Site web e travail actuel : En 2005, Ollivier Fouchard oriente son travail vers un sujet qui lui tient a c,,ur : la musique. Avec une liberté totale, il l'aborde, la dessine et la grave sous toutes ses variantes, styles, rythmes et couleurs. Musicien dès son plus jeune âge, passant du piano à la batterie, puis découvrant la basse, il tente par sa technique de prédilection, la gravure, de composer un univers graphique musical. Certaines de ses ,,uvres tentent d'exprimer l'état d'esprit du musicien avec son instrument, d'autres traduisent sur papier les ambiances, les sons, les plaisirs de l'écoute, de la danse ou du chant. "Jamais apprivoisée, la musique se compose, s'écoute, s'interprète, se danse, s'improvise et s'offre même. Jamais apprivoisée, mais souvent gravée, comme le premier des premiers sons de notre mémoire, naturellement, en images ou en microsillons."Une technique évolutive : Utilisant auparavant la linogravure pour des raisons pratiques : souplesse et rapidité d'exécution, Ollivier Fouchard a choisi de nouveaux outils et de nouveaux matériaux pour répondre à ses objectifs artistiques. À présent il additionne le procédé de gravure en relief que lui offre la linogravure (à la gouge), à celui de la gravure en taille douce (pointe sèche et presse), sur plexis. Ainsi, les aplats de couleurs des linogravures (impression à la cuillère) se mélangent aux traits et aux morsures de la pointe sèche (impression presse).
OF was born in Hennebont, in Brittany in 1972. Former graphic arts student, he has been working as a graphic designer in an ad agency for over 15 years. Having a keen interest in pen and ink drawing, he really discovers the technique of wood engraving in 2001. He appeals to that technique, adapts it, converts it his own way. As a graphic designer, he explores new creative horizons through his artistic activity.HIS PRESENT WORKIn 2005, OF headed for music – a theme he’s really keen on. He freely approaches it, drawing and engraving it in many different ways, styles, rhythms and colours. Being a musician from his very childhood - playing the piano as well as the drums, and later dicovering the bass - he tries, through his favourite technique, to create some kind of musical and graphic universe. Some of his works try to express the state of mind of the musician while playing an instrument. Others convey on the paper the atmospheres, the sounds, the pleasures of the tune, of the dance or of the song. Never tamed, music is composed, valued, performed, danced, improvised and even offered to you. Never tamed, yet often engraved as the very first sound in our memory, naturally, through images or microgrooves .AN EVOLUTIVE TECHNIQUEFirst using linoleum woodcutting for its flexibility and quickness, OF has now chosen new tools and materials to achieve his artistic view. He now adds engraving in relief – obtained from lino engraving, with the help of a gouge – to etching on plexiglass –dry-point engraving and etching press. That way, the flat tints of his lino engravings –printing with the help of a spoon – blend with the lines and tears of his dry-point engraving – etching press printing. ..
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