SAUVAGE profile picture


When you see a palm tree... think of me.

About Me

My name is Bobby Garcia and I love all forms of art. My heart belongs to my Creator and family. My talents are gifts from up above. I love to laugh and I love life. I believe that an artist's sole purpose is to create something that is satisfying and thought provoking. If your art stops someone and causes them to generate a response... you've succeded. Show me your art...Get templates at

My Interests

Hawaiian Shirts. Art that moves me. Havana Style. Hula. Kelly Slater. Hilo Hattie. Go Home Productions. Vintage Soda Bottles. Modern Dwellings. Morrissey. Sam Flores. Family Values. Music that inspires. Fashion. India Bazaar. Kitchen Kitsch. Surf Culture.Z-trip.Urban Vinyl Toys.Paul Budnitz. Mashups. Words that change lives. Architecture. Berlin Style. Reyn Spooner.Saving grace.KAWS. People with hearts. Chairs. Dick Dale. Eccentric Style. The Wiggles. Hang Ten. Ears that listen. Angels. Mexicana. Las Vegas. Saturday Morning Cartoons. Sunshine. Color. Salvador Dali. Exotic palm trees. Photo Icons. Swing Music. Backyard Polynesia. Drew Brophy.Loud shirts. Kon-Tiki. Don the Beachcomber. Trader Vic. Custom Culture.Vintage automobiles.Tiki Style.Retro Furniture.Witco Decor.Ocean pacific.Graffitti. Skin Art. Whataburgers. KidRobot.HotRods.Strong Paintings.The sound of Scratching on Wax(that's a record player for you young kids).Rockabilly culture.Toys.Alex Ross.Todd Schorr. Mark Ryden. Dalek. Tim Biskup. Elvis Presley. Herman Miller. George Nelson. Chip Foose. Picasso. Maui&Sons. Johnny Marr. Harley Earl. Rick Rietveld Surf Art. Robert Rodriguez. Star Wars. Rubik's Cube.Bob Marley. Ron English. Dunnys.

I'd like to meet:

Every person on the planet.


When you fall in love with a particular song, you never forget the way it makes you feel. Music is an endless shopping cart of emotions. you can never have enough. I suggest you listen to anything ever produced by The Smiths and all of Morrissey's solo albums( high-level thinkers only).


Saving Private Ryan. True Romance. Pulp Fiction. Drugstore Cowboy. The Outsiders. The Passion of The Christ. Less Than Zero. Zoot Suit. Lord of War.


I battle with the idols called Television and Computer.


The Message remixed. Mexicolor. High Art.


Jesus Christ. Cynthia Garcia.Trent Stone. Nyle Reid. Kohl Ryder. Mom and Dad. My Brothers. Salvador Dali. Morrissey. Clive Sauvage. Duke Kahanamoku. FatBoy Slim. Shag. David Robinson. Dave Ramsey. Chuck Jones. Edwin Cann. Dr.Frederick K.C.Price. 1957 Cheverolet BelAir. FCA members.

My Blog


What did you do with this day?  How did you spend your hours?  Who did you touch?  Who did you live for?  Are you pleased with your answers?
Posted by SAUVAGE on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 08:04:00 PST

The Light that never goes out ( Smiths Tribute)

Take my soul tonight Where there's music and there's praising To the One who's most high. Lying in your heart I'd never ever want to find lost and searching for fulfillment.... For a cause. Take my so...
Posted by SAUVAGE on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 11:55:00 PST


Your aspirations are your possibilities. - Samuel Johnson
Posted by SAUVAGE on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 06:46:00 PST


Being tempted is not a sin; yielding to the temptation is commiting a sin. We are all tempted daily but we all react differently. Don't knock yourself out, only one person has scored a 100. Peace- SAU...
Posted by SAUVAGE on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 05:16:00 PST


He who is really kind can never be unhappy. He who is really wise can never be confused. He who is really brave is never afraid. -Confucius
Posted by SAUVAGE on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:54:00 PST


It's  never too late create memories of bliss. Pure joy, if you can define it correctly. Not temporary feelings for physical hungers, I'm talking about true moments that make you realize that lif...
Posted by SAUVAGE on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 09:20:00 PST

Looking Forward

Family is like sand in your hands and we go through life looking forward with different people bumping into us as the sand slowly falls to the earth we keep walking the same path over and over always ...
Posted by SAUVAGE on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 08:39:00 PST

How Long?

Will you save the last dance for me? Can you smell roses that I've picked for you in my head? Where do you hide your tears? How long are your dreams? How loud do you whisper?  ...
Posted by SAUVAGE on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 07:56:00 PST

Children/ Gifts

When you look into the eyes of the gift(s) that God chose to let you help create... You've reached the highest point of your life this side of Heaven. God trusted you to be responsible for the destina...
Posted by SAUVAGE on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 08:54:00 PST


When you close your eyes at night, What's the first thing you see? Do you think that the world would be better off if everyone could be with the person they longed for? Don't you think that people wou...
Posted by SAUVAGE on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 08:12:00 PST