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About Me

I am a visual artist who runs the gallery, shop and spiritual arts community space called Esoteric Gallery in Northcote and adult art school, where I teach people the joys of how to find and celebrate themselves through learning painting or drawing from scratch. I read the tarot and enjoy designing & making clothing, quantum physics, socializing, esoteric science, long distance running, camping, hiking in the mountain, going to festivals, live music and Gothic night clubs, wandering through forests late at night.
I see beauty in darkness as well as beauty in light, depth in mysticism, and feel that by embracing our shadow selves we bring it to the light and can then see, transmute and work with it. I wear my darkness on the outside for the world to see and have nothing to hide from myself. I feel that some people do not like to look at the darkness in my paintings or at the pain the world because they refuse to acknowledge their own shadow selves and therefore can not move forward. a

My Interests

Here are some of my oil paintings...
The two paintings below; “Subconscious Spirit” and “Beauty of the Witch” have just been published in a book called 'Metamorphosis.' This book presents the work of 50 contemporary artists of the Surreal Art, Fantastic Realism & Visionary art traditions (most of whom are featured Artists on ). The book also has artists; Ernst Fuchs, Alex Grey, Victor Safonkin, Peter Gric, Kris Kuksi, Brom and Robert Venosa.

This painting below, called "Archadia" is huge - hence the lack of clarity when reduced.
She is holding a AK 47 rifle and a picure of Bin Laden.

All of my original paintings here and on my website are for sale. Reasonable offers are considered. Professional quality photographic prints 40cm x 50cm of any Bonny Hut art works are also avail @ $120 AU excld postage.

I'd like to meet:

Visual Artists, Musicians, Performers, Witches, Wiccans, Pagans, Healers, Lightworkers, Goths, anyone interesting who thinks for themselves from earth or outer space!!

KNOWLEDGE=POWER IGNORANGE=SLAVERY ...its a free world, choose wisely.

Partying for a free planet!!

The Freedom of Knowledge,
The Power of Thought

I embrace the universal law of allowing EVERYTHING without resistance but it is still my duty to share what I know... I am responsible for knowledge that I carry.
I follow the agenda of spirit. I am not sure what my own conscious agenda is here and try not to pay my ego agenda too much attention cause it just gets in the way.
I don’t want to give anyone any answers, I have MY OWN ever changing answers that I am writing here. The problem is that people do not ask ANY QUESTIONS. The greatest threat to the New World Order is a society that thinks for themselves.
You can lead the sheeple to the truth but you cant make them think. People have been deliberately programmed to be complacent. Genuine leaders encourage people to ask NEW QUESTIONS and to find the answers for themselves through their own, research, observations and experiences. This, POWER WITH is true power, They lead by EXAMPLE ONLY. Remember organizations, religions and leaders who discourage investigations and inquiries ALWAYS have something to hide. Does the word devil really means questioner?? Some of us are too lazy to think. Genuine leaders and spiritual teachers are not meant to tell people “how it is.” That is dictatorship, POWER OVER and controlling. It creates a victim-mentality nation who don’t think for themselves and, in turn; do not take responsibility for every aspect of their lives therefore don’t actively help themselves. This is a nation that can easily be manipulated, told what to buy and how to be. People don’t know who they are. Healthy, well adjusted children have been taught HOW to think NOT WHAT to think and have an internal point of reference for who they are and what is "right" or "wrong" for them. They are not lost, confused and know how to work things out. Very few of these children and adults currently exist. We are taught by our parents, society, religions and especially the media to have an external point of reference for who we are, how things are, our self-worth and what to believe. This makes us vulnerable but it is us who choose to give our power away, as victims, to the "perpetrators" by choosing to remain ignorant in our familiar comfort zones.
How do you process your beliefs?? - Find your own answer. I feel that many of the worlds issues would be nullified if people chose what to believe due to simple, obvious, observations of what is going on around them, rather than automatically believing what they are told.
The most powerful form of manipulation is to tell a 90% truth. My primary belief is that my beliefs will change because I know that if I have a solid belief system to defend I will not be open to receiving any new information. I will then, not be open to change and therefore not open to growth. Humans are generally addicted to their beliefs, if something challenges them, we act like addicts. If you are in a place where you think you have all the answers that is when you have been had.
“All truth goes in three stages.
First it is ridiculed.
Then it is violently opposed.
Finally it is accepted as self-evident.” - Schoepenhouer

