Karmym profile picture


love, peace and happiness

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Untitled 2

I live with my wife and my children in a flat in Zürich and work in the informatics. in my freetime I travelled the world or danced through the nights Until I became father. Exploring different cultures and different way of living was an important experience and an expansion of my interests. travelling was a going back to my roots.
Now I want to spent as much time as possible with my family and I'm travelling more inwards my soul and body. I practise yoga daily and am starting with meditation.
I started painting when my first boy was born in 2001. I'm a self thought artist. My paintings deal with very basic things like my love to nature, animals, sport, yoga and meditation.
you can buy prints of my paintings
at http://karmym.imagekind.com/ in the us,
at http://www.shop21473.fineartprint.de in germany
at http://karmym.printart.ch/ in switzerland
download mobile and computer wallpaper at http://www.chi-qi.com/visualsearchresults.srf?artist=Karmym

My Interests

outbackball - 2008 (not finished, I still work on it) propelled by the efficiency or appeal of wireless communications, electronic commerce, popular culture, and international travel, globalization has been seen as a trend toward homogeneity that will eventually make human experience everywhere essentially the same

gandhi - 2008 it is my conviction that nothing enduring can be built on violence (mahatma gandhi)
yeti - 2008 the jeti cares about the humans polictical going on. wrong flimsy reasons let innocent people suffer. he hopes humans unterstand that all living organism together are one undiveded whole.

zurich - 2008 this painting is dedicated to my hometown.

demon stone - 2008 the demon on the stone wants to discourage us to lift the stone and to explore a important discovery. in us there are such demons as well, examine them very precisely without anxiety. if you get this you will gain a new understanding and you will remove the strength of this anxiety.

yogacandle - 2008 the yoga shoulderstand (sarvangasana) brings you in balance. after meditation in front of candle light you will find this clearness in you.

dolphin - 2008 to see all the beauty you have to look under the surface.

soccer - 2008 when everthing fits you can kick the ball exactly to your goal. in your life you can choose the direction and speed for your life's journey. play the game of your life.

yogatree - 2008 if you're looking for more stability let your roots grow and feel like a tree. everbody achives her/his balance in finding her/hisself needs to come to the middle in finding aspects unfilled on the other side of the center. for everbody it is onther way.

knight of the trees - 2008 earlier the knight of the trees was a strong, ruling and protective power. in this time he is very weakened and bleak. he needs our help.

buddha - 2008 siddhattha gotama, known as the buddha 'the enlightened one' - never claimed to be anything other than a man. after years of searching and trying various methods, he discovered a way to gain insight into the reality of his own nature and to experience true freedom from suffering. (the art of living - vipassana meditation, s. n. goenka)

star2008 - 2008 the earth and the stars are round. the wind with its great power rotates in circles. birds build round nests. the live of a human is a circle.

skater - 2007 on your life journey you will experience blockades. this skater accepts the challenge, doesn't stop and achieves a breakthrough. go your way in full awareness.

travelling - 2007 if you are open and observing while travelling you will find undiscovered islands. stop global warming so that this islands don't disappear.

hearts - 2007 love knows no boundaries. essential for the evolvement of unlimited love is the experience of the unity ot all existence.

breakdance - 2007 if you see the world in a weird way it helps to change the perspective

our roots is africa - 2007 we all have the same roots, we all originaly came from afrika. our ancestry traveled around the world, changed to races and citizen - but we still and will ever be human with the same roots!

handsofafamily - 2007 this are the hands of my family. much of the appearance and the behavior of childs is alike the parents ones. however every child brings a total own personality to the earth.

victory - 2007 the greatest victory is where is no loser. you gain when you see your real present state and learn something new about you. the recovered satisfaction you give back to your surroundings.
peacedove- 2007 I hope that you found peace in you. only if we are in peace we can live in peace all together on this earth. the peace dove will burst the wall for this.

scorpion- 2007 sometimes we avoid somebody because of his nature. we worry to recognize our strengths and weknesses in this other person.

elephant - 2007 the elephant is wise, strong, emotional and he has his snorkel always with him. if you feel yourself to big and you fear to lose the overview then try to focus to the basic inner essence.

rats - 2007 rats are very clean, adaptive, friendly, lovely and clever animals. in the hindu mythology they are the riding animal for the god ganesha. unfotunately rats like some other animals suffer from false negative preconception.

planet earth mandala - 2007 in our center there is harmony, on the surface there is movement and life, there are the oceans and the islands. the sky and the air is full of energy, enough energy for all our wishes. we all together must take care to this elements!

tae bo - 2007 this kick requires not only swiftness but also stability, coordination and flexibility. the same attributes are essential for your inner force.

ridethebike - 2007 use your legs and not a car, you are clean energy! live natural, it's better for your body, your soul and our world!

open eye - 2007 with an open eye you can recognise possibilities to change your life. most of the time it's just good as you are, sometimes a change helps!

happiness - 2007 you can't measure happiness and you can't work towards it. when you allow yourself to be happy you feel hapiness in every moment. allow it now and everytime you need it!

listen - 2007 which one is the best music? I can't answer that, just look for yourself which music is the best for you in that moment. on my page is always a present for your ears, your welcome!

drummer - 2007 do you feel your live beat. this drummer wants you to make sensitive for your rhythms.

dj - 2007 music is a elixier, we all can be our own dj, there are some dj's that help us to find the right mix like a medicin man. search and find the music that benefits you.

disco - 2007 to be and not to be, to use your senses or not to notice them, you are the one!

yogadancer - 2007 the yoga dancer brings elasticity to the spinal column and develops concentration, balance and poise to do this version of the dancer is very difficult but it's a goal I work for. if you follow a goal your condition will improve.

