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HELLO there and thank You for stopping in...Remember that Life is a chance to grow a soul and despit

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A Clairvoyant is a person, commonly a woman, who has the power of seeing that which is invisible to her patron - namely, that he is a blockhead.

___Ambrose Bierce

Your Custom Heading

~~ Michael Stusser~~

Ever wanted to ask Van Gogh about the whole ear episode or Beethoven for his take on American Idol ? How about Napoleon about his complex, or if Frida might consider a brow wax? Here’s your chance! Because while some people see dead people, Michael Stusser interviews them! If you ever wondered what it would be like to have dinner with anyone in history - now you’ll know by tuning into Michael's Dead Guy Interviews. Check them out at or just head on over to his MySpace site. You will learn historical tidbits and laugh along the way! Here's a little tidbit about Michael...He is not only a writer, but a game creator, playwright and an inventor!


"I was born again this morning In a ring of fire burning And my wings the sky were soaring As I came to learn a feeling"Antigone is a singing dancing uberwoman with an intellect that devours most computers.She hails from Sydney originally but now lives in London.Her debut album, getting superstars like Darren Hayes quite excited, is due for independent release later in 2007. Listen to Uberwoman', 'Funky Dancers' and others at And make haste: become an uberhuman via

~~Joe Gande ~~

Joe's music provides listeners with dynamics, heartfelt emotions and raw intensity. His songs are filled with soaring melodies, catchy hooks, addictive, sing along choruses, introspective, self-searching moments and pure driving rock & roll. A sound that can only be described as "New York" says Dave Jackson of The Musicians Cybercooler. So take the time to head on over to his site and listen to his tunes. I like his song Brighter Day.

~~Tracie Hunter ~~

Tracie Hunter (daughter of Mott The Hoople frontman Ian Hunter) is a rocking chick that has a voice that will pull you into her euphony like a magnet. Her lyrics roll off her tongue with full blown passion. I love her song "Marylebone" So make sure you check out her site and soak up some of her sound. What are ya waiting for? Click her pic!

~~Planet Brain ~~

Planet Brain has a new cd out now titled Compromises & Carnivals. Go have a listen -- kick back -- close your eyes and let their sound take you on a journey. 'Keep Diving' and Sometimes' will feed your brain!

~~Evelio ~~

Evelio believes thatmusic is a part of hisgenetic makeup. As along time friend oncetold him: "You are abeing created for thepurpose of makingsound." Although hemay not understandthe full mechanics ofhis being, He hasfound a way to makesense of the things Hedoesn't understandthrough music. Hegoes through a broadspectrum of emotionsthat may notnecessarilyexperience his ownreality. As a result, Hegains understanding ofwhat it is to be and attimes, what it is likenot to be.

~~It's Jerry Time ~~

Boston's Jerry and Orrin Zucker have created a major following on the internet that are totally addicted to their animated series "It's Jerry Time" It's good clean fun stories that will leave you in stitches; because if you haven't shared one of Jerry's moments in your own personal past, the episodes are sure to jog your memory into remembering someone that did! Check out the latest episodes over at or click on the pic to head over to Jerry's MySpace and give a big hug and congrats to the brilliant guys for winning the Broadband Emmy!

~~InGray ~~

Ingray is a rock/metal/indie group that moved to the USA in 2000. The band released remastered version of "Therion Confidential" and "The Other Side" for the US market. After a short break and a lineup change, Ingray recorded an EP CD "Good Girl". The band is currently performing in USA and Canada. Ingray has been awarded many times since the beginning in 1996 (named then as "Therion") and has 13 music videos and hundreds of TV & radio appearances.

~~Hope Gilmore ~~

Hope Gilmore grew up in New Orleans, LA and lived there all of her life until she went to college where she got her BA in Theatre, but she has long been a singer songwriter as well. Hope partly takes after her extremely talented singer/songwriter sister, Faith Gilmore. Both are beautiful women. Hope has the most hypnotic eyes and such a soothing lovely voice. I am wishing her the best of luck in NY in her acting and also her musical career. Head over to her site to listen to her wonderful songs.