LIKE, WHATS UP WITH THE PLANET MAN? Yes, What a good question, and THE question most people do not bother to ask.To what extent do we ALLOW the Illuminati dudes to control the media, our hospitals, our religions, our schools, our banks, our food, our fuel, our governments, our wars (from both sides) our minds??
How many countries do they now control? Is all happening (if its happening at all) because we prefer to know how many kilograms Britney Spears has lost, are we more interested in the fact that Paris Hilton got caught on camera having sex with whats-his-name or are we more interested in sport and forgot to look at who is running the planet? "We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent." (Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate). Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population by two thirds. This Awareness indicates on the more global level, it is an effort to create a One World Government that is capable of controlling all levels of society through the manipulations of individuals through their ability to buy and sell, and also through the control of health care and through the education and mind controls available to them through various electronic devices and media, and also through the microscopic chips that will eventually be implanted, into every person's hand or forehead as mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
We don't need to deal with the worlds problems. We need to start honestly dealing with ourselves but it helps to educate yourself. Everything is interconnected, you are the microcosm of the macrocosm. Statistics have shown that most of the population are running a subconscious program - "what can little old me do about it anyway?" - Perhaps start by changing the questions you ask yourself - like that one.
I have realized that trying to control that which is outside of myself is like trying to catch a puff of smoke – my hand runs right through it. The only control I have lies within changing my self and my own world. Knowing about my environment and how it works and influences me does assist with this process but my focus is still remains internal. Knowing HOW I have been manipulated to create this reality for myself that’s suits the agenda of those in power assists me in creating a preferred reality for myself. I can then live by example only to show others a way out, if that is what they want - a way to liberation and real freedom of choice.

SOME SOLUTIONS??? What you know will get you through.
People should not be afraid of a corrupt world government.
A corrupt world goverment should be afraid of its people!!1. STILLNESS.
It is sillness from the mind that will change the world. Freedom from the chaotic fear based noise of the mind. You will find yourself and your true power in silence. In this space within you will find your truth and know who you really are. The point of power is in the present moment not in the imaginary future or perceived past. 2. RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY…yeah, baby.
If you want to liberate your mind and life perhaps start by liberating your body from POISON “The way you do one thing is the way you do everything….” Is sugar, table salt, sodium laurel sulphate (in 95% of shampoos and soap), aspartame (sweeteners), and coffee really no less toxic than rat poison? – Check it out yourself then you decide - little research into your own health can go a long way… (and don’t forget fluoride.) Good old exercise really helps to clear the mind, reduce stress and move toxidity in the blood.
Each crop circle is a jewel of creation and carries fractilon formulas for healing the planetary crisis, for awakening higher states of consciousness. They are worthy of study for our own salvation, of course, the media pays them as little attention as possible even though they are now appearing in the thousands across the globe. They contain advanced sacred geometry, ancient symbology and sound vibrations that work in quantum physics but go beyond earth science of fracality. The crop circles have codes and information for us to help us help ourselves and to evolve from two to 14 strand DNA. If collective consciousness resonates at a higher frequency all the worlds problems would begin to dissolve and we would create a new consensus reality. They are imprinted into physical matter and therefore can not be denied.
N.B. Please note that the illumanati throw in a few crop circles of their own. This helps us to refine our great bullshit detector skills which constantly need upgrading.
We need to become aware of what is going on and how things work then we can KNOW HOW to create another global reality for ourselves, from the inside out, by focusing on the solution not the problem but also being aware of the cause/ source of the problem not the many many symptoms. All the worlds many global problems; war, poverty, global warming are symptoms of one source, the Illuminati - the new world order and their agenda. Be aware of the source, (and HOW WE ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN) not the symptoms, and we will get somewhere. The more people who create heaven on earth in their own lives (by knowing how things really work) the higher the frequency of the planet will become for all beings here. Nothing damages earth more than miserable people.
5. KNOW THYSELF and show others how to do the same;
If we begin to ask questions about who we really are and how we work then the whole deck of cards that has been so carefully constructed will fall down. We will realize that each individual is immensely powerful and has infinite potential. We have allowed ourselves to be manipulated to create a certain reality for ourselves that suits "them" not us. Once we are aware of how "they" have done this we can then choose a different, preferred reality for ourselves as individuals which will automatically affect the collective consciousness. It is not our fault but we are responsible. We need to work on ourselves as individuals to set ourselves free.
We forget that we have a lot of assistance available to us from other aspects of ourselves...our spirit guides, higher selves, Source, nature spirits, Gaia, angels and star people. Unlike the darker frequencies, these beings will only assist when ASKED.

