hollace m metzger profile picture

hollace m metzger

Lei balla con i fantasmi di Citta' scure...

About Me

Architect, Artist & Author of
Poetry Volumes I & IIObserving the Labyrinth from Heaven "...transporting, intimate tales of travel,urban life and longing." Time Out, London
Read & Listen at
~ hollace m metzger Poetry ~

Now Available in Print & Download
Just Released!

mp3 Audio Book Interviews, Reviews & Citations:
~ Read YOUR REVIEWS herE ~
An interview w/ Magazine BLU - Nominated Poet of the Year 2008, Poetry.com
Talentse.com - Hecale (poetry /photo) - editRED - Poetry Mission - TWiN Poetry
UGAZ - DrinkMoloko - TIME OUT London - Lulu - ArtCal - Arkitektskolen i Aarhus
ColLab - artesnet - digg - 3:am Magazine, Paris - GotPoetry.com - ModernLove20
DesignAddict.com - Thomas Bel - ViRB.com - Dona Confuse - Torus Biglane

I've been traveling for 11 months...
Where I've been...
Where I am...
Where I'm going...
My roof...
...and all of the other roofs I've climbed to catch a different perspective of the World.
My roots are Bohemian w/ a little German & Russian anti-spice. I'm an architect, x-dancer, poeta, painter, closet-wannabe-folk-singer, lover & f(r)iend...and a FIRE sign: attracted to fire, mesmerized by fire, gravitate towards fire (not conflict) - Sagittarius, Capricorn rising - Chinese year of the Rabbit. My middle name means 'virgin' in the French biblical sense, last name means 'butcher' in German, 1st name means 'near the valley' in olde-English..put them together & you've one angry, lonely chick w/ big knives!
Not to worry - i am sane, i promise:
I prefer amulets to talismens, alphabetize my spices (they were inherited), spell everything you say in my mind when I'm nervous (traumatized by a spelling bee loss in my youth), i prefer autumn, study faces intently, notice the rhythm people move to & the orchestra they create together, do things in even numbers, know clave, can dance on clave (which is not an even number so i guess you know i am a liar as well), weighed 10lbs when born, press my snooze button atleast 6X, involuntarily close one eye when applying lipstick, have something in common w/ Maude Lebowski (minus the apparatus although i am looking for this), make funny noises when playing tennis, I should have died in my life but for some reason, I never have...
pre-25 years of liver damage
...i was born w/ something extra (which was promptly removed), study body language for fun, talk/laugh in my sleep, have a moderate foot fetish, am pierced but not tattooed, was born 55/250 years late, my surroundings disappear when i'm dancing, i don't eat meat but will cook you a mean steak if you're a guest in my home, will deliver cookies at Christmas (unless you're Jewish, then i will make the same recipe minus red & green sprinkles, add some blue dye & deliver them a bit earlier, probably getting the day wrong), I became a cheerleader in high school because i didn't understand them, sang at a coffee shop in college, once had dreadlocks, love my family although we have little in common, my pet rabbit, Manhattan, traveled in the passenger seat of my cramped convertible as i moved to NYC - we had a conversation...he eventually leapt to his death. Buckley (pictured candidly on the toilet) is his replacement-he's much more independent and has less suicidal tendencies. I can tie flies, shoot skeet & sailfish, grew up taking fishing trips to a tiny unclaimed island in Canada that we claimed with a carved wooden sign. i managed to make my way solo from Barcelona to Nice & back to Venezia on zero dollars. I've broken into the Roman Colosseum to be where the warriors were killed (severely bruising my ribs in the process), swam under a full moon eau-naturel in Barcelona & scaled a 20-foot wall in a sun dress to share a mushroom pizza in the Roman Forum at midnight.
I spent a good majority of my childhood years disappearing into the forest (alarming a few search parties in the process) to build tree houses, collect various mosses & leaves, play with worms and halves of worms and retrieve dying birds & mice that I believed I could sing back to life. When I was not saving lives, I would tirelessly swing on my swing-set for hours on end, making up songs for my next rescue...most were some derivative of "Eye of the Tiger." Also, I would like to be a Sea Otter in my next life (for a few undisclosed reasons) although this life hasn't been so bad.
Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, my family's importation device to the US
my grandfather, John Augustine Ochs, World War II
I was once a cowgirl.
Now, i'm not.