~~Mark Stoney~~

Mark Stoney is a superhero with metal boobies. Yes, metal boobies. I bet you wish you had metal boobies like him. Also, he has the most sophisticated tin opening device in the world for a left hand, but it's just out of shot in this photo. Also just out of shot is his extraordinary telescopic bionic breeding equipment which can impregnate fridges and other household white goods from a range of 50 ft. He also writes & records good songs on his own internal studio (built into his thigh), which also presses CD's which can then be purchased at at some good record shops or downloaded on iTunes. His latest ejection was entitled "The Scene & the Unseen and it's fabulous. His songwriting is brilliant!

~~George Borowski ~~

Frank Black, frontman for The Pixies said, "I have never seen a rock 'n roll performer so completely connected with what he was doing on stage" while Jimi Goodwin, the bass player for the Doves called him "A unique singer-songwriter with a righteous howl" and also added, "George is one of the reasons I became a musician"

So just who is George Borowski? There is a legend that follows him around like a friendly ghost that he was 'the guitar George' inspiration for the 'famous lyrics' in the Dire Strait's song, "Sultans of Swing" which go like this: You check out guitar george he knows all the chords - Mind hes strictly rhythm he doesnt want to make it cry or sing - And an old guitar is all he can afford - When he gets up under the lights to play his thing!

One of the really special tidbits about George is that He is a great-nephew of the Russian composer, Sergei Rachmaninov. How cool is that? Over the years George's association with an ever-growing list of artists as diverse as PIXIES, MEATLOAF, PAUL BRADY, SAD CAFE, THE WATER BOYS, TEENAGE FANCLUB, BONNIE RAITT, RADIOHEAD, and the list goes on, has earned him the highest level of respect from those on the 'inside' whilst also being able to reach and appeal to those on the 'outside' with his awesome combination of presence, performance and beautifully crafted words of art. His band is called George Borowski & the Fabulous Wonderfuls and George says that they are about 2/3rds through with the new album and it will be called " Fair Xaverian" So head on over to his site and listen to the great songs, which my favorite of his is "Chant"
There is no doubt in my mind that George Borowski is a very special person and a celebrated timepiece; one that's still keeping his rhythm with the best of them.

~~Chris Gongora ~~

Chris Gongora juggles alot these days. Not only is he the co-founder of a cool magic group called Magic X; that's live show "Magic X Live' developed into the network televised special called T.H.E.M. - Totally Hidden Extreme Magic, but Chris is also one of the co-producers of the MTV 'ROOM 401' that has everyone buzzing about their slick special effects and candid camera style scenerios. If you haven't watched it yet, head over to MTV's site and watch a couple of the episodes online.
Apparently for Chris, that is not enough on his plate, because he is also directing and acting in a digital feature length dark comedy that he wrote entitled "The Bet' and don't think he is stopping there, because in addition to the magic world, he has also put together a music project called Rebota. In my book Chris is a great example of a multi-tasking superhero that is skillfully talented and super motivated with his master magician hands dipping in just about everything! We can only wonder about the next card hidden up his sleeve, which he will probably make appear when we least expect it! Don't blink or you might miss it!

~~Laura Knight ~~

I love it when someone comes along that can "dazzle me" and not only has the ability to make me smile; but also has some substance meshed into their passion. Laura Knight is one of those people. She is a "Dazzler" that I call my friend. Laura might grind, shape, grunt and even curse from time to time when a motor driven brush jumps and lands somewhere it shouldn't...but that's ART! Metal Art!

'Iron Rhapsody' is the name she came up with -- since metal can be as beautiful as music -- and there's no doubt that her process of visually stunning work is a symphony of welding shiny things that one can actually touch and cherish for generations to come! I suppose the message to the strength in her metal creations is one held together somewhere inside the material itself, because Laura can turn scrap into magical potency. So head on over to her site and check out the detail she puts into her lovely artistry.