connections - 2007 when we look from very far or from very close it still remains a individual perspective what we see. the objects always interconnect and so there is a relationship between cause and effect. good connections help to better effects!

queen - 2007 this picture is dedicated to the queens of this world.

save the world - 2007 this planet is our only paradies. lovely mother earth, I thank you for your energy, your love, your food..... in you there is much beauty, your are our only paradies.

out of the jungle - 2007 to be in the jungle is a exciting adventure but it can be a labyrinth as well. when you want to leave just follow the light
black point - 2007 it's never only dark, there is alway color as well. when there is a difficult situation then it's always a possibility to grow and expand.
yellow butterfly - 2007 everyone is small but if you shine you will be discovered
uttarabodhi - 2007 attentiveness, every day can be full of enlightenment. this mudra should help you.
ambassador for peace - 2007 we all can live in peace. peace is salam is schalom is happiness within you and all the universum! unfortunately there are places all around the world where there is no peace, unforunately everyday we are some moments not in peace within us. belief in you, in us and into the others, the empassador for peace wishs you this!
peace is mahatma gandhi, peace is nelson mandela, i hope we will find peace leaders in the industrial countries too.
meditation - 2007 I ask myself, what does it mean to go back in consumption to save the earth? Is advertisment the poison for the environment? Are we conscious, what we cause and why we do things? Lets do a meditation, I wish you good insights!
dancing shiva - 2007 for a dreamy, playfully live with the background of the colorful pontentialities!
gecko - 2007 the gecko looks always to live in a friendly space, he feels the atmosphere and takes action to improve a likeable world.
sitting yogi - 2007 a yogi sometime just sits there and feels the actions in his body. the body shows as a lot if you want to listen.
yellow lotus - 2007 the yellow lotus evolves every time a little different. the inner life and the appearance changes incessantly and the growing is very powerfull.
arabian star - 2006
holy cow - 2006
one planet one heart - 2006
pipi - 2006
ohm - 2006
power mudra - 2006
dancing harlequin - 2005
reiki - 2005
jimi - 2005
one over one over one over one - 2005
liebe (love) - 2005
Trinity - the seeker, the palyful and the wisdom - 2005
my hands - 2005
flying angels - 2004
ohrenwaermer - 2004
paul + malkasten - 2004
birds - 2004
rainbowstar - 2003
baby - 2003


idan raichel
erykah badu
ismael lo
joseph malik
cat stevens / yusuf
dj river
chill out
african music
arabien music


music videos

idan raicel project - mi'ma'amakim

bomby dub system

faithless - not enuff love

smashing pumpkings

tukuleur - afrika


yoga / health movies


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hermann hesse
eric emanuel schmitt
anthony burgess
paulo coelho
t.c. boyle
jonathan safran foer
douglas coupland
john irving
douglas coupland
historical novels


nelson mandela
great artists, yogis, individuals and musicans

My Blog

The Five Factor Personality Test 08/05/19

Your Five Factor Personality Profilehttp://www.blogthingsimages.com/thefivefactorpersonal itytest/personality.jpg" height="100" width="100">Extroversion:You have medium extroversion.You're not the life...
Posted by Karmym on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:03:00 PST

question for other artist, best shops to sell digital printed canvas for different countries

I use fot the usa         &nb sp;   www.imagekind.com       & nbsp;        ...
Posted by Karmym on Wed, 07 May 2008 08:52:00 PST

Graffiti in the city of Zurich, Switzerland

http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=-0zf1NcT97k ...
Posted by Karmym on Sun, 04 May 2008 01:50:00 PST

hiking holiday in ticinos valleys around locarno

just some pictures .... swiss miniture :-) we found the fawn alone on top of a little mountain afer a snake crossed our way, we hope the deer came back later we crossed our trail...
Posted by Karmym on Sat, 03 May 2008 01:51:00 PST

karmym’s wallpaper for your handy on www.chi-qi.com

  ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- CHI-QI http://www.myspace.com/chiqicontent CHI-QI are a small but perfectly formed group of Spirits, with a lar...
Posted by Karmym on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 01:12:00 PST

leinwanddruck meine bilder jetzt auch in der schweiz möglich

Jetzt habe ich auch noch webshop für die schweiz erstellt. Hier können meine Bilder mit Hilfe meines Webshops http://karmym.printart.ch auf verschiedene für Sie sorgfältig ausgewählte Materialien ged...
Posted by Karmym on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 11:12:00 PST

Leinwanddruck in verschiedenen Rahmungen für Deutschland

Ich habe die ersten Bilder bei  hochgeladen. mein shop dort heisst: www.shop21473.fineartprint.de falls euch ein Bild fehlt bitte melden damit ich dieses auch noch in den shop aufnehmen kann. --...
Posted by Karmym on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 12:03:00 PST

I sell digital prints on imagekind.com

some myspace friends asked me if I sell my paintings. I’m happy, I found a good solution for the us. imagekind gives me the possibility to sell good quality digital prints as a print, framed or ...
Posted by Karmym on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:10:00 PST

vipassana retreat experiences (in english)

this is the english translation of my german review of my vipassana retreat experience :-) web site of the school: http://www.sumeru.dhamma.org/ i had to cancel my participation the sixt day of the re...
Posted by Karmym on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:26:00 PST

vipassana retreat (bericht in deutsch)

the english translation will follow in some days :-) web seite der schule: http://www.sumeru.dhamma.org/ ich habe den kurs am nachmittag des 6. tages abbrechen müssen. mein rechtes auge zeigt erste de...
Posted by Karmym on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:49:00 PST