My Interests

Proxemics... ArchitecturE, Painting, Writing, Poetry, Dancing, Photo-
graphy, Sketching, Wanderlusting, Bonfires, Bacchanalia, Chirapsia...



Painting available by private commission only. Current Paris commissions: Texas (private collector), NYU & Paris (private collector). Contact me via www.HollaceMetzger.com to discuss your project. Thank you.


Published & Promotional Work: Observing the Labyrinth from Heaven, Vols. I & II , UNjobs Association of Geneva (Switzerland): historical photo-documentation of Cany-Barville (Normandie, France), Schmap Guide to Glasgow: photo-documentaion of the Mackintosh School of Art, 3:am Magazine (Paris), Negative Space Zine (Boston), Magazine BLU (Philadelphia), Hecale (UK), Gentle Music Men music (Vilanova), Micka Luna music (Barcelona), Thomas Bel music (Toulouse), Dennis Cahlo music (Brooklyn), Guy Licata music (Brooklyn), Posh Army music (Cleveland).

If you are interested in any of the images in my catalogue for use in print/digital media or would like a signed, high-resolution print, contact me via www.HollaceMetzger.com. Thank you.

.. MiDEA foto projekt @ MySpace ..

If you are in need of architectural consultation services, building code analysis, feng shui, interior design, artwork or furniture selection, existing conditions & feasibility surveys and/or design advice, kindly send an email via www.HollaceMetzger.com. Thank you. ( Curriculum Vitae )


My new poetry-photo book,

Observing the Labyrinth from Heaven

is available < HERE >

If you would like to use any of my poems in music or at poetry
readings or if you would like to collaborate in writing your lyrics,
please contact me via www.HollaceMetzger.com. Thank you.

.. hollace m metzger Poetry @ MySpace / @ ViRB ..

collab projekt

current / previous Collaborations:

Annabelle Lopez Ochoa productions /
Ballet National de Marseille -Amsterdam vox/poetry
Auskeur/Nick Auskeur -UK vox/poetry
Daniele Camarda -New Delhi vox/poetry/photo
Delphinius -St.Paul,USA poetry
Dennis Cahlo / Saints & Lovers -New York photo/poetry
DJ Jeff Gold -Montreal vox/poetry
Graphium -Fife,Scotland vox/poetry
Malcolm Fisher/French Impressionists -UK & Milan poetry
Micka Luna -Barcelona music composition/lyrics/poetry/vox
Oisin Lunny -Brighton vox/poetry
Project:5.am -London vox/poetry
Shanyio -Timisoara,Romania vox/poetry
Thomas Bel -Toulouse vox/poetry
Tiago Benzinho -Portugal vox/poetry
Vitor Joaquim -Portugal vox/poetry

.. hMMP Music Collab @ MySpace ..

If you would like to use any of my poems in music or at poetry
readings or if you would like to collaborate in writing your lyrics,
please contact me via www.HollaceMetzger.com . Thank you.


Crossing bridges...

kundalini, tactility, "touches, tastes & tangibilities," chiaroscuro, conducting social experiments of proximity and eye contact on the subway, oneness, pâtisseries, paganism, polycarbonates, percussion brushes, T'ai Chi Ch'uan, thrifting-being thrifty-being nifty, convertible road trips w/ mixtapes, gnocchi @ Acqua Santa, chado ritual, the quinta essentia, cooking, baking, necking, cubism, futurism, contortionism, literature, used bookstores, multiplicities, complexities, free verse, beatniks, onomatopoea, tension-compression, nonlinear thought, Beethoven's Kreutzer, sweet guys w/studded belts & studs w/white belts, sexy divas, fashion, muses, teuchters, translucency, tennis, snowboarding, baci ball, wine-stained lips, meditation, forces around us which we have no control over, Time-Space & Electromagnetism = String Theory, man-scarves, soup can telephones, Venetian glass, fine wines & a good beer, the process of sharing a boiled artichoke, amber, frozen time, mental orgasms & lasciviousness, Morago , Jan Saudek, vintage lingerie, SIM-City, Trajan's Column as the first film, random acts of kindness, furry creatures, international travel/languages...