~~The Foxes ~~

Who are The Foxes? Well, their name emerged from a mysterious red metal fox that was stapled into a wall and after you hear them, one might think they had been together forever, but the truth of the matter is that The Foxes were formed last year around May 2006. Since then, they have shared the stage with great artists including 'Yeti', 'The Troggs', 'The Pirates' and 'Eddie and the Hot Rods' This fresh energetic band has also recorded at 'The Way Studios' in London Fields and has had tracks played on both XFM London and XFM Manchester. They have been acclaimed by legendary music journalist Chris Welch, which said after hearing them, that " the hunt for a great new British rock group is over". The Foxes are made up of lead singer and guitarist Nigel, lead guitarist Jonno, Geve on drums and Alex on bass; mastering their own unique sound. Seems they are making a huge splash in the music pool and their fans (like hounds on the scent of a line) are showing up to watch and listen to 'the guys in the matching white jackets' at whatever venue they play! I think their video Lover-killer is adorable. So if you are looking for something new to listen to -- and you feel that the hunt is on -- head on over to their site and discover the prize known as The Foxes!


Melita Morgan's rise to her current level of acting success took 20 years of great odds. Not an overnite sensation; this is a lady who has climbed the ladder blood sweat and tears! She has done Marilyn and Madonna roles all over the world, and last year appeared in a film with Sir Bob Geldoff, called I Am Bob, that is due to debut at the New York film festival. But it's her role as Madonna in Harmony Korines's "Mister Lonely" that premiered at Cannes this year that has everyone buzzing these days. The movie is a fantasy about a group of celebrity impersonators in the Scottish Highlands that features Samantha Morton as Marilyn Monroe, Melita Morgan as Madonna and Diego Luna as Michael Jackson. The steamy encounter between Madonna and Charlie Chaplin has already thrown Melita into sizzling newspaper headlines all across the UK. Not only is she now an international actress but Melita is also a global voice for Children and Animals. Head on over to her site and learn more. You're gonna love her because the best part she plays is the one of herself: the remarkable blonde bombshell with a big incredible heart!


Born in Hong Kong and raised in Gloucestershire, Anna Palm went to London to study English and Drama and decided to stay. Armed with just her violin and backing tapes, Anna creates a magical atmosphere with songs and tunes that defy comparison with other artists, with influences from eastern to celtic folk, plus the occasional bit of French patois and Japanese thrown in for good measure. She's also been known to play the occasional traditional Irish jig, usually at breakneck speed!

~~Geeks of Doom ~~

Together Dave3 and Empress Eve have created and keep Geeks of Doom running smoothly. It's a place where indie film-makers, comic publishers, and artists can been seen and heard. Geeks of Doom comprises of a cabal of over two-dozen contributors -- all self-certified geeks to the bone. Head on over to Geeks of Doom for the inside skinny on the latest geek-oriented entertainment news, for up-to-date movie, video game, comic and music reviews, for interviews with industry geeks, contests and giveaways, and articles about everything else that shines under the geeky sun. They write about what they LOVE! Geeks of Doom ARE the comic readers, they are the movie-goers, they are the target market. They write from the perspective of the average unbiased fan, because they ARE those fans. Their contributors hail from all walks of life: teachers, artists, doctors, mystery-men, web professionals. and sure they’ve all got day jobs, but Geeks of Doom is their passion.


Bailey Jean Muggleton-Tzuke, born just outside of London, was introduced into a show business lifestyle early when she attended Freddie Mercury's 40th birthday party in Ibiza when she was only nine weeks old! With Bailey’s mother being Judie Tzuke a successful Singer/Songwriter and her father Paul being a Record producer, the natural thing for Bailey to do was to follow in their footsteps, and so she has, singing on one of her mother’s albums at the age of eleven and starting to record her own songs at the age of fourteen. She has been a backing singer on three UK tours, including singing some of her own songs to rapturous responses. There is no doubt that she is a complete package of beauty and talent. You must check out her video with the Freemasons on the song 'Uninvited' The haunting tune is a cover of the Alanis Morissette song which won two Grammy's for its appearance in the film City Of Angels. Bailey does a fantastic job and you can guarantee that with the Freemasons in the mix that the song is great to dance to also!


