Antihuman Black Metal

About Me

From the depths of mankind’s soul emerges a band dedicated to manifesting the darkest aspects of our reality, turning sound and art into weapons of war and decay.The universe yawns, beckoning us into new territories, into new realms of experience. Much of who we are is the result of experiences we’ve had up to this point in our lives. Because of this, we’ve evolved to become the antithesis to everything that brings you hope. The birth of EMK, the Exekution Massakre Kommando. Ultimately we create our own reality. Our thoughts are who we are. We evolve, expand....kill each other, contract. Life grows, dies, and returns. Who we are the world may never understand, but EMK is one of the reflections of ourselves that we will impose upon it.Hatred, War, and Death – forces that unite us, separate us, destroy our enemies, and quicken our own death. Much they accomplish in our lives, but ultimately they all cause this world to suffer. Evil and malice can manifest in many forms, and we work to fully manifest them through our music. EMK is what they fear in man – the dark instinct of matter and supremacy joined with degradation, decadence, and death. A halt to the universal ebb and flow… A reversal of consciousness to create black holes…We do not wish to be a part of you. We find no reason to sustain your life, or protect the ones you love. The hypocrisy of this race and the lie that constitutes the foundation of our lives is reason enough.The sun watches you from above, that ancient luminous chancre in the sky; it waits for you to return into her arms. If the light at the end of the tunnel is what you seek, we will make sure that light is the detonation of a nuclear weapon. You are no longer of use to the universe. Fuck you all. Fuck everything you held to be true. We are Satan.-EMK..

My Interests


Member Since: 3/26/2006
Influences: Alcohol, Drugs, Darkness, Death, Hatred, War, and Degradation.
Sounds Like: The final labored breath of an agonizing human death
Record Label: N/A
Type of Label: None

My Blog

EMK patches are now available through www.nmbrecords.com

EMK patches are now available through www.nmbrecords.com. 100% embroidered.  1 00% intimidating.  Become part of the greatest threat to human existance.  Get yours now....
Posted by EXEKUTION MASSAKRE KOMMANDO on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 10:06:00 PST