... art . movements ...


Foreign hotel rooms...

Williamsburg and this Williamsburg as well, contemporary galleries, old vinyls-older books-even older buildings (juxtaposed to really new buildings), strange fruits, vintage drafting tools, Magnolia Bakery, excessively bubbled baths, gelato, singing loudly, walking in the rain, skipping, rooftops, cartwheels, eye contact, multi-hued sunsets, mancala, the Kentucky Derby, sipping mint juleps under a big floppy hat, silk scarves and big sunglasses, gaelic , George Ohr's vessels, my Dremmel, power tools, beating on taut leather stretched over anything ovalyn, syzygy, chantney, dinner parties, Zinc Bar , scars w/ stories, imperfections, thinking in Italian when affected w/ wine, grape stomping, feng shui, Vespas & anything that makes me feel like I am the missing member of Devo...

And for the past 12 years, my life has been very devoted to this:


I'd like to meet:

These People:

+ Callipygians, Crooners, Couchsurfers, Creatives & other Counter-reformed Catholic schoolgirls... ...Oenophiles. Omphalopsychites. Other troubadours. Active thinkers with passion for life & learning. B-Z types. Altruists. Anti-fanatics. Eunuchs. Reikis. Warriors, Poets, Warrior-Poets. All of my chakras at the same time. Glass-blowers. Instigateurs of laughter. Nonpareils, Nonlinear thinkers & those w/ positive energy. Gals who know they're beautiful, Guys who don't. People who have made a conscious choice to preserve & respect the environment. Someone who can sing my Peter, Paul & Mary knowledge under the table. People who will model nude so that I may draw them. Artsy man in unbuttoned white button-down who will let me watch him play cello. Other affectionate women. Partners to take more dance classes with. People who can raise a roof with their own voice (or opinions). Web-footed boatmen. The gender-ambiguous. Beings who are not afraid to allow their heart to make their mind up for them. Those who still believe in the practice & efficacy of chivalry. A "long-legged, guitar-pickin' man." People who spell 'theatre' as noted, have afternoon tea or eat crumpets but still think it's funny. People who like to say 'crum-pets'. Naturists, at your place. People who speak in a Venetian dialect...or, who want me to design their home, cd-jackets, furniture or give 'em a little bit of that Feng Shui-fusion!...Oh, & anyone who can transcribe recent MR images of my brain for free, please. + Allen Ginsberg, Carlo Broschi, Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac, Arthur Schopenhauer, Gerhard Richter, Álvaro Leite Siza Viera, Mikhail Baryshnikov under a full moon (and preferably, with my best dress on), The Countess of Dia, Paolo Soleri, Christine de Pisan, Caravaggio, Bernini, Michelangelo, Christopher Wren, Egon Schiele, David Myriam, Le Corbusier, Audrey Hepburn, Mario Ruoppolo, Pablo Neruda, Mama Cass, Jean Carlu (after he lost his arm), James Dean, Pablo Picasso, Joan of Arc, Marlon Brando, Nelson Mandela, Edith Piaf, David (preferably not caste in stone), Galileo, Shakespeare, Mr.Tambourine Man, Helmut Newton, Helen Frankenthaler, Frank Lloyd Wright, Marcel Duchamp, Santiago Calatrava, Voltaire, The Dalai Llama & Jesus (in the same room), Jeff Buckley (in my room), Julia Childs (in my kitchen), Tankman, Twiggy, The Crocodile Hunter, Queen Victoria, Bob Ross and all of his "happy" things, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Carlo Scarpa (unless having a chat with him at his grave counted), Emperor Augustus, my great-great-grandfather in Koln, my great-great-great...grandmother in Bohemia (I know Beethoven was ugly, but I could have been a f'ing heiress!?!), any of the great Doges, Lee Krasner, Mies van der Rohe, Alberto Giacometti, Mr. Rogers, Georges Braques, Robert Nesta Marley, Guiseppe Terragni & Oscar Niemeyer (for a sketching session & political debate), Frida Kahlo, William Wallace, Vitruvius, Hitler (so I could pop him one in the jaw & tell him he sucked as an architect), Piet Mondrian, Kurt Schwitters, Wassily Kandinsky, Vivaldi, Brunelleschi (in Florence, I'd like to understand his perspective), Fred Astaire, Andrea Palladio, Sigmund Freud, Robert Doisneau, Kazimir Malevich, the maternal grandfather of every man i meet in the future... and your Mother, of course.