One well-known L.A. jazz writer jokingly described Charmaine Clamor [pronounced clah-MORE] as "Sarah Vaughan trapped in the body of a supermodel." Her timeless performance of "I Hadn't Anyone 'til You" is Clamor's way of assuring her jazz fans that the straight-ahead torch-singer they adore isn't going anywhere. She's just momentarily Flippin' Out. Backed by the renowned trio of Christian Jacob, Trey Henry and Ray Brinker (three members of the Grammy-nominated Tierney Sutton Band), Clamor recalls a 1930's chanteuse lost in memories of love. On her new CD, Flippin' Out (September 1, 2007), the first Filipina to find success on American jazz radio realizes her lifelong dream of synthesizing American jazz, blues, and soul with traditional Filipino folk music, instantly creating a new hybrid genre she calls "jazzipino." My favorite song of hers is "You and I" which is lovely. Head over to her site and have a listen to her music.


Crazy Mary is a cyberpunk action series about a bounty hunter, Mary, who can see a twisted supernatural universe that overlays and interacts with our own. Or is she just crazy? Yes...No...Maybe... Mary uses this ability along with her military training to compete in the intense world of freelancers a blanket term applied to Bounty Hunters, Bodyguards, Detectives, Assassins, and any other folks who get their hands dirty. Crazy Mary combines elements of SF, Action and Horror and delivers a heroine perfect for the new millennium. The first full length comic "Crazy Mary - Trinity" hits comic stores in November. Diamond previews order code is sep073587 (though it might be too late to order it)

~~JIMMY Z ~~

From a smoky 20-seat bar in Sacramento to the 300,000 person sold out Rock in Rio concert with Rod Stewart in Brazil, Jimmy Z has toured the world blowing crowds away with his electrifying stage presence. Performing in 1988 with the Eurythmics for the Nelson Mandela Concert at Wembley Stadium and televised to 1 billion people worldwide, Jimmy’s harmonica solo on Must Have Been an Angel brought the world to its knees. Jimmy Z has appeared and acted in the movies Georgia, The Doors, Wild at Heart, and The Shrink Is In, as well as concert films with Rod Stewart, Tom Petty, the Eurythmics and Jaguares. He has scored numerous videos and films as well as written music for many commercials. Currently, Jimmy is in the process of writing Confessions of a Glorified Sideman, chronicling his over 30 years in the music business. It includes many anecdotes and adventures from being on the road with some of the most famous (and infamous) musical celebrities. In addition, he has recently been recording music for stock libraries and soundtracks for radio & TV commercials as well as producing new music in his home studio. He wrote and recorded The Big Easy’s Gone Cold as a commentary on the Katrina disaster and other songs, including the heartfelt Wouldn’t’ Have it Any Other Way. Jimmy Z is currently touring with the legendary Etta James. Check out his music and more cool info about him by clicking on his pic.

~~Aaron English ~~

Mark Newman of Progression Magazine describes Aaron this way:"a talented new artist in a class with other stylistically challenging singer-songwriters such as Peter Gabriel, Joseph Arthur and Perry Blake; potent lyricism, eloquence, and beautiful sublime melodies that reach much deeper than simple pop songs.” When singer/piano-man Aaron English is not wandering into the Liquid Metropolis, he can be found touring the US and Europe with his world-beat rock sextet, The Aaron English Band. Make sure that you check out his albums The Marriage of the Sun and the Moon and All the Waters of this World. I like his song The Lullyby of Loneliness

~~Craig Lyons ~~

"I've been in the industry over 15 years dealing with some of the industry's top performers from all around the globe. In my life as a music promoter, Craig Lyons is one of the most sincerely fantastic people I've had the pleasure of working with. He is genuine in spirit, a phenomenal songwriter, fashionable, charming and enormously epic." - Mimi Burns V.P. of Sales and Marketing for the Indie Bible; Radio Promoter for Independent Artists

“One of today’s best independent artists” ---

Craig Lyons is a fantastic singer/songwriter that plays most of the instruments on his projects and with his smooth vocals, he manages to sooth your spirit and at the same time can definately stir up emotions that you might have tucked far away. No doubt I am a fan and he has pushed my sentiment button with his tunes. I love all of his creative songs, but my favorites are: Goodbye You, Winter, and Put life on Hold. Surf on over to his site and dive right on in to his beautiful melodies.