O.K. Enough white-lighter, holier than thou polarized - separation consciousness bullshit
- lets KEEP IT REAL!!
We ALL have a shadow self and for many of us we think it aint pretty, this creates issues and a low sense of self-worth. Lets learn how to accept and work with all aspects of our being. I'm not perfect, but I am perfect in my imperfection as I journey through this life. Having "faults" is what makes us human. One of my teachers once said to me "if you cant's see that persons shadow, watch out!"

Embracing, understanding and accepting our own pain bodies gives us the opportunity to transmute and transcend that which blocks and traps us. Like wiping the dark clouds away from in front of the sun. We can not free ourselves from that which we bottle up and leave to fester. The shadow self is complex, vast and multi-faceted. It is a soul extension that holds much of our pain, anger, confusion, negative programs and fears. We are often ashamed of it but it is our great teacher. Some religions have an "all good" God and an "all bad" god. We are taught not to look at our shadow self because we judge it as "bad" and unnatural, creating a polarized conflict within ourselves instead of integrating and loving all aspects of our being. This battle then gets reflected in our external world.
Within every star, planet, human (-situated in the heart) and cell there is a small black void. From this void of stillness all creation springs. Scientists are now recognizing this void and call it zero point.
Embracing our own darkness is a different energetic to going outside of ourselves and deliberately inflicting pain on others. "Do what ye wilt- but harm ye none" - The Wiccan Rede.
Death, for the most part, is also feared and looked upon as an unknown, unnatural and mysterious commodity in society. This idea was implemented centuries ago to enforce control over the populace. In my experience nature has many answers. A forest is full of the cycle life and death. Death means change and resistance to change is resistance to life. The old always has to die to bring in the new.
The wars in the Middle East, Asia or Africa, poison in our water and food, the war on "terror", aids, patenting of crops, our corrupt medical system, banning inventions such as cars that run on water and much more may seem unrelated but if you look a little deeper you begin to see how the puzzle pieces fit together and find there is a common CAUSE. Its time to hit the nail on the head and to stop bothering with symptoms of problems.