my roof, Festa del Giglio , Williamsburg

Williamsburg Art Galleries - NYC Events Calendar - Williamsburg Culture Calendar - Brooklyn Calendar



~ho//ace's Spazio di 7676 Amici~

ho//ace's 7-Nation Army of Sexy, Talented Loveliness:

hollace m metzger Poetry

Chris Cuzme

b l o n d i e

MiDEA foto projekt

Nikola Tamindzic is homeofthevain.com

Jacqueline Christine

Micka Luna

Thomas Bel

Torus Biglane

Julian Stockdale

Dennis Cahlo


Vitor Joaquim

M i s c h a

João Pedro Leitão


HERR P. - The Ombudsman

Luke Slott


Oisin Lunny


Joshua Bell



Jesse DeNatale

Pablo Honey

Issam Krimi

Frederik De Wilde // Impure // Black Ghost Knife



Yves Marchand


Shahram Shiva

Joe Render

Stephen Murray

Sounds in Bloom



Tiago Benzinho

project: 5.am

Ramadi Asati

Bjørn Giesenbauer


Glauco (m³)

view comments




Storytellers from the Mississipi Delta to Mali...

+ Any drum beat that throws me into convulsions, lavotte, goltraige-gentraige-antraige, anything w/ 3-chords+12-bar sequence, qawwali music + Afro Celt Sound System, The Afrosippi Allstars, Air, Alaska in Winter, Alessandra Celletti, Ali Farka Toure, Alpha Blondy, Alison Krauss, Andrey Vinogradov, Angelo Badalamenti, Anita O'Day, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Antonio Vivaldi, Antony & the Johnsons, Arab Strap, Arcade Fire, Arcana, Art of Noise, ARVO PART, Astrud/Joao Gilberto, Autechre, AYUB OGADA, Babatunde Olatunji, Bardukah, any of the Bata tribal chants, Beirut, Belle and Sebastian, Ben Folds Five, Ben Harper, Ben Mitchell, Ben Webster, Bessie Smith, Big Bad Plus Give, Billie Holiday, Boards of Canada, Bob Dylan, Bjork, Blarvuster, Brian Eno, Buena Vista Social Club, Bunny Wailer, Burning Spear, Carlos Gardel, Cat Stevens, Cecilia Bartoli, Cesaria Evora, Charles Aznavour, Charles Lloyd, Chavela Vargas, Chemical Brothers, Chris Cuzme, Christine Primrose, Clancy Brothers, Claude Challe, Claude Debussy, Clint Mansell, Cocorosie, Coldplay, Conjunto Cespedes, Cristiano Serino, Crosby-Stills-Nash, Cure, Dafinis Prieto, Daft Punk, Danez Prigent, Danilo Perez, Dave Brubeck, David Gray, David Wilcox, Deniz Atalay, Devendra Banhart, Devotchka, Dhruva, Dinah Washington, Django Reinhardt, Dmitry Shostakovich, The Doors, DuOuD, Durutti Column, Dvorak, Eddie from Ohio, Edith Piaf, Eleni Karaindrou, Elis and Tom, Ella Fitzgerald, Ellis Paul, Ennio Morricone, Eric Satie, Erkan Ogur, Estas Tonne, Etoiles, Explosions in the Sky, Etta James, The Faint, Finbar Furey, Flight of the Conchords, France Gall, Franz Ferdinand, Franz Schubert, Gang Gang Dance, George Abdo, George Friederic Handel, Giacomo Puccini, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, GLENN GOULD, Gogol Bordello, Gotan Project, Gothart, Gotye, Giuseppe Verdi, Guillaume de Machaut, Gustavo Santaolalla, Gypsy Kings, Hans Zimmer, Harry Belefonte, Harry McClintock, A Hawk and a Hacksaw, Herbie Hancock, Hildegard Kleeb, Hildegard von Bingen's lyric set to music, Interpol, Jack Johnson, Jacques Brel, Jaga Jazzist, Jamiroquai, Jane Birkin, Jayhawks, Jeanne Moreau, Jean Paul Egide Martini, Jeff Beal, JEFF BUCKLEY, Joan Baez, Joanna Newsom, Jocelyn Pook, Joe Lovano, Johann Sebastian BACH, John Jacob Niles, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Joni Mitchell...