~~Jon Gilbert ~~

It's started on the island Okinawa, right on the southern shores of Japan, and then whenJon Gilbert was still just a little guy, his parents moved to Hawaii. It wasn't until he was around the age of seven, that the family moved again mainland to CA then pushed on to Virginia; where Jon started playing music. He's done some traveling for sure and as he now resides in Florida; he is getting ready for his first CD. There will be new songs to enjoy this summer for sure; as he plans on recording with Artimus Pyle(Lynard Skynard's drummer) but until then, he will be teaming up with Switchfoot, or basically following them and opening up at a few shows. You can visit his myspace for more details as they unfold. I love his song Not With You. Keep an eye and an ear on this new upcoming talent.

~~Evan York ~~

Evan York is an LA based artist/animator that creates awesome surreal type work that stimulates your optic nerve and invites you into a depth of field that is both fun and interesting. Not only is there contemporary wearable art to enjoy but Evan also has an animated series on the web, called THE DREAM MACHINE with 20 episodes. With this series, he has found a creative niche where he talks to people about their dreams and then he makes them come to life through animation. Check it all out and get ready to be entertained.


When the shy star goes forth in heaven All maidenly, disconsolate, Hear you amid the drowsy even One who is singing by your gate. His song is softer than the dew And he is come to visit you. O bend no more in revery When he at eventide is calling. Nor muse: Who may this singer be Whose song about my heart is falling? Know you by this, the lover's chant, 'Tis I that am your visitant. ___James Joyce



Proverbs teaches us that,
"A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses." So remember to be kind to one another in this lifetime because our time here is short and we are all very fragile. Love one another with passion and conviction and forgiveness along the way. Try to remember that we are all spiritual beings here on this earth and for now each of us are having our human experience.

My Special Faces Collection Album

If at anytime you wish to skip the profile thingy and just want to see my art just go HERE and then of course some of you have ventured here so that you could have a peek at the Liquid Metropolis There is also a new album named Cyborg Wildlife Refuge that is the new collection of machines/animals/organisms. These are cyborgs that have been rejected from their previous lodging due to bad code or possibly that the funding/grant for their experiments were suddenly discontinued. They have now found a new home in the Metropolis. If at any time you are interested in the vibe of it all you can BUY SOME OF MY ART HERE Also a very special thanks to my talented friend over at Mannequin Makeovers Let's now take a look at some of my fabulous friends here on MySpace.. When scrolling, click on any picture of person/band to be directed to their site. Higher resolution of each caricature is inside the special pic album.


Doves are an English rock band from Manchester, England that are fantastic! I loved their sound so much that I gave everyone Dove's cds in their stockings from santa for Christmas! Keep an eye on these guys because they are recording their next masterpiece now in the studio and are sure to WOW us all very soon.

Andy Williams

Drummer for Doves

Jez Williams

Plays a mean guitar for Doves

Jimi Goodwin

Plays bass guitar for Doves


Chapman wrote his first song on the inside of a shoebox lid at aged 5, and hes had sole ever since!


~~John Halcyon~~

Halcyon is a lifestyle artist and digital explorer. This guy is full of love and charisma. Make sure you stop by 'his space" which is full of pink fun and make sure you watch the videos of his wonderful grandfather...very touching.


Here's what press-types are sayin'about Melinda...

"Melinda Hill is a freaking hilarious super-hot weirdo." --Surviving LA

"Brilliant, clever and irreverent female comic." -Things To Do In LA If You're Cool

"Hot show." -Punchline Magazine

"The queen bee of chat room comedy." -Anthony D'Allesandro, Variety


De/Vision is a German synthpop musical group. Thomas Adam and Steffen Keth are currently signed to Drakkar Records in Europe. I love their songs 'Unputdownable' and 'Love Will Find A Way' and the guys have a whole new revamped website so head over there and get your NOOB on!

~~New World Revolution~~

The founder and current leader of the New World Revolution is Austrian double agent h3rwig maurer, a classic renaissance man, whose eclectic career continues to morph and transform across a wide range of territories. h3rwig is responsible for the atmospheric sonic backgrounds in Mel Gibson?s controversial Passion Of The Christ, co-founded the alternative electro act Mankind Liberation Front, contributed music and electronic production to major motion picture scores (K-PAX, Ghostship, Cradle 2 The Grave, etc) and indie movies (Lion?s Gates? Hate Crime) alike. He is also an accomplished painter and photographer.

