certain risks involved in attending a Red King Performance.
Physical , mental, and spiritual properties are all subject to disintigration
Extreme people are known to take extreme action
in order to rectify... an extreme situation.
The Red King's solution lies in a summoning by way of
smoke, oils, blood, fire, water, essences, tonics, spirits ,
and, when all else fails... medical devices.
-participants should expect to commune
with the perilous experiments conducted by symphonic fire-
With a rotating cast of performers, projections, and experiments,
the tragic tale of an artist who has gone to far is woven.
Our story begins on the wisdom and majesty of the alchemical path...
The story ends in the 'furnace of truth', on the opium trail.
The initiate is arrogant as he
leads a proccession of notions through the world.
All in water, all in flame,
This abandoned child, this unhallowed ground.
The perfect flower cut, we put the living in the tomb.
Upon entering the earth, The Red King communes with the Green Fairy,
Let the long, green hour begin...
A time for dreaming, the THRICE GREAT approaches ...
The furnaces are fired, and the distillation begins.
The homunculus takes shape.
The perfect stillness torn, the ever withering.
The hermetic fire burn's the senses with essence.
One's perception of the world slips away,
and becomes that which it is not.
This world is not this world.
The perfect flower cut, the ever-withering...
OuR HERO OuR HERO OuR HERO aNd OuR heroine
Dedicated to all those who have perished in the pursuit of The Great Work, with all its inherent danger and deceptions
**Words to the title track- 'SOMNIFERUM'***
...Novice to this mystery...
heed my warning from the start
And contemplate fully the steps leading off this art
Known by many names...none ever spoken twice
By the vain and vulgar who misuse this sacrifice
Medicine of Morpheus blood craves injection
Toxic blood transfused allows no resurrection
He loves poison that do poison need avail
No return to purity, once on this... The Opium Trail...
The shadow's shadow, the salt of Khem
root-bound gypsy, ends begin
Hypnotic calling, red balsem bred for slaughter
...oh Opium
The score is made, the wound bleeds white
The darkest harvest beyond one night
Coagulating, hate and fear
Love's concubine collects the tears
As I am now so you shall be
they will find you just as they found me...
This is the gift of medicine.
Where the dream forms skin and Pain is but a dream.
The old world meets the new world now at the source of death.
To wake and sleep misery of miseries and mystery of mysteries.
Principium Somniferum the great salt elementia.
A cousin to strychnine and a mother of us all
Anodyne Combine
Isoquinoline Precipitate
Papaverine Solidify
Narcotine Purify
Codeine Submerge
Laudanum Dissolve
Vicodin Suspend
Morphine Prescribe
and our hero and our hero and our hero and our heroine .
Once tolerant to an ounce of perfection
Does anybody hear have a problem...
with injection...Then look away I might die
I buy and fly
So step aside
Lay low and lie
Imagine these symptoms
Imagine they won't go away
Its not to be tried
Its something you do
Your very life
What a thing what a thing
What a thing everything to lose
It tightens the screws
And lowers the noose
I'll shorten the fuse
What a thing to choose
Doctor, this patient isn't waiting
It seems to insist on a treatment all its own
Appears to be on a run And can hide
By self-medication sedation
His is the face that makes the old young again
and Hers is the face that Makes the young so old
Self-medication saved
" Enter the Earth ... and be ...Reborn."