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The Official Switchfoot Myspace Page

About Me

I can finally say that our new video for our new single, "Awakening," is done and ready for your happy consumption. We really love this song, and we're glad that many of you do as well. I'm proud to say that this new video is one of our favorites! I hope you dig it as much as we do...

The concept of the video

The traditional concept of a music video can be a bit surreal, lip-synching to your own songs can feel especially comical at times! With this irony in mind we wanted to make a video that doesn't take itself too seriously, even if the song itself is dealing with weighty issues... to make a music video that tells a different story than the song is already telling us. The song exists in a space entirely on its own, and nothing will ever add or subtract from what the song already is- why not use the video as a vehicle to go somewhere new? Somewhere that the song hasn't already been on it's own? So here, my friends, is an attempt to do just that.
The making of the video
We had a lot of fun making this video. We actually made this video on our own dime, with our talented good friend Brandon Dickerson, who made two of our earlier videos. We also had the incredible opportunity of working with three extremely talented and funny actors: Tony Hale (Stranger than Fiction, Arrested Development), Adam Campbell (Epic Movie), and Jayma Mays (Heroes). The most challenging and time-consuming portion of the video was the creating of the "animated" television. To create this effect, we printed out each individual frame (24 frames per second -- that's a lot of frames!), and then hand-ripped each person from each frame, placing each frame sequentially after the other to re-create the action (think claymation with photos!). This technique has actually never been done before, and took a total of 8 days, with 10 to 20 people working around the clock (some of you even stopped by to help out!).
Thank you for singing along,
We'd be honored to have you share it with your friends, pass it along, etc... In fact, if you want to feature it on your myspace, or any other space for that matter, simply copy the code provided below:

1. Post this video everywhere you can

2. Send the code to everyone you know and have them post the code.

3. Send this link http://www.switchfoot.com/awakening to eveyone you know.

4. Request TRL on MTV to play it, by clicking here.

5. Request Fuse to play it by clicking here.


Howdy, my name is jon. I play guitar and sing in a San Diego band called Switchfoot. We started out as a three piece: Tim (my brother) playing the bass, Chad, (my college buddy) playing the drums, and myself writing the tunes. Our first record came out the week after my brother graduated from high school. We called it: The Legend of Chin, naming it after my best friend. Willis. We traveled around that summer and went back to school in the fall. A few years later we put out a record called New Way to be Human and I dropped out of college. We decided to really give music a go and started touring a bit more seriously.
After that, we put out a record called Learning to Breathe. My friend jerome called and told me he had just quit his day job. Our band had been playing shows with jerome's old band for years so we joined forces with jerome and now he plays the keyboards and guitars with us every night. We made a record called The Beautiful Letdown a few years later. Then our friend Drew's band broke up. He plays the guitar in our band now. Then we made a record called Nothing is Sound and decided a five piece was enough to accomplish what we wanted to do live. So we decided not to enlist any more of our friends for help on stage.
And now, a few tips on making your own band's t-shirts in between gigs: hotel hairdryers help the fabric paint dry faster, three ring binders and a razor blade are all you need for a stencil, sponges work best for applying the ink. I think we like doing things ourselves because no one cares about the music more than we do. We've stuffed our own CD cases, We've done the sixteen hour drives. I feel that we've paid our dues on the road as much as anyone. But still, we never really fit in with the "cooler than thou" hipsters. I suppose it's a matter of course: we've always wanted to make music for everyone, not just for the scene. We've tried our best to live out the idea that it's better to be honest than momentarily cool.
And so this past summer when we set out to record a new record, we tried to put all pressures and expectations aside and focus on the music. We wanted to make a record that was honest. A record that didn't trip on itself. A record that represented everything that we first fell in love with about music. We tried to forget about theory and pitch and timing and focus on feeling. As a result, I think that Oh! Gravity is the most honest thing we've ever done. I am so proud of these tunes and hope that they resonate with you like they do for us.
In closing, I am so grateful for the gifts that I've been given. Near the top of the list would be the camaraderie that we have with each other on the road. Besides the fact that my brother's in the band, it really does feel a family out there on tour. I know it's not the cocky rock and roll thing to say, but I am so proud to be making music with these guys every night. I feel so privileged to be able to play these songs with them. I love screaming these songs out with them. And I have a deep respect for everyone who comes every night. We have always tried to break down the wall between the stage and the audience. I feel like I've done my job if we leave the stage while everyone in the club is still singing. Communication has always been the goal. You see, I want to sing a song that will continue long after we're gone.
So thanks for reading. Thanks for singing along. Thanks for making theses songs your own.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/13/2004
Band Website: Switchfoot.com
Band Members: Jon Foreman - Guitar/Vocals
Tim Foreman - Bass
Chad Butler - Drums
Jerome Fontamillas - Keys/Guitar
Drew Shirley - Guitar

Sounds Like:

Check out Switchfoot on their Soundcheck Performace video as they play some of the new songs off of "Oh! Gravity", click here

You can now get the album on iTunes, Click here.

iTunes quotes of the week

This is a new step for Switchfoot. I dare you to try and figure out what genre the fall into now. It's like they're making a whole new sound. But don't get me wrong--they're still the same ol' Switchfoot we know and love, I think they're just digging deeper than they have before.

Leave it to these guys to put such an eclectic mix of styles into a single song and make it work well. Just when you think you know where you're headed, you're pushed off the cliff with subtle nuances of Alternative and a hint of the 60's.

I can't believe this is Switchfoot! I've always liked the foot, but this track blew me away... so experimental, aggressive, and unlike anything I've ever heard before! This new album is really going to turn a lot of heads... I can't stop listening to it.

Switchfoot is BACK! This is a killer song and if it's any indication, "Oh Gravity!.. is going to be an awesome album. Switchfoot beats the odds and keeps getting better and better.

A sampling at what just may be Switchfoot's best work ever. I love it. Can't wait til the day after Christmas

The freshest song I..ve heard in years! Lead singer, Jon Foreman, has reached brand new extremes with his already impressive voice. The music is pounding and gripping. This is a song that will haunt you for days to come.

Okay.. you guys are definitely on target with this one. The sound is progressing and not sitting still like so many bands out there. From release to release you guys give us fans something to look forward to. Bring on the entire CD!!! I for one can..t get enough!!! I must tell you that from the beginning of Switchfoot.. to this current single.. you are one of the most fun bands to follow. Keep up the great work and YES this single is a must buy!!! Rocks my iPOD!!!

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Switchfoot on TV, Bro-AM June 4-7, Jon Foreman SUMMER

  ..tr> ..tr> Hola Amigos!     1. If you are a fan of Switchfoot and like TV, there is a good chance you saw or heard Switchfoot coming from your TV over the last 2 ...
Posted by Switchfoot on Fri, 30 May 2008 06:59:00 PST

Switchfoot: New Tour, Song and Video!

1. The Music Builds Tour - Summer 2008Switchfoot, Third Day, Robert Randolph & The Family