~~ Rainbeau Mars~~

I can't tell you how many times I have done yoga with Rainbeau... Her DVD's are the best! Sometimes there is inner beauty and other times there is outer beauty; Rainbeau Mars shines with both. She is internationally known as a lifestyle coach, yoga instructor and model.

~~Cherry Whitten~~

Cherry Whitten is an entertainer in the Los Angeles/Hollywood area. She has been featured in films, dozens of commercials, music videos, records, television shows, and in over 50 stage productions.

Joshua Fredric Smith

Joshua Fredric Smith is an actor, model, musician & all around nice guy.


WIDOW is an Actor - Model - Musician -
He is also a "SuperVillain"


Sam Raimi and Marvel Comics casted Shirock as the prototype for the Superhero Spider-Man.


VASCULAR SYMPHONY creates heavy, industrial rock music which is loosely based on the mysteries of unexplained phenomenon. The band has a vast array of musical influences including the Buzzcocks, Ministry, Ramones, and Primus. Their live show is synonymous to the explosive energy of their sound.


BENSON is a Fashion Guru, Psychic Pioneer, and Writer. As you can see from his picture here; He is also an eclectic Mad Hatter! So don't be late for a very important date to check out his fashion creations on his site!


"Underground Australian music. The labcoat crew are creating a storm in Melbourne. Brewing up strange concoctions of rock, grunge, funk and punk with feedback control and crazy effects, to create a unique, old school, alternative vibe. Look out, here comes The Chemists. The new independent music revolution has arrived.


Stand-Up / Sketch Comedy / Comedic Writer
Don has won the San Francisco International ComedyCompetition not once BUT twice! Check out his matrix spoofon his site with the rest of his videos. He is a funny guy!You'll love him!


Angie's voice is amazing and truly one of the most new haunting sounds on the music scene, because after you hear her; you can't get her tunes out of your head! Songs which she has written and performed have been used in both film and network television. Her single 'Drive' won Best Independent Music Video of the Year at the 2004 LA Music Awards
I especially love her song 'In Violet'-- which is incredibly addicting. Go ahead and click on her pic so you can get hooked!

~~The Majestic Twelve~~

You have heard that the best things in life are free eh?
Well the Majestic Twelve are giving away their cd for free because they say it's more fun that way!
You can download the whole cd online so click on their pic here and check it out!

~~Luan Parle~~

Luan Parle
Meteor Award winner Luan Parle has just released her debut album "Free" on SonyBMG to critical acclaim. A musical journey that has lasted 4 summers will finally bare fruit when this young singer songwriter from Wicklow finally takes her show on a road that has taken her from her home town to Mendocino California and all points between. Along that road she has worked and written with Diane Warren, Billy Steinberg, Stephen Lironi and Bill Bottrell. She's also toured with Elton John and James Blunt.
I love her song 'Ghost' Check it out and let Luan send some shivers down your spine!

~~Miss Sour Cream~~

Made with Love...
This little lady is a dreamer and she enjoys sitting on fluffy clouds where she dreams of castles and rock'n roll princes. She enjoys her coffee with milk and a hint of sugar and also loves cookies with cream. Her favourite color is cotton white and soft pink. Miss Sour Cream loves creative people and get this: she listens to music made by Jose Gonzales!
If you want to learn more about Miss Sour Cream and her friends which are created by 'Whobyfire' just click on the pic to see more strange dolls! I love the 'night girls' because they just look like they would be able to stay up and party with ya! Ha Ha!


Cleo Antonelli
"The Devil Made Me Do Her"

~~ Jim Gaffigan~~

Jim Gaffigan
Jim is an actor and comedian. Make sure when you check out his site -- after you watch his funny videos -- that you leave him some pie. He appreciates a good home cooked meal because a man can only eat so many microwave corndogs! When you're not catching him on the Comedy Channel doing his stand up, you can watch Jim play the character Andy Franklin on the sitcom My Boys which is really a good show!


