Alchemy, Art, Books, Bookarts, Esotericism, Design, Demonology, Grimoires, Occult, Occultism, Hermeticism, Hermetic philosophy, Letterpress, Publishing, Broadsides, Libraries, Special Collections, Rosicrucianism, Masonry, Freemasonry, Occult Books, Fine Press, Ephemera, Bookfairs, Mythology, Gnosticism, Paper, Bookbinding, Graphic design, Book design.
Publishers, Book People, Designers, Scholars, Translators, Readers, Collectors, Costumers, Antiquarians, Bibliophiles, Bookbinders, Occultists, Swordplayers, Researchers, Teachers, Lecturers, Esoteric Shops, Occult Shops, Artists, Book Designers, Typographers, Medievalists, Renaissance People, Hermetic Philosophers, Rosicrucians, Masons, Freemasons, Papermakers, Letterpress Printers..
Ouroboros Press also founded the Esoteric Book Guild.
The press is supported in part by discerning bibliophiles
who recognize the importance of fine bookmaking.
Picatrix, Ghayat Al-Hakim
Heptameron of Peter Abano
And the Arbatel of Magick
Turba Philosophorum
Grimoires, Rasa'il Ikhwan Al-Safa, Zoroaster's Telescope