Charlotte and Erik Ström ----------------- ----------------- Ström Art, LLC ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- We Currently have Our Artwork for Sale at the Following Locations: ----------------- ----------------- ---------- LOCATION: Artworks Collective Gallery. 205 Lyndon St. Greensboro, NC 27401. 336-370-0025. PAINTINGS and PRINTS for Sale on Display by Various Lyndon Street Artworks Artists, including Charlotte and Erik Ström. ----------------- ----------------- --------------- LOCATION: Center City Cafe. 114 N Elm St. Greensboro, NC 27401. 336-274-8646. PAINTINGS for Sale on Display by Charlotte and Erik Ström. ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- LOCATION: Boutique Hypnotica. 908 Spring Garden St. Greensboro, NC 27403. 336-333-2346. PRINTS for Sale on Display by Charlotte and Erik Ström. ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------- LOCATION: Lyndon Street Artworks, Studio J. 205 Lyndon St. Greensboro, NC 27401. 336-370-0025. Our Working Studio is Open to the Public. PAINTINGS and PRINTS for Sale on Display by Charlotte and Erik Ström. ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- LOCATION: Metro Gourmet Market. 200 S. Elm St. Greensboro, NC 27401. 336-379-1575. PAINTINGS for Sale on Display by Various Artists, including Charlotte and Erik Ström. ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- LOCATION: Focal Points. 300-B South Elm St. Greensboro, NC 27401. 336-273-9885. PRINTS for Sale by Charlotte and Erik Ström. ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- LOCATION: Solaris Tapas Restaurant and Bar. 125 Summit Ave. Greensboro, NC 27401. 336-378-0198. PAINTINGS for Sale on Display by Lyndon Street Artworks Artists, including Charlotte and Erik Ström. ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- LOCATION: The Space Gallery. 304 Tate St. Greensboro, NC 27401. 336-314-0715. Works by Various Artists, including PRINTS for Sale by Charlotte and Erik Ström. ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
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