Kharen is a singer/songwriter and while her tone is soothing, it can simultaneously send shivers up your spine. Her voice is so emotionally intense that her listeners not only hear her music, but feel it. She is currently working on her debut album.
I love her song "Just Say the Word"

~~Scott Nicholson~~

Scott Nicholson is the author of thriller novels: The Red Church, The Harvest, The Manor, The Home, The Farm, and most recently They Hunger; which Publisher's Weekly says is A "vampiric Deliverance" Besides winning three North Carolina Press Association awards, Scott also won the grand prize in the international Writers of the Future contest in 1999. That same year, he was first runner-up for the Darrell Award. He also finished a term as Secretary for the southeastern chapter of the Mystery Writers of America and is a member of the Horror Writers Association and International Thriller Writers.

An Pierle & White Velvet

An Pierle & White Velvet
Named one of Rolling Stone's Top-25 bands on MySpace, An Pierle & White Velvet's album titled 'White Velvet' is a hot ticket for music listeners all over. It started coming together in 2005 as the pair filled their home with recording equipment, string quartets and a whole range of instruments, big and small. The result is a combination of everything An Pierle and Koen Gisen have experienced and absorbed so far, but blended into a distinctive style. It has both the energy of Mud Stories and the dark, twisted sophistication of Helium Sunset, while pushing forward with more rhythm and harmonies - in short, the sound of a new band. An Pierle won the Flemish Music Industry (ZAMU) Award for Best Singer of 2006. She gives a sexy and emotional performance in their 'How Does It Feel' video, so make sure you check it out!
You can tell these guys are alot of fun to be around and that they know how to have fun! Gotta love them!

~~Joel and Luke~~

Joel and Luke
Born in Sydney, Australia they've been around music basically since birth because their Dad was a music promoter and record label owner and introduced them to an eclectic variety of live shows during their growing up years, from acts such as pop star Amy Grant to heavy-metal group Stryper. For both of them music has always been the natural backdrop of their lives. Their song "My Lovely" is absolutely beautiful.
They feel that music is more than just a gig to them and that it somehow has the uncanny ability to speak to the heart; so they believe it should be used to convey a positive message. They are truly a breath of fresh musical air so check them out and show them some support!

~~Cecile Corbel~~

Cecile Corbel
"A redhead fairy, just out of a Broceliande tale, eternal vibrations, powerful culture, charismatic personality" __Says La Terrasse
Born in Brittany, the Celtic region in the north-west of France where she studied harp, Cecile has developed a unique harp technique and has an appealing young voice which reveals a world of encompassing ancient poems, original compositions, Celtic tunes and Mediterranean melodies. Her album is titled "Songbook"
In 2005 Cecile was awarded the Prix Paris jeunes talents musique(Talented young musician award of Paris)

~Michael Palmieri~

MICHAEL PALMIERI is a noted composer of modern classical music with hundreds of original compositions to his credit. His composing ability and know-how have been enhanced by his experiences teaching courses in keyboard harmony and ear training in the music theory department at Penn State University, teaching as an independent music instructor since 1976 and administrating and concertizing for a major piano manufacturer. Influenced by his classical music and piano training, which includes an M.A. degree in music, his years of performance as a professional musician and his composing, arranging and improvising abilities he has, as news articles put it, "developed his own musical language and style."
How many of you can say you have played at Carnegie Hall? Since 1981 Mr. Palmieri has regularly presented concerts displaying the achievements of his piano pupils at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York. This annual event has been listed in The New York Times, New York Magazine and other major newspapers.

~~Kezz Stone~~

Kezz Stone
"He's been called a musical wonderboy, one of the finest songwriters in England & the best-kept secret in music. Kezz Stone is a British born singer/songwriter. His album: "Great Expectations" shines with his extraordinary talent with him playing every single instrument on the record. Impressive eh? Kezz is clearly connected & highly protected, his name is like a ripple amongst the coolest of celebrity circles. There's much more to share about him and the best place to start is for you to head over to his site and listen to his music. His song "The Love Cats" is still playing in my head!

Nathalie Petronelli

Mike Foley, which is President of All Model Zone says, "An extremely gorgeous and highly sought after model that has photographers from both sides of the Atlantic seeking to work with her. She has a captivating and highly marketable look that oozes sales with each product she graces her image with."
Simon Pole says, "A consummate professional model"
Who is this that everyone is mesmerised with? She is Nathalie Petronelli; which is a professional model with a professional attitude. Check out her work by clicking on her pic and see what all the excitement is about and drink up some of her beauty. Come on...ya know you're thirsty!