Like a hamster in his wheel eternally chasing security. Thinking about having a job and paying the morgage and bills or perhaps where to get the next meal from or it could be wanting to feel safe or health concerns. When you are in survival mode you do not think much about or question the matrix that holds this system in place - you just think its the way things are meant to be cause your mamma told you so.
Mind control is the only way that the many can control the few.
The Travistock institute (actually known as Tavistock ) in London (has branches across the globe) co-ordinates the world wide mind control programs.
Also, see how mass hypnosis is used in the media.
Controlling the worlds food "Food is power! We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize."~Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the World Food Program.
•An estimated 30,000 plant species have edible parts, but just 3, wheat, maize, and rice, supply more than half of the worlds food (Wilson, 1992)
•As these staple foods are genetically engineered and patented, the grip of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) on the world’s food supply is tightening.
•80% of patents on GM foods are owned by only 13 MNCs (Revill, 1999).
•The top five agrochemical companies control almost the entire global genetically modified seed market (Christian Aid, 1999).
•The genetic makeup of the biopatented seed is the property of the corporation; the farmer cannot own it, merely lease it. The farmer’s practice of saving seed for next year’s crop is a thing of the past for patented crops.
•Biopatents threaten 1.4 billion farmers in the developing world who currently depend on saved seed for the following years crop (Rural Advancement Federation International - RAFI, 1999a). •

Poisoning our food and air??

FLOURIDE – Fact, fluoride compounds in water, toothpaste and supplements have NEVER been tested for safety– (if they were so concerned about out teeth why don’t they just put calcium or magnesium into the water.)
“I know of no, and I mean absolutely no means of prevention that would save so many lives as simply to stop fluoridation of don’t start it where it otherwise is going to start. There you might save 30 000 – 50 000 lives a year, cancer lives. That is an awful lot of lives. – Dr Dean Burk, 34 years in the National Cancer Institute, Judicial Hearing, January 14, 1982
Is fluoride the most cancer causing chemical on earth?? and the prime ingredient used to create the atomic bomb? Was it first used in world war two in the water as part of the mind control program? Flouride in the water.

... this vid is 2 minutes... the flouride debate -:
Flouride in our drinking water... another thoughtful idea by the world government. - 4 minutes.

The American government did not know what to do with all the depleted uranium left over from their nuclear power stations so they thought it would be a good idea to have a war and fire it at their enemies.
One deformed baby per week was born just after the gulf war and now 10 deformed babies per day are being born in the gulf.
More than 250 000 U.S. gulf war veterans are now on permanent medical disability pensions largely due to D.U. contamination. Thousands of tons have been dropped in Iraq, Afghanistan the Balkans and U.S. troops are now using it to practice with in the Australian bases in W.A, Northern Territory and in Queensland. D.U. becomes a radioactive gas when moved. It is one of the most toxic substances on earth. – Check it out for yourself or you can continue to focus on the fact that Britney Spears shaved her head.
D.U. - Beyond Treason - This vid is only 1.5 Minutes... check it out!!
• Economics is based on scarcity.
• Poverty = scarcity = control. . Prosperity consciousness = real choice = liberation.Nations spend billions of dollars to develop lethal weapons. Why not these money spend to eliminate poverty? There are millions of people with out a shelter and food. If only 20% from military expenses turn to elevate poverty, world would have moved to another direction. Aid agencies (who are often backed by the U.N. who are backed by the Illuminati) focus on the symptoms rather than the cause of the problems and advocate dependency. People who pay these agencies money feel like they are helping the needy, it would really help if you did a little more research.
Britain spends £25 billion on arms each year, compared with just £4 billion on aid.

The Media
Have you ever noticed that no matter what news channel you turn to they all agree on what is important in the world?How can the media focus on who's gained 5kg when we have an amazing phenomenon like this happening on this planet on a large scale?? Search for; Todays Super Psychic Children Can you imagine how pissed off corrupt governments would be if people could psychically see what was happening behind closed doors?? The media is desperately trying to keep you focused on which celebrity has been caught without make up while the governments are looking for any excuse to medicate or gain control over these kids... Medicated children...
Have you ever wondered why we have such uneven months 28 – 31 days and our months don’t even fit properly into a year when four weeks fit perfectly into a 28 day cycle?? Confused, uneven time = ungrounded people. This was a deliberated move to lower peoples energetics and to get them to stop resonating with natural earth time (pagan time) which is a far higher frequency.
Problem-Reaction-Solution strategy:
Used over and over again. Here is an example:
PROBLEM: Terrorism, 911 (google loose change) kidnapping of children. (created by or exadurated by the gov) REACTION: People feel unsafe and afraid. They wait with bated breath for the gov to come up with solution.
SOLUTION: (Put forward by gov) Hey, lets microchip people so they can feel safe, be found if they are missing and have the added convenience ID and medical screening. We will start with young children, criminals, and the folk with mental disabilities. Woot! Woot! Problem solved.

