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debris magazine

About Me

Debris is an online literary/art magazine currently looking for submissions!
Go to to look at the current issue.
Deadline for the fall issue is September 21st.
Currently looking for:
Poetry/prose: limit to four poems
Short stories: up to 2,500 words
Essays: can be on any topic and up to 2,500 words
Travel writing: city/country profiles that a traveler forms by sharing experiences, photos, mentioning places to go, etc
Reviews of all kinds: music, movies, books, events
Artwork: showcase format of work and a short bio of the artist in a slideshow like presentation. A different artist will be featured each month, instead of quarterly.
Photography: same as with the artwork; not looking for any cover art, etc, but a showcase of the photographer's work with a bio in a slideshow format. A different photographer will be featured each month, instead of quarterly.
Advertising revenue: any small businesses willing to advertise to cover the costs to print the 'best of' anthology at the end of the year; will be provided with web stats
There is a fall/Halloween theme for the next issue; anything not following the theme will be considered for future issues.
Send work to [email protected] as either a .doc or .rtf attachment. Do not copy and paste into email.
Please include your name, mailing address and email. If wishing the submission to be listed as anonymous, make sure you say so.
Simultaneous submissions: We gladly accept these kinds of submissions; however we require a notice when the work has been accepted so we can withdraw it from consideration.
Payment: At this time we are unable to provide payment for works, but hope to do so in the future. However, if chosen to be in the anthology, a discount or free issue will be provided. Also, if you have a small business or side project you'd like to advertise, free banner or affiliate advertising may be available.
Legal: We only accept nonpublished works and ask for first time publication rights and one-time anthology rights. Otherwise authors/artists retain all rights to their works and their respective copyrights.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Writers, artists, photographers...small/local businessess wanting to advertise to bring revenue for the anthology that will be printed once a year.

My Blog

New featured content!

September's featured artist and photographer section is up, so check it out!www.debrismagazine.comArtists/photographers: If you're interested in being featured, let me know. As you can see by the prev...
Posted by debris magazine on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 10:13:00 PST

Wanted for the Fall/Halloween issue

-short stories/flash fiction-travel writing-essays-reviewsfor submission details go to:www.debrismagazine.comemail: [email protected] is a theme of Fall/Halloween for this issue, so keep ...
Posted by debris magazine on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:29:00 PST

The Jack Micheline Memorial Poetry Contest

Here are all the details that were provided to me:The Jack Micheline MemorialThe Guild Of Outsider Writers is sponsoring The Jack Micheline Memorial,a contest for a book length collection of poems.Thi...
Posted by debris magazine on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 08:37:00 PST

Doughnuts and Art call for artists/musicians

I know this is still a little ways off, but my friends are putting on another installment of 'Doughnuts and Art;' an art show that features local talent, as well as bands and djs that will be held Aug...
Posted by debris magazine on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 10:55:00 PST

Attn: Artists and Photographers!

Debris has reformatted it's artwork and photography section in order to feature a photographer and an artist each month, instead of compiling 3-4 artists/photographers per quarterly issue as originall...
Posted by debris magazine on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:02:00 PST

submission guidelines

Interested in: Poetry/prose (please limit to four poems) Short stories (up to 3000 words) Essays Photography Artwork Travel writings/city profiles Reviews (books, movies, music, events)Send work to ...
Posted by debris magazine on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 09:50:00 PST