Sas profile picture


Licorice is the liver of candy

About Me

I have a book out called "Looking In". Click on the image below to buy one or simply to get more info, from the good folks at 9mm Books Also now available in Florida, signed, from Tate's Comics!

I get a lot of requests for prints and posters. I have a selection available from my website, but you can find some incredible limited edition giclees from: Circus Posterus

See more of my work at WWW.SASCHRISTIAN.COM ..

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My Interests

Being with my hubbie and dogs, watching movies from netflix, painting, hanging out and being mellow with my closest friends, listening to audio books and podcasts -( if you haven't heard Ricky Gervais podcast check it out), trying to garden and tending my pond, nature documentaries, yummy foody things.

I'd like to meet:

Trying to think, mmm. The trouble is when I meet people I admire I get all embarrassed and awkward. Would love to have a cup of tea with Sir David Attenborough, and a nice crumpet with Helen Mirren. Lots of artists that I look up to I've already met (lucky me!). JK Rowling would be a good one. Eddie Izzard definitely! John Currin, yes. Muse & Radiohead (although what I'd say I have no idea - it would be too weird!).
RIP. Would have loved to have met Oliver Reed - he was my first crush! Alfred Hitchcock would have been a laugh. And of course Cary Grant - he did LSD and went on Carson, you gotta admire his chutzpah...


Radiohead, Muse, Michael Buble, Philip Glass, Sigur Ros, Barry Adamson, Edith Piaf, The Veils, Placebo, David Holmes, Kasabian, Amy Winehouse, Keane, Feist, Air, Zero 7, AFI, The Egg, The Jam, Fatboy Slim, Daft Punk, Scissor Sisters, Moby, Mozart, Lemon Jelly, Juno Reactor, Flaming Lips, Queen, Depeche Mode, Eurythmics, Unkle, Paul Oakenfold, Air, Bent, The Beatles, The Police, Stevie Wonder, Dean Martin, Tears for Fears, Sia, Karminsky Experience, Goldfrapp, Etta James, Underworld, Astrid Gilberto, Bill Withers, Peggy Lee, Bernard Herrmann, Scott Joplin, Raymond Scott, Dave Brubeck, Charles Mingus


Jaws, Napoleon Dynamite, The Thing (1954), Shaun of the Dead, La Vie en Rose, Shine, Clockwork Orange, American Werewolf in London, Best in Show, Fargo, The Devils, The Fearless Vampire Killers, Shortbus, The Birdcage, Tarantula, Amelie, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 40 Year Old Virgin, Fido, Exorcist, Oliver! (1968), Dawn of the Dead, In the Mood for Love, Pretty much ALL Hitchcock, Harry Potter, The Graduate, 300, Children of Men, Quiz Show, The Triplets of Belleville, Groundhog Day, Casino Royale, Kamikaze Girls, Grease, Koyaanisqatsi, The Fog(1980), The Third Man, Willard, Forbidden Planet, Goldfinger, Harold and Maude, Secretary, Sexy Beast, Lake Placid, Lost in Translation, The Night of the Hunter, Microcosmos, Marathon Man, Pirates of the Caribbean, Poltergeist, Snatch, Spirited Away, Lars and the Real Girl, Sin City, The Innocents, Andromeda Strain, Monster House, Trading Places, Quatermass and the Pit, All the Presidents Men, American Splendour, Diabolique, Takashi Miike films, Bourne Identity, All about Eve, Arachnophobia, You've got Mail, Battle Royale, Danger Diabolik, God of Cookery, Cape Fear (1962), Curse of the Demon, Deliverance, The Sting, Shaolin Soccer, Run Lola Run, Everything is Illuminated, any Cary Grant movie. . . . .Oh and Bedazzled-1967 (the ORIGINAL not the the remake with Elizabeth Hurley which was totally shit). Peter Cook just had all the petty, snivelling, juvenile, selfish qualities one would expect from your run-of-the-mill devil. In my opinion best devil ever.


Battlestar Galactica (new), Flight of the Conchords, Extras, Colbert Report, Going Tribal, The Daily Show, Bill Maher, Rome, Antiques Roadshow, 30 Rock, Dirty Jobs, Lost, Simpsons, Entourage, Planet Earth...


All sorts really - I listen to audio books mainly, whilst I'm working. After a day of painting my eyes can get kinda tired so I don't sit down and read as often as I'd like/should. I'm a big fan of J.K Rowling, can't help myself I love the Harry Potter series and the audio books are excellent. H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds", George Orwell "Animal Farm/1984", Anthony Burgess "A Clockwork Orange", William Golding "Lord of the Flies". I like psychological thrillers and mystery stuff. Actually have a taste for American History - it has to be presented a certain way -like Sarah Vowells "Assassination Vacation". "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini is a personal favorite, "The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America "by Erik Larson, almost anything by David Sedaris. Oh, and cookery many cookery books (my version of porn I think!)


Colin Christian, Darwin, William A. Bouguereau, Tamara De Lempika, Ingres, J.K. Rowling, Mark Ryden, Karim Rashid, Bruce Parry, Sir David Attenborough, Nigella Lawson and pretty much any french pastry chef.

My Blog


Heya! Well, the joint show that my husband/artist Colin and I are having at Opera Gallery NY is soon approaching. I'm nervous and excited and am looking forward to going back to one of my fave cities ...
Posted by Sas on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:30:00 PST

goodbye to the normals video

Great little short film... ...
Posted by Sas on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 03:07:00 PST

Hot, Fresh Website!! Straight out the oven

Well, the fresh new website is finally up and running. I have some new pics up and also have reopened my shop, with 2 new posters. There's also a link to the most excellent Circus Posterus. who have s...
Posted by Sas on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 04:07:00 PST

Gen Art Vanguard Exhibition, Art Basel Miami 07

Hosted By: Francesco LoCastroWhen: Friday Dec 07, 2007at 8:00 PMWhere: Palm Court 309 23rd Street (just off Collins Ave)Miami Beach, FL 33139United StatesDescription:Francesco LoCastro Hosted By: Fran...
Posted by Sas on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 05:47:00 PST

Interview on

If you have a mo check out my interview on, and then read about a host of other really wonderful artists... alk-sas-christian.html...
Posted by Sas on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 03:17:00 PST

WMALOY video - 4 those who couldn't be there...

SO, here is one of the vids from the We'll Make A Lover of You show in Miami. It features 2 of my favorite people - the curator and my buddy Francesco Lo Castro and the gorgeous and insanely talented ...
Posted by Sas on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 08:15:00 PST


IT'S HERE! My new book is finally here and I couldn't be more excited. It's a beautiful hard cover, full color monograph showcasing many of the paintings I've created over the years. Click on the imag...
Posted by Sas on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 09:12:00 PST


Name:Sas ChristianBirthday:January 4th 1968Birthplace:Brixton, London UK. Born to the sound of Bow Bells so apparently that makes me a cockney - cor blimey guv'ner, can you adam and eve it?Current Loc...
Posted by Sas on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 10:45:00 PST