"...to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free..."

...Jorge Benjor, Jose Feliciano, JOSE GONZALEZ, Joshua Bell, Julia Kent, Kaki King, Kalai, Kane Roth, Karine Polwart, Kayhan Kalhor, KEITH JARRETT, Kenny Anderson, King Creole, King Creosote, Kings of Convenience, Kingsuk Biswas, The Kinks, The Knife, Kocani Orkestar, Kraftwerk, Krister Linder, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Ladytron, LEIF, Lelonek, Leonard Cohen, Lila Downs, Lisa Gerard, Loney Dear, Lorne Cousin, LUCKY DIOP, Ludovico Einaudi, Ludwig van Beethoven, Luke Slott, MADREDEUS, Mahala Raï Banda, Majek Fashek & The Prisoners of Conscience, Malinky, Mandragora, Marc Cohn, Maria Callas, Maria Rita, Markos Vamvakaris, Mary Hopkin, Martin Sexton, Matou & Monsieur B, Maxwell, Meat Beat Manifesto, Mediaeval Baebes, Mendelssohn, Micka Luna, Mickey Hart, MidiVal Punditz, midnight juggernauts, Mikis Theodorakis, Miles Davis, Miriam Gauci, Mississippi Fred McDowell, Misstress Barbara, Mogwai, Moby, Moody Blues, My Latest Novel, Nana Mouskouri, Natacha Atlas, Natalie Haas, Neil Young, Neutral Milk Hotel, The New Lost City Ramblers, NICK DRAKE, Nicola Piovani, Nino Rota, Norah Jones, Norman Blake, Nouvelle Vague, Nuova Orchestra Sarm, NUSRAT FATEH ALI KAHN, early Oasis, Odetta, Offenbach, Olafur Arnalds, Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Orchestre Baobab de Dakar, Ornette Coleman, OTHA TURNER, Ottmar Liebert, Oumou Sangare, Paganini, Pajtasi, Palyrria, Papi Oviedo, Pat Metheney, Paul Giovanni, Pearl Bailey, Peter Paul and Mary, Peter Tosh, Pharoah Sanders, PHILIP GLASS, Pixies, PJ Harvey, Portishead, RACHEL'S, Rachid Taha, Radiohead, Ravel, Ravi/Anoushka Shankar, Ray Lamontagne, Red Snapper, Rising Star Fife & Drum Band, Robert Duncan, Robert Nesta Marley, Rossini, Royksopp, Rufus Wainwright, Ruy Mingas, Saint Etienne, Saint-Saens, SALIF KEITA, Sam Mangwana, Sarah Brightman, Schoenberg, Sebastien Tellier, Sepideh Vahidi, Serge Gainsbourg, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Shye Ben-Tzur, Sigur Ros, Simon and Garfunkel, Sinead O'Conner, The Smiths, Sol Seppy, Spaccanapoli, Stan Getz, Stephane Pompougnac, St. Germain, The Stills, Sub Swara, Sufjan Stevens, Swans, Talvin Singh, Tarab Orkestar, Taraf de Haidouks, Tartini, Tartit, Teitur, Tito Puente, Tommy Makem, Tool, Totico y sus Rumberos, Underworld, Van Morrison, The Velvet Underground, Vikter Duplaix, White Stripes, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, William Fitzsimmons, Wynton Marsalis, Yael Naim, Yan Tiersen, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Yo la Tengo, Yngve, Zlatne Uste + anything with a cane fife, chanter or Armenian dudek. It's all about the mood and absolutely MUST have soul.

Oh, and SILENCE...

Lots of...




