Travis Louie profile picture

Travis Louie

I Paint them as I see them

About Me

Painting keeps me sane. MY WEBSITE:THE ART OF TRAVIS LOUIEEMAILAfter much deliberation, . . .the smacking krampus, raises his hand as if to ask a question, . . . and then smacks down his victims until they relent, . . .His oversized right hand is as wide as the average frying pan!

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

painting, photography, fine writing instruments, cryptozoologyGordon "six-eyes" lived in his parents basement until his six eyes became highly fashionable and his anger at the outside world had subsided to a level of extreme indifference. By the time it was safe for him to emerge from the cellar and experience the outside world, his brothers and sisters had all grown up and married. He now had many nieces and nephews, who loved their "Uncle Six Eyes". They all marveled at his ability to move all six of his eyes in different directions at once. They wished they had six eyes, . . . instead of the "boring" single eye they each had on their shiny, bald heads, . . .just like their parents.

I'd like to meet:

Other artists, artbuyers, and creative people "NAVEN OVERCOMES HIS SPIDER PHOBIA" part of current show at COPRO NASON GALLERY , Santa Monica, CA on display from May 12th to June 2ndArtBlog Of Travis LouieSometime in the 1850's, after an unusually long, hard rain, a strange figure pulled himself out of the ground and began terrorizing a small mining town in Northern California. It wasn't so much that he actually caused any physical harm to anyone, . . . it was his unusual appearance combined with his high pitched cackling and almost constant mumbling, that drove people mad. The townspeople nick-named him "Rooty" because of the long root-like tendrils that protruded from the top of his misshapen head and the strong scent of ginseng that came from his body. When startled, which seemed to be quite often, his "sounds" grew so loud, it rattled window panes and interrupted many a conversation.


When he first appeared on the sideshow circuit, Rex was billed as "Rusty the Wonderdog" He was the world's one and only, fire-eating dog. He could also perform amazing feats of strength; he could bend the points of a pitchfork with his jaws! He was last seen working at Coney Island's Dreamland as the "Living Gargoyle" in the HellGate exhibition. The park burned down in 1911.


Sunset Boulevard, Monkey Business, Laura, Night of the Demon, The Lady from Shanghai, Night of the Living Dead, Strangers on a Train, Touch of Evil, Heroes of the East, 8 Diagram Pole Fighter, the Magnificent Seven, 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Miller's Crossing, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", the Adventures of Robin Hood, . . .A day before the opening of the 1939 World's Fair, Gill pulled himself out of the great Flushing Bay and headed toward Main Street. After eating a hotdog and a strawberry ice cream soda, he went back into the Bay. He reappeared many decades later in the upper deck of Shea stadium during the 1986 World Series between the New York Mets and the Boston Red Sox. He was enjoying a hotdog and a beer.


Reginald was a celebrated Victorian biologist and chemist. He was quite a celebrity in his day, . . . well known for his scientific discoveries and many sexual conquests, . . .despite his unusual body odor. One day, while hurrying to his next lecture at Cambridge, he spontaneously combusted. All that was left in the pile of ashes was his whiskers and his shoes.


Night of the Living Dead (1968)
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Orson Welles(before he became enormous and sold bad wine), Bougereau, Norman Rockwell, Vermeer, Jan Van Eyck, Hans Holbein, Jehan Georges Vibert(a really underrated painter) Rod Serling, Michael Jordan, Mohammed Ali, Bruce Lee, . . .

My Blog

Banners at Les Claypool show

This is a picture from a Les Claypool show in LA (I Think) I did the cover art for his Fancy DVD last year and I found out it was used as banners behind his stage. If any of you out there have better ...
Posted by Travis Louie on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 05:47:00 PST

New Print Available

this  signed & numbered print (framed) is now available through Copro Nason Gallery ...
Posted by Travis Louie on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 05:15:00 PST

Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek at one of my pieces going to my upcoming show at Roq La Rue Gallery in Seattle Also, a dear friend of mine is having an opening at Thinkspace Gallery this week in Los Angeles, . ....
Posted by Travis Louie on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 02:02:00 PST

About that fire

As anyone tuned into this business has probably heard, there was a fire at Harold Golen's Gallery in Miami. I was Christmas shopping when I got the call on Tuesday. The news reports on the w...
Posted by Travis Louie on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 08:40:00 PST

Back from Art Basel

I went down to Aqua Art Fair at Miami's Art Basel and had a great time. There's nothing quite like exhibiting art in a festival type atmosphere. I'm definitely going next year...
Posted by Travis Louie on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 04:42:00 PST

New article in current issue of Tattoo Society Magazine

There's a short article about me in the current issue of Tattoo Society Magazine you can find it on newstands and at Barnes & Noble booksellers.  ...
Posted by Travis Louie on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 01:21:00 PST

Formal Training

I was having a conversation with one of my art dealers and he mentioned to me the concept of the "artist as an outsider, with no formal training" as a selling point. I thought it a strange c...
Posted by Travis Louie on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 05:19:00 PST


I've been interviewed by Brian Sherwin for his Art Blog It's an interesting read (his blog) Especially the bit on "What is Art?" I know what art is to me, . . .I think I'll let everyone else decide fo...
Posted by Travis Louie on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 04:37:00 PST

Current issue of Hi Fructose Magazine

Did I mention that there's a feature on my artwork in this month's  Hi Fructose magazine!?!   The magazine also has articles on cover artist Amy Sol, Lori Earley, Mars-1, Brendan Danie...
Posted by Travis Louie on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 07:04:00 PST

Next Show

Coming up Sept 8th at Copro Nason Gallery Copro Nason Gallery 2525 Michigan Avenue T5 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Ph 310.829.2156 I'll be putting some work in the Blab Show and the Devil in Disguise here's...
Posted by Travis Louie on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 06:21:00 PST