GOD BLESSIT's wife describes him as a prodigal son and a man of God. She says he is husband, father, and a son loving the Lord with a song in his heart.

When asked about his tunes, he explains that his music is for the Lord and that it licks straight from 'da sword' and that his bible is his pistol so that way he is always strapped and if those demons step up they know they will get capped!

~~Karen Stever~~

Rock Artist Karen Stever is a producer, actress, animator, and songwriter/singer from Canada; now living in LA.
She just finished up singing the song and helping to animate Ben Templesmith's Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse Comic Trailer which is awesome. If you haven't seen it by all means head over to Karen's site and check it out along with her new video she made off her cd Playground Isolator!

~The Callen Sisters~

Jessa and Beth Callen are a cool singer-songwriter duo. With a harp and guitar, their lyrics are poetic & biting, sweet & reflective and are supported by haunting vocal melodies and harmonies. They are currently recording their debut album. Check out the demos on their site. I love the Irrelevant one!

~Leo Hamilton~

Leo Hamilton
"Acoustic Warrior"
I love his song "Leave a Light" Make sure you check out his site to hear his special music! Leo puts his heart into it!

~GiGi Von G~

GiGi Von G is an Alter Ego Performance Artist, Filmmaker and Muse. Her favourite words are: Wonder, Kitsch, Puddle and Soup. GiGi is more interested in dreams and fantasy than in reality. She loves to 'party' and to her; that really means to make ART, and to celebrate it with her friends and alter ego's at the Kitschpalace.


Every now and then a band will come along that will create one extraordinary tune after the other and I remember the first time that I heard the Swedish Moonbabies' 'War on Sound' which instantly melted me into their unique positive vibe; and it was that very song which convinced me that they were that kind of special band and that I would be wanting more and more. I am sure you have heard "War on sound" while watching Grey's Anatomy. It's been a huge hit over here in the USA. Make sure you catch the video over on their site when you have a listen at their music because Carina Johansson and Ola Frick 's voices mesh together so lovely as they bring you one great tune after the other. Moonbabies are one of my top favorite bands that I listen to over and over and their song "Take me to the Ballroom" is awesome also.

~G.J. Echternkamp~

G.J. Echternkamp is a music video director that created and danced like crazy in the Mates of State "Goods" video. He is the lead actor of IFC's webseries "Getting Away With Murder" where he plays the nerdy hitman Seth Silver. G.J. is also known for making the documentary titled "Frank & Cindy" about his crazy parents. Both appalled and amused by their behavior, G.J. picked up his video camera and aimed it directly at them. After a year of filming, what began as an attempt to mock his one-hit-wonder step-father, instead becomes a candid portrait of the pursuit of happiness. You can check it out over at Frank & Cindy's MySpace. The film was an entire episode of This American Life.

My Blog

The Magic Castle

The Magic Castle is the world's most famous club for magicians and magic enthusiasts and home to The Academy of Magical Arts, Inc. The Magic Castle is the showplace for some of the grea...
Posted by Liquid on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 10:58:00 PST

The Faces of Belmez

The Bélmez Faces or the Faces of Bélmez is considered by some parapsychologists the best-documented and "without doubt the most important paranormal phenomenon [in the 20th] century". Located at the P...
Posted by Liquid on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 11:15:00 PST


Little Clean Helpers ...
Posted by Liquid on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 08:32:00 PST

Feels Like Tonight

Posted by Liquid on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 01:28:00 PST

When Under Ether

Pj Harvey - When Under Ether ...
Posted by Liquid on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 12:29:00 PST


My favorite Aereogramme Video ...
Posted by Liquid on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 12:10:00 PST


Posted by Liquid on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 03:30:00 PST


Papiroflexia ...
Posted by Liquid on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 09:22:00 PST

Life Of Rooms

Ironlight River - Life Of Rooms ...
Posted by Liquid on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 08:59:00 PST

Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited - Theatrical Trailer ...
Posted by Liquid on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 08:16:00 PST