Marque Terrynamahr Strickland profile picture

Marque Terrynamahr Strickland

An involuntarily celibate, tall, dark, and artistically brilliant recluse!

About Me

I absolutely ADORE artistically brilliant people. I surround myself with them, as it is with them that I feel most comfortable. I owe everything to artistic people, for without you, I would be nothing. Be you a writer, painter, actor, musician, architect, or whatever, I thrive upon your efforts. You are the air I breath. My solace. My stronghold. My safety net. My sanity. My reason for living. I love you all.Childish. Creative. High maintenance. Cocky. Sensitive. Insensitive. Insecure. Quick tempered. Loving. Loyal. Lustful. Attractive. Incredibly horny (especially after 3 decades of involuntary celibacy). Mischievous. Bombastic. Slightly domineering, yet fair and easy to please. Talented to no end. Know-it-all. Chaste. Afraid of germs. Healthy. Insightful. Rude, yet charming. Artist.Born on St. Patrick's Day, I am a PISCES with VIRGO rising, two signs of opposition, which complete me. By the Chinese Zodiac, I'm a DRAGON with ROOSTER rising. Most any Chinese astrologer would claim that this accounts for much of my offensive ego (see, it's not completely my fault! :o) I had my very first girlfriend in the latter half of 2005. She was a sweet and beautiful woman that I did very wrong, because of my quick temper, sensitivity, and 'work-a-holism.' I realize now that I need a lady who is just a little bit like me...I need that, for I'm an artist to the core of my soul, and in order for me to be happy, a woman has to understand and support that. I'm a good guy, but slightly self-centered, so relationships are difficult for me. I look at it like this, as far as we artists go, NOT ONE PERSON in the world, believes you can succeed, except you-with odds like that against you, YOU BETTER BE SELFISH. I'm of the opinion that any unsupportive/misunderstanding loved one or anyone else who is NOT an artistic kindred spirit, should be kept at a distance, because they will do nothing but slow you down. This can be rough, because you will often hurt your family's feelings...but, nevertheless, it's necessary. The artistic workaholic in me frustrates people, but I can't help it. My need to indulge in that which is creative is as involuntary as my heartbeat. 100% Acrylic © Marque Terrynamahr StricklandAcrylic, Ink © Marque Terrynamahr Strickland“For God So Loved the World That SHE Gave Us ‘Real Hip Hop’ ” 2007/Acrylic and Ink © Marque Terrynamahr Strickland/www.artistrick.comMy goal in life, besides "World Domination" as an artist, is to help people realize it's okay to like, be friends with, or love someone despite the superficial differences one may have with that person, such as skin colour, religion, or social class. All forms of love are valid: straight, gay/lesbian/bi, transexual, transvestite, black/white/green/purple, ALL OF THEM...the only thing I have a problem with is bestiality. Forgive me, but that is one prejudice I'm not likely to get all you sickos with the animal porn, please please please STOP IT!I can eat Sushi or Indian Food till I pass out. YUMMY!I love talented people with huge egos, but who are tactful with them and know how to keep them in check.I hate talented people, who are lazy and don't exercise their craft, but then get mad when they see people, much less talented than themselves, attain success in life because of the fact that they work hard.Also, I love talented women...there is nothing more attractive than artistic ability. I love them all shapes, sizes, and races. To me, women are the closest thing in existence to 'GOD' (if you actually believe in such a thing), and I guess that is why I think so highly of them. Why should we not praise the very beings that bring human life into this world?Hey guys, link my site! Just copy the image below by "right clicking" and then choosing the "save" option. Thanks!Go check out my proper site when you get a chance. Thanks!www.artistrick.comFor those of you who keep asking about my 'involuntary celibacy' (take note of the word "INVOLUNTARY") and the type of women that I like, I'll give a little example. Now, as I mentioned above, I do NEED an ARTISTIC AND KINDRED SPIRIT in a woman if I'm to join my life with hers. But aside from that, forgive me if I seem incredibly superficial, but as far as the 'look' that I'm drawn to, this is the type of beauty that makes my heart skip a beat. What can I say? I LOVE fabulous, classy women! : (What do you want from me? I'm an artist and, therefore, INCAPABLE of not noticing beauty when I see it. So, naturally, I need it in my life.)

