michel gauthier 2 reconstruction profile picture

michel gauthier 2 reconstruction

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 Profil de Michel Gauthier............Michel Gauthier est né à Terre-Neuve de parents saguenéens. Autodidacte, son intérêt pour l’art s’est fait sentir en premier par une approche de la peinture, puis, par celle du cinéma qu’il a pratiqué de 1970 à 1980. Depuis 1973, il est photographe; il a participé à ce titre à une trentaine d’expositions solos et de groupe. Cofondateur de la galerie Séquence, il a bénéficié de plusieurs bourses du Conseil des Arts du Canada et du ministère de la Culture du Québec. Plusieurs de ses photographies font partie de collections privées et de celle de la Banque d’œuvres du Canada. Il a participé à l’édition de plusieurs livres et revues dont la revue Focus et un livre sur la photographie historique au Saguenay. Depuis 1983 il a été monteur, cameraman et réalisateur dans le domaine de la vidéo. Il a aussi enseigné la production vidéo en Afrique centrale, en Mauritanie, chez différents groupements amérindiens du Québec ainsi que chez les Inuits._____________________________________________________ _______________________________Michel Gauthier was born in Newfoundland of Saguenean parents. Self-taught, he first got interested in art through his approach of painting and then through cinema which he practiced from 1970 to 1980. Since 1973 he is a photographer. As such, he was able to take part to 30 group or solo exhibitions. He is cofounder of the Gallery Sequence and was awarded several grants from the Canadian Art Counsel and from the Ministère de la Culture du Québec. Several of his photographs are part of the Banque d'oeuvres du Canada or private collections. He participated to the publishing of several books and reviews such as Focus and a book about historical photographs in Saguenay Country. Since 1983 he is an editor, cameraman and director working with video. He also taught video production in Central Africa, Mauritania, and several groups of American Indians from Québec as well as in Inuit country.____________________________________________________ ________________________________
Josef Koudelka, Diane Arbus, Henri Cartier Bresson ,Eugenes Smith, Edouard Bouba ,Arthur Penn ,Dorothy Lang, Ansel Adams ,Sieff ,David Duglas Duncan ,Larry Burrows, David Burnett, Don McCullin.Gilles Caron

My Interests

photography , film making , watercolor painting, all kind of music, camping in special places, north expeditions ,nature life ,almos every thing.....living on this planet shooting film in helicopters.on water, making sea kayaking,canoe ,sail boats,nordic skiing ,trecking ,dancing ,cooking for friends and my family ,north american indiens ,inuits,africa,sahara ,samourail culture ,south america, history ,archaeology ,geography,fashion,models,femininity teaching video production in different country and cultures for educative purpose,


bleus , jazz ,classic. ,latino, african european and others.


nanouk of the north ,citizen cane ,amelie poulin ,copie3-iron, some time in april ,les amants,cinema paradizio,joyeux noel ,samsara





CARLOS CASTANEDA , KRISHNAMURTTI ,TAISEN DESHIMARU ,SHUNRYU SUSUKI ,LAO-TZEU ,KHALIL GIBRAN, TAHAR BEN JELLOUN ,PAULO COELHO,THEODORE MONOD ,PATRICK SUSKIND ,ANNE RICE ,JOHN RALSTON SAUL,ROBERTSON DAVIES,BERNARD HENRI LEVY ,JOEL DE ROSNAY ---and some photographers,----Josef Koudelka, Diane Arbus, Henri Cartier Bresson ,Eugenes Smith, Edouard Bouba ,Arthur Penn ,Dorothy Lang, Ansel Adams ,Sieff ,David Duglas Duncan ,Larry Burrows, David Burnett, Don McCullin.Gilles Caron,

My Blog


Posted by michel gauthier 2 reconstruction on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 07:03:00 PST


Posted by michel gauthier 2 reconstruction on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 07:01:00 PST


Posted by michel gauthier 2 reconstruction on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:48:00 PST

KUUJJUAQ ET SALLUIT (nord du Québec)

Posted by michel gauthier 2 reconstruction on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:03:00 PST


Posted by michel gauthier 2 reconstruction on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 09:15:00 PST


Découvert à la fin du 19è siècle par des explorateurs missionnaires, le pays est rapidement passé sous "protectorat" français. Malgré cela, les droits de l'homme n'y furent pas appliqués, et des form...
Posted by michel gauthier 2 reconstruction on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:41:00 PST


Posted by michel gauthier 2 reconstruction on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:58:00 PST


Posted by michel gauthier 2 reconstruction on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 05:21:00 PST