SHARONA DEVENEAUX profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Darkness embrace

I am now in the mist of writing my first novel about my life and family. This is a story of lies and deceet, torture and abuse, sex and sex changes, drugs and booze, alias' and identity concealment, rehabs and jails, death and murder, betrayal and hate, but a lot of love and devotion. It is the one legacy I promise I will leave for my children. It’s titled “Two Bits of Silver and a Mouthful of lies”. I hope to publish and release it within the next year.For those who choose to follow this story as it is written, your feedback is always welcome. Come visit Please forward your comments to me. Thank you for your interest and support. Until we again hook up, have a good life.'re special.
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Religious Myspace Graphics / Myspace Quotes | Layouts | Get Big
The foundation of our life started when we were born into this wondrous place we call earth. Every thought that we have pondered, every deed that we have dealt out, every feeling we have felt, every tear we have shed and every dream we have dreamt, have been intricately attached to this foundation in one way or another.I know that there have been many of you who had a nurturing start into this world and therefore fit in quite well due to YOUR foundation. However, those of us at the other end of the spectrum have quite a different view of this.We go through life thinking we are either worthless, unlovable, or, and this list can, go on. We grew up listening to the BULL SHIT everyone dished out and it stuck. We created an illusion in our minds of what was based on the information we had shoved down our throat.I realized this not so long ago when I had to write my life story for th 5th rehab program I was in. I could not get out until I completed this final project. It took forever, but it was one of the greatest things I had ever done for my self. Once it was all said and done, I started loving myself. I realized there was one person in my life from birth to now, I believe was responsible. I call her "SHE".... From there on the healthier roots of life took hold and I became happier and a little more adjusted as a different kind of angel. One with beautiful dark gray wings that have faded from black...If you find what I say to be ludicrous, then you must have had a good starting foundation. If what I say hits home, then I ask you to think about it.Sometimes we have to save our own life.

My Interests

MuLtImEdIa ArT

PlAyIn TeXaS HoLdEm AnD TaKiN All YuR $$$$


DaY oF ThE DeAd ArT

I'd like to meet:

AlExAnDrE BiScHoF FrOm BrAziL, Oilid FrOm FrAnCe,tHe cRoW, AiLeEn WuOrNoS, MaRiLyN MoNrOe, JeNnA JaMeSoN, Amy Winehouse, HeLL RaIsEr, ViN DiEsEl, MiCkEy RoUrKe, CoUrTnEy LoVe, Johnny Depp, THe EnTiRe SaInTs, TeAm.......ummmmmm. wEll and JiM MoRiSoN, RoNoN DeX, A GeNeRoUs BiLliOnAIre, and a ReAl VaMpIrE ....WiTh TeEtH! COME BITE ME AND I WILL LIVE WITH YOU FOREVER....



I had a dream …. I spread my wings and flew over the seas, and found Gustav. I found Him before He bludgeoned our shores. He honored me with song and we danced in unison under the moonlight till dawn …. Calming His wretched soul. He promised not to destroy God’s Town, He would spread only His breath and tears upon our land. I found trust in Him and His favor for me … After what seemed to be an eternity, we exchanged our farewells and I went my way. As He loomed onto shore and came upon my hiding …I could hear His breath so softly, “Thank you my love, my Sharona” .. When I awoke … I realized it wasn’t a dream after all …a kiss and the King’s light was restored to the world…..Love, Sharona September 1, 2008 God's Town, Louisiana USA

MY MUSIC WiNeHoUsE to BeEtHoVeN oR AnYtHiNg ThAt FiTz ThE mOoD oF mY mOmEnT



A LoVe SoNg FoR BoBbY LoNg,AlL MoViEs FiLmEd In NeW OrLeAnS, AlL DaViD LyNcH MoViEs, AlL TiM BuRtOn MoViEs, NaTuRaL BoRn KiLLeRs, PlAnEt TeRrOr,MoNsTeR, RuNnInG WiTh ScIsSoRs, BaMbI, BoOnDoCk SaInTs, AmErIcAn PsYcHo, SlEePiNg BeAuTy, SwEeNy ToDd, ThELMa and LoUiSe,101 DaLmAtIoNs, FiGhT ClUb, MeMeNtOs, WHitHErINg HEiGhTs,ThE DePaRtEd, kAlIfOrNiA, MoNdO CaNi and "V" for VeNdEtTa



ThE SaNcTuArY, SoNs Of AnArChY, ThE RiChEs,GiRlS BeHaViN BaDlY, LoSt, StArGaTe AtLaNtIs, Dr. WhO, StArGaTe SG1, BaTtLeStAr GaLaCtIcA, CsI, ScRuBs, KiNg Of QuEenS, AdUlT SwIm, FaMiLy GuY, SoUtH PaRk, All PoKeR ToUrNys, HGTV and the FoodNetwork.....yummmmy





JeSuS ChRiSt ThE SoN oF GoD

TaYlOr TaNk mY iNcReDiBlE Son

My TrAnSeXuAl SoN, 4 his CoUrAgE & DeTeRmInAtIoN In FoLlOwInG HiS HeArT & 4 BeCoMiNg KhaLiAh, My BeAuTiFuL DaUgHtEr

My Blog


Alot of us in life come across some very good or some very bad people. Although we learn many lessons from both sides - we also learn to embrace the few great ones that cross our path. I am very fortu...
Posted by SHARONA DEVENEAUX on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 04:57:00 PST