My Interests

Art World Domination-You laugh now. . .but just watch me! "PATIENCE IS A BITTER PLANT, BUT IT HAS SWEET FRUIT." - Old Proverb

I'd like to meet:

These were posted, but now I feel like keeping them a secret. . . .just wait and see!"The possession or achievement of ANYTHING begins in the mind." -BRUCE LEE"In an artist's life, death is perhaps not the most difficult thing." -Vincent Van Gogh (and I hate this guy's work...but I can't deny the power and honesty of his words here.)"When you finally gather your sword, shield, and your courage to face the Dragon, you will find that he is nothing but a guinea pig.""Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -- Albert Einstein"Finally, as the blazing sun shone down upon us, did we know that the true enemy was the voice of blind idolatry; and only then did we begin to think for ourselves." -I have no idea who wrote this, but it's powerful!


My favorite form of music is "Classical."My second favorite forms of music are Indie Rock and Indie Hip Hop.My favorite producers are The Opus, EL-P, Mr. Len, DJ Shadow, RZA, Camutao, Rob Sonic, Madlib, Imogen Heap, Diamon D, Pete Rock, Blockhead, Hi-Tek, Bjork, Jazzy Jeff, and many others I can't think of at present. My all around favorite hip hop artist ever (even though he's so incredibly new to the public eye) is Lupe Fiasco -- 'Food and Liquor' was pure genius!My favorite MCEE's are Jay-Z (a god of MCin' and could anyone not love Jay?); Papoose, goddamn (I had no words for how dope he is!); My friend,Vast Aire (that boy is so damn cold it's ridiculous!), Eminem, Andre 3000, Black Thought, Common, Talib Kweli, Bahamadia, Jeru the Damaja, Wu-Tang, Rakim, and KRS One...and also Biggie Smalls when referring to his FIRST ALBUM-"Ready to Die" was too ill!...and, again, there are many others here that I'm forgetting at present.My favorite vocalists are my friend, Adelaide Muir, and IMOGEN HEAP. I'm a sucker for artistically brilliant women, and they are EXACTLY that!And here's just a short little list (I don't think this is even a one hundredth of all the music I enjoy, but if I was to name every band, group, or solo artist I love, then the list would NEVER END!): All old school hip hop; The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Buckley, Cold Play; EL-P, Cannibal Ox, Aesop Rock, Blockhead, Rob Sonic, Mr. Lif, and the rest of the Def Jux crew; Bjork, Tori Amos, ALL Classical Music, Alanis Morisette, Outkast, Penguin Cafe Orchestra, Flock of Seagulls, UK POP/PUNK (1970's), Sufjan Stevens, Iron and Wine, Tilly and the Wall, Radiohead, Cardigans, Grandaddy, Cranberries, DJ Krush, DJ Shadow, Fionna Apple, D'Angelo, Erykah Badu, L Boogie, John Legend, ANYTHING by IMOGEN HEAP (she is so BRILLIANT!). . . . . .I listen to damn near anything, as there is beauty in it all!