Downtown 81, 32 Short Films About Glenn Gould, Die Blechtrommel, Farinelli, Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow, Cinema Paradiso, Mystery White Boy (It will be good!), Last Night, The Suspended Step Of The Stork, Bent (if you're gay, see it), The Red Violin, Exploding Plastic Inevitable, Chelsea Girls, Roma, Pinero, Il Postino, A Clockwork Orange, East of Eden, Not One Less, Serenade, East-West, Chungking Express, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Braveheart, Vanilla Egg Creme, Man on the Moon, La Vita e Bella, Basquiat, Amelie, Delicatessen, Goya in Bordeaux, Kafka, Tengoku to Jigoku, The Life of Oharu, Orfeu Negro, Gangs of New York, What Happened to Kerouac, Chocolat, Breathless, Pi, Manhattan, Nashville, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Pianiste, Alphaville, Swing Kids, The Animation Show, Raise the Red Lantern, My Architect, Memento, Crazed Fruit, To Build a House, Angel Heart, Shawshank Redemption, Julien Donkey-Boy, Truman Show, Coffee and Cigarettes, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Saturday Night Fever, Frida, Red/Blue/White, Pollock, La Dolce Vita, Rebel Without a Cause, Malena, Vincent and Theo, The Belly of an Architect, any Muppet movie/Show...yep, Blade Runner, Grease, Pulp Fiction, Dead Poet's Society, A Beautiful Mind, Gone With the Wind, O Brother Where Art Thou, Last Tango in Paris, Gosford Park, Seabiscuit, What Happened to Kerouac?, The Notebook, Scent of a Woman + anything Fellini, Girard, Godard, Jeaunet, François Girard, Kurosowa, Mizoguchi, Antonioni, Angelopoulos, with or by Werner Herzog + new-school Pixar-type/old-school Disney animated...
and all things Noir.

"Life is (already) a stage."




yes, Television...

But, I guess sometimes it can be fun.


"Forse se tu gustassi una sol volta
La millesima parte delle gioje,
Che gusta un cor amato riamando,
Diresti ripentita sospirando,
Perduto e tutto il tempo
Che in amar non si spende."

Webb/Corby: The Little Book of Hand Shadows (1927), Torquato Tasso's 15C. poetry (see above), GUIDO CAVALCANTI, Fernando Pessoa, Günter Grass: Die Blechtrommel, Frances Mayes: A Year in the World-Journeys of a Passionate Traveler; Rassa Shastra: Inayat Khan, Oscar Wilde, Anais Nin: Delta of Venus & Little Birds, Lee Sannella: The Kundalini Experience, Berendt: City of Falling Angels, Schiele: Eros & Passion, Chopra: Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, Mike Tyler: From Colorado to Georgia (stolen from the Carleton Arms Hotel, nyc), all Ishihara, Eugénio de Andrade, Mallanaga Vatsyayana, Neihardt: Black Elk Speaks, Le Parfum, Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Odysseus Elitis's poetry, Lobagola: An African Savage's Own Story (a true story of a Jewish African cannibal's migration to New York), Duras: Blue Eyes Black Hair, Mann: Death in Venice, etc., Gide: The Immoralist, Swami Narayanananda: The Primal Power in Man / The Kundalini Shakti, Bradfield: History of Luminous Motion, all Derrida, most Nietzsche, SCHOEPENHAUER, Mathew Gregory Lewis: The Monk (1796), Barthe: A Lover's Discourse, Kubler: The Shape of Time, Le Petite Prince, The Oxford English Dictionary as opposed to the Urban Dictionary, all Jalaludin RUMI & Thoreau, Man and His Measure (because of where and when I found the book), most Marquis de Sade (for stormy nights), Heller: Catch 22, Rand: The Fountainhead (just like everyone else!) & Atlas Shrugged, Bender: The Physics of Qi, John Hay: The Breadwinners, all Pablo Neruda & Robert Desnos' poetry, Vitruvius, Illiad, Odyssey, Rowe/Slutzky: Transparency, Hejduk: Such Places As Memory & his Last Works, Sanctuaries, & his all-around inspiration, Highwater: The Primal Mind, Koolhaas: Delirious New York, **Jeanette Winterson: The Passion**, Turgenev, Ezra Pound, Strindberg, Bataille, Breton, Sebald (Vertigo, Austerlitz), Keats & Yeats (..they're on your side), Gill: Art Lover-Biography of Peggy Guggenheim, all KEROUAC (Tristessa, On the Road, etc., etc.) & GINSBERG/Beat Poets, Sylvia Plath, HENRY MILLER, Kundera: Unbearable Lightness of Being, Hall-Tharpe: Mrs. Jack, Robilant: A Venetian Affair, all Italo Calvino & Shakespeare (read thrice!), Arthur Miller's plays, The Heavenly City of the 18th Century Philosophers, many many many cookbooks, America Oggi & Il Gazzettino newspapers, a few sentimental items of exchange & acquisition: A 1898 copy of The Merchant of Venice; A paperback of The Phantom of the Opera given to me at a hotel in Barcelona; Guide to the Adirondacks given to me while hiking the Adirondacks; The Pictish Guide given to me as a departing gift from Glasgow; A canal water-soaked Taschen publication of Carlo Scarpa: Complete Works acquired from a Venetian gypsy...& a fond appreciation for any author buried under the cobbles of Westminster Cathedral (minus Edward I).


