Orryelle profile picture


About Me

ARCANA XII: The HANGED MAN -Odin upon the World Tree, from Orryelle’s BOOK of KAOS Tarot -(Available Here )
Above: The (lack of) remains of a body cremated at Tarapith, India. See new illustrated travel blog (’Kali Puja’) linked above...
Orryelle has finally just completed hir new Graphic Grimmoire ’CONJUNCTIO’ which will be available towards the end of this year from FULGUR LIMITED (UK).
Orryelle is one of the 23 contributors to the wondrous LIBER MALORUM book, wherein Sean Scullion has woven together the diverse magical stories by different contributors -all with the Apple as a central symbol- into a chaotic yet cohesive tapestry of anti-authoritarian and magickal mayhem. Recommended ! (and not just because I’m in it)

Sonic and Visual OrChastrations of Magick and/as Art.
Deep gnosis of HermAphroditic convergence of apparent dualities.
Musickal Theatrical Ritual
Aural invocation
EsSensual wo/manifestation of alchymical coagulation.
Orryelle is a two-in-one-wo/man-band; a souloist (and usually a soloist- for the sake of simplicity especially when travelling) of subtlety and ecstatic intent.
S/He is as much a theatrickallist as musician when performing, incorporating dance, mask, costume, and invocation (the source of true ’acting’, ie. becoming). With other performers this extends into the MetaMorphic Ritual Theatre Co.
The sounds Orryelle produces are consistently varied: ’Kalikaye’ and ’Begotten’ are Eastern-Experimental, PanDaemonAeon (with former band Mutation Parlour) demonstrates a heavier industrial-electronic-with-ambient-edges sound, while ’Babalon’ features semi-sung semi-spoken word over a post-classical orchestral improvisation with 9 musickians. For a more electronic track view ’Gam’ in the videos section, and for solo whimsical clockwork/clockplay wyrdness, Watch the ’Chaos-Clock’ video.
Orryelle with the life-size clay Kali statue he made in 2006.
More images of this statue and other Art in my Pictures section.

Song (Voice, violin); Soundscapes; Ceremony; MetaMorphic Ritual Theatre; Dance ; Photoshop (eg. the background of this page); Pens; Paints; Clay ; Video; Tattooing ; Trance; Tarot ; Tantra; Yoga; Hermetics; Sekhem; Em’balming/Mummification ; Seidr; Sabbats; Labyrinths ; Gateways; Global Chakra resonance rituals ; Veils; Abyss plumbing; MirrorsrorriM ; Masks:
Orryelle publishes hir Art, w-riteing & music -and those of others also in the esoterotic SilKMilK MagiZain (inc.CD) - via the iNSPiRALink. MultiMedia PRESS (IMPress)
SphinX am I, kcab gnikool dnand looking forth from eternal X-Roads , rehcteWatcher throughuorht timemit ...

Background image: ’rehctaWatcher’ (c)2007 Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule
VIDEO BELOW: In the preceding scene of the Ritual Dance Theatre ’Loom of Lila’ this clip is extracted from, 11 dancers slowly converged to form a great face (inspired by an image of Dali’s) with their bodies. As its components do the Sufi drum-breath, this face of Kalikaye Kurukulle (’Mother of the Heartbeat clan’) pokes out Her tongue and the dancers disperse into individuated chaos. Unity in diversity is thus dramatically expressed... KaliKayeos

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Directed and Produced by Orryelle.
Music by Mugwort Lycanthrope with live percussion by Mugwort and Amordios Gobblyn-Smyth.
This video is an extract from the 2-hour DVD that accompanies Orryelle’s book on Time, Fate and Spider-Magicks,
’A Brief HIRStory of TimEmiT...’:
Buy the book (164 pages, perfect-bound, many illustrations, colour pull-out triptych of the Norns) and DVD (2 hrs of Metamorphic Ritual Theatre: Loom of Lila, Chaos Clock, 8 Gates, Book of the Spider) now for $23 US:
(CCNOW is secure, converts currencies internationally and accepts all major credit cards plus PAYPAL)