There is nothing quite so brilliant or hauntingly beautiful as "City of Lost Children." Other than that, which is my favorite, let's see here: I absolutely adore "Lost in Translation", anything by Peter Jackson; Delicatessen; Amelie; La Hain/Hate(English Translation); all Spike Lee's stuff; American Werewolf in London; Trading Places; Raise the Red Lantern; Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon; Hero; House of Flying Daggers; Kung Fu Hustle; God of Cookery; Shaolin Soccer; Superman 1,2/Richard Donner version; Love Actually; Do the Right Thing; Sex and Lucia; Run Lola Run; Othello/Kenneth Branagh, of course; Hamlet/Kenneth Branagh; Schindler's List; House of 1000 Corpses; Devil's Rejects; Underworld1&2 (I'm a sucker for vampires and werewolves); E.T; Shaun of the Dead; Great Expectations/Ethan Hawke; Gattica; Coming to America; Harry Potter; Garden State; Leon, the Professional/extended cut; Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction; Jackie Brown; Reservoir Dogs; Four Rooms; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Punch Drunk Love; the Godfather; Donnie Darko; The Triplets of Bellville; King Kong, 1933 and 2005; Ninja Scroll; PRINCESS MONONOKE (that is one of the best damn things I have EVER seen!); Spirited Away; Vampire Hunter D; Legend; Brotherhood of the Wolf; Spiderman 1 and 2; Good Will Hunting; Clerks; Mallrats; Dogma; Chasing Amy; Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back; Angels in America; Sin City; V for Vendetta; a gazillion other movies I'm forgetting about right now' and, once again, CITY OF LOST CHILDREN! It is the GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE. . .if you HAVE NOT seen it, you must do so IMMEDIATELY!


"Six Feet Under" is probably the best damn thing I've ever seen on TV. "Deadwood" is a close second, and "Carnivale" is amazing as well. After that, it's the British sitcoms. . . . .I have never seen one I didn't like-literally!


Some of these names, I mentioned earlier, but my favourite authors are Stephenie Meyer, J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Philip Pullman, John Irving, JD Salinger, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling, Mark Twain, Jane Austen, Cornelia Funke, Christopher Paolini, and a gazillion others I haven't discovered yet. Anything fantasy or horror...and some science fiction, you know, the type that's NOT TOO "sciency!" I care much more about a story involving HUMAN EMOTION...I don't give a rat's ass about technical/scientific details. Too much of that will kill a story for me faster than anything.


As far as writing and reading goes, I have to say that two of the biggest heroes to ever come into my life are J.K. Rowling and Stephen King! Philip Pullman as well ("His Dark Materials"), but I can't seem to find a picture of him. I also admire couples who, somehow, in this day and age can still maintain a beautiful union (I myself have never known love, so with the times that we are living in and the bullshit I see lovers put each other through, my opinion on relationships is jaded......but there are those who beat the odds) : Others include: The magnificent genius, Bruce Lee Gottfried Helnwein. . .in my opinion, he's the "God of All Painters!"Lori Earley; and my good friend, the MAGNIFICENT, Naoto Hattori; and other good friends, the BRILLIANT, Sas and Colin Christian.I adore this woman....she is goddess and genius all in one!(Check my Top 24 for her husband, Colin's, stuff-the dude is, like, the greatest sculptor in the world!); Miles Teves and Jordu Schell (two gods of the craft of 'Monster Making!), Oprah Winfrey, Aaron McGruder, El-P, Bruce Lee, Steven Spielberg, Mike Nicols, Bill Gates, Peter Jackson, Quentin Tarantino, Sidney Portier, Brian Froud, couples who stay true to their marriage vows, those who were born with terrible tempers but have enough self control to not be ruled by them (I'm still attempting to gain such mastery of myself), Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Christopher Reeve (the REAL "Superman" . . .I don't care how pretty or muscular this new kid is!), Batman, Spiderman (the GREATEST superhero EVER!), Yoda, Han Solo, Darth Vader, and Link from the Legend of Zelda games.

My Blog

Iron Man...It was actually GOOD!

Posted by Marque Terrynamahr Strickland on Sat, 03 May 2008 08:58:00 PST

New art, guys! I’m really insecure about this one...

...But then again, I’m a natural born critic and therefore hard on myself. I guess I’ll have to let you all make the decision as to whether or not this one is any good.  Hell, if it w...
Posted by Marque Terrynamahr Strickland on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 03:55:00 PST

"Shit Surprise" My latest bit of ridiculousness!

...and don't bother asking what the hell is wrong with me, because I couldn't tell you! LOL!  ...
Posted by Marque Terrynamahr Strickland on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 06:25:00 PST

People that I hate...

to be revised....
Posted by Marque Terrynamahr Strickland on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 12:19:00 PST