People who stick together.

People who dream of ways we can all stick together.

And, people who cause other people to stick together by sticking together.



My Blog

incantations at San Tomà

Le 26 Mai 2008a letter, unsent[photos from Toulouse] Incantations at San TomàI will love him because he exists.But, does he see mein silvery flesh,floating freelyas if I'm flyingas m...
Posted by hollace m metzger on Wed, 28 May 2008 01:21:00 PST

return ticket : threesome : not for you

**Return Ticket is now a jazzy, introspective tour of the Paris RER-train in a collaboration with Tiago Benzinho - listen HERE.Return ticketOne ride from Paris Suburbia to exchange American dollars an...
Posted by hollace m metzger on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:48:00 PST

the music of Venice

27 april 2008note: this is my first poem written for a composer with particular instruments (very early-music + electro), music (very old + very modern) and vocals (spoken + a counter-tenor) in mind, ...
Posted by hollace m metzger on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:37:00 PST

thirteen thoughts

Rouen, FranceNatural(Industrial)ization, Human(Constructiv)ismI. Wind swells and bowing trees' creaking veins seep amber. And the whippoorwill, pausing to listen with opened ears, closed eyes:Sile...
Posted by hollace m metzger on Thu, 22 May 2008 05:42:00 PST

still life : Americant : 20 questions

Still LifeEverything in ParisIs a still life.Life in a film, pausedBut so actively there.The apple, the pear,The trombone, the flute,These stacked letters Written in familiar fonts Against finished wa...
Posted by hollace m metzger on Tue, 06 May 2008 11:07:00 PST

raining fire : camouflage : colorless

e.g. "today : yesterday : before yesterday"So, somebody asked me if I had any inspirational May-the-first thoughts. Feeling amiss and abandoning my blog responsibilities as of late because I have a sl...
Posted by hollace m metzger on Fri, 02 May 2008 06:39:00 PST

Egyptian perfume palace

It was a gift from my motherand when deciding which bottle to leave with,I chose it, the smallest.Annointing my body's surfacebecame a ritualistic experiencewhile traveling, cleansingtired skin w...
Posted by hollace m metzger on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 01:26:00 PST

the man with too many scars

(draft, big time)He’d traveled too farto know home again.Living three decades,one would thinkhe’d lived twenty.At least, he felt this way.He’d given flowers, foreign brocades,rings a...
Posted by hollace m metzger on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 03:13:00 PST

Underneath Parisian Streets, uma colaboração entre Tiago Benzinho

Let's take a walk...It is the cinema that shares our paradise,our lives,translates our dreams, our fears, our narrated thoughtsinto many languagesandtransforms the role of the spectatorinto that of th...
Posted by hollace m metzger on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 06:37:00 PST

ode to the Tenori-On + news

exciting news!Just a sneak peak to inform everyone that hmmP & MiDEA paint are collaborating with a certain undisclosed German musician who composed the very first album using the Tenori-On music sequ...
Posted by hollace m metzger on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 02:26:00 PST