"Perhaps he led me here, but perhaps my
footprints in this sand retrace the course
of the Serpent’s tongue as he inscribed his
formula into the primordial Earth. These are
the words by which he assailed the sky when
Earth and Heaven, God and Serpent, first
fought. Now I speak them, now my feet repeat
them. I am chanting God down from the sky."
- The Numen of Heroin: The Course of
Addiction As Five Ritual Procedures
The Earth swelling with her lust and the sky
seething with his storm.
"That we have let one another’s blood,
and, coursing down your fair skin and mine,
from our respective wounds into a single
crimson stream flowing over your white
breasts to two points of swollen rose colored
flesh and falling therefrom as milk flows
from a mother, the distinction between us is
negated. That you convey a succession of
symbols that accurately interpreted are the
means of knowing your secret, and spoke to
me the first aspect of your secret nature,
you carve the symbol of your second secret
aspect into my breast, then guide my hand
with knife of jade held therein to incise
into your skin its other part, our
conjugation makes the shape complete."
from Her seven aspects - seven
symbols of Nature's secret countenance
forthcoming issue of Vial Magazine
A random sample of works I would recommend: The Eddas. The Odyssey. The Bible. The Vedas. Gilgamesh. Beowulf. All the sagas, particularly Egil's, Hervor and Heidrek's, King Hrolf- Kraki's, and Volsung. Primitive Mythology by Joseph Campbell. The Viking Portable Jung. In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archeology, and Myth by J.P. Mallory. The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science that Reveals Our Genetic History by Brian Sykes. Dionysus: Myth and Cult by W.F. Otto. The Bible Unearthed: Archeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts by I. Finkelstein and N.A. Silberman. Goethe's Faust. Foucault's Pendulum and The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco. The Mystery of the Aleph: Mathematics, the Kabbala, and the Search for Infinity by Amir Azcel. And J.G. Borges, who did not write fiction so much as spoke truth.
Serpent, Maiden, Man and Tree.