Microchippizens When and where did they first start micro chipping people??
Chipizens are here-how exiting.
What are the pros and cons?? Are you ready to be micro chipped??
How many people have already been micro chipped??? Chips Ahoy!!
The boiling frog in the pot phenomenon applies to the gradual implementation of implanting microchips in humans. Eventually it will become mandatory upon death for refusal if we do not wake up now. 911 Provides a green light for chip implants. The specter of terrorism is shifting attitudes.
Creation of fear is the creation of security. We are shown a creation of fear gives rise to the necessity of security / solution. The cause promulgates the cure.
Cause + Effect = Change.
Fear over security = Control
Microchipping your pets, then the troops and then the rest of the population for "our own good" sounds so handy- where do I sign up? - This is CNN which is run by the Illuminati - they make it sound so... logical. vid 5 mins
A note to the parasites from Sataya.
Start to work with the light or get burned by it. Your technology is stolen technology its old technology. The galactic federation is giving you a chance to get another energy source. You will find it by activating your heart chakras. Consciousness evolves through the heart – choose to evolve or devolve. All life, planets and galaxies are interconnected. The earth will move on so we can all move on, you can choose to stay behind or activate your I AM frequencies.
Its an inside job.
Freedom is first gained within your own consciousness. Then, because your outer life always reflects that which is within, you gain freedom in all aspects of your life. ALL LIFE IS INTERCONNECTED and I see everyone as an aspect of myself, we are all one. I will not stop working on MYSELF until every person on this planet has been tought how to empower themselves again and been shown how to consciously create the reality that they would prefer to have. All we really want is to be loved but many of us have forgotten how.

Immortal Technique-4th Branch ( fan video)

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"HI THERE, I AM ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT STORIES OF THE CENTURY AND I DON'T WANT TO DIE. Please keep me alive and spread me to everyone who will listen. I am a story that has the potential of waking up a sleeping giant. Some people think that I am a glass of ice water in the face of those asleep to the potential of the danger that is currently at hand . I tell of a conspiracy leak of proportions never seen before. I yield a warning and expose a potential crack within the leadership of a global cartel. Please use me often when alerting the masses of this sinking ship. Please also use me if there would happen to be a deplorable act carried out against innocent people and blamed on other innocent people. Place me in your quiver and stretch me deep within the bow and string, only to let me fly, fast and furious, as I pierce deep into the heart of tyranny."
DISARM your "enemies" by sending them love.
FUEL them by sending them hate.
You can learn to be a warrior of peace by asking questions and seeking out the truth
WITHOUT engaging in a war. War is THEIR game.
Peace Out

My Blog

Hi there, I'm one of the most important stories of the century

Hi there, I'm one of the most important stories of the century and I don't want to die. Please keep me alive and spread me to everyone who will listen. I am a story that has the potential of waking u...
Posted by Bonny on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 07:37:00 PST

Mr. Bush: I'm Coming for You - by Robert Rabbin

Mr. Bush: I'm Coming for You   by Robert Rabbin    Dear Mr. Bush,     Today is February 17th. Yesterday I attended the peace rally at the Civic Center in San Francisco...
Posted by Bonny on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:40:00 PST

George Bush Word Manipulation

George W Bush is generally regarded as a mangler of the English language. What is overlooked is his mastery of emotional language - especially negatively charged emotional language - as a political ...
Posted by Bonny on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:39:00 PST