My Interests


Member Since: 2/3/2007
Band Website: crossroads.wild.net.au/harl.htm
Band Members: Orryelle is a souloist musickian and theatrickallist who collaborates with others at times. Also an esoterotic artist and writer, hir new bio can now be see on the Fulgur Limited website HEREThe female vocals on the 'Kalikaye' track are by Sam Star, the electronica on the 'Om Gam' video was co-crafted by Jim Om and Orryelle. 'PanDaemonAeon' is by Orryelle with Mutation Parlour, 'Babalon' is an extract from a live performance with 'Orchestra-ted Chaos', a 9-musician improvisation. All other sounds, vocals and visuals here are by Orryelle.
Influences: Peacocks; sssnakes of many hue; howler monkeys; Paganini; The Ancestors; colours; The Descendants; kalas; Mahakala; Ghuede; KaliMa; AOS; Chaos theory; Chaos practice; Order theory; order pr45veig; simple things; complexities; absurdities; undulating multimammalian majesties; sphinxes, mynxes and lynxes; whips wires and wulfs; wyrd; gatasso, gatissimo

Sounds Like: It's more about what it looks like as (if) it comes out the speakers. And what it feels like in your Svadisthana chakra...
Record Label: iNSPiRALink. Multimedia Press
Type of Label: None

My Blog

India Travels 07: Bodhgaya & Conclusion

INDIA TRAVELS '07 - BHODGAYA Remains of Kali statues from Kalipuja washed back up to shore, KalcuttaAfter being bitten by a dog at the Tarapith cremation ground following intense rituals on the holy K...
Posted by Orryelle on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 09:17:00 PST

Kali Puja (illustrated)

Let sleeping dogs (in cremation pits) lie&After a week at and around the Temple of the Goddess's Yoni in Kamakya, I was returning to Tarapith, the Third Eye of the Goddess. I had agreed to meet there ...
Posted by Orryelle on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 01:37:00 PST


INDIA '07 PART  VI:  KAMAKYA  Arriving in Guwahati,  the town nearest Kamakya Temple, was initially a relief. Not sure from what people had said what the situation would be wit...
Posted by Orryelle on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:53:00 PST


As soon as I returned to Kalcutta from Tarapith I booked a train to Guwahati- the Assam capital near Kamakya Temple - not wanting to get stuck in the big black city for long again. However there weren...
Posted by Orryelle on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 04:39:00 PST


Dusshera is the 'Tenth day of victory' celebrated after the nine nights of Durga Navaratri. In Kalcutta it is especially spectacular in that all the statues from the 'pandaal' temporary temples constr...
Posted by Orryelle on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:28:00 PST

India 07 part II: Durga Navaratri begins...

There is one episode leading up to the beginning ofDurga Navaratri which I forgot to record in the lasttravel journal, but which anyway makes a suitableprelude to the following account of my journey ...
Posted by Orryelle on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 02:53:00 PST

india 3- Kalcutta

 Sleep and halfsleep in a narrow upper berth bunk, punctuated by the now-familiar modern mantras of the Indian train system: 'Chai-a, chai-a, chai-a, chai-a...';  'coffee,Nescoffee,coffee,ne...
Posted by Orryelle on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 04:07:00 PST

India07 part 1: Kajuraho & surrounds

MUMBAI ARRIVALThis is my third visit to India now, although lastyear's manic and relatively shallow 2 weeks there atthe end of 4 and a half moonths' travel hardly countsas a real trip.Yet despite the ...
Posted by Orryelle on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 09:30:00 PST


I rarely write much in terms of travel journals whenin the UK- it is I suppose more similar to my usualreality in Australia and lacking the day-to-day exoticexcitement of an adventure in for example ...
Posted by Orryelle on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 07:24:00 PST

Ardhanarishvara Multimammia (inc.video)

HermAphroditic ChAOrder of the Silver Dusk July New Moon Ritual Report Linked with Horus-Maat Lodge 11-Star Working I don't usually post ritual reports related to magickal orders publically, but as ...
Posted by Orryelle on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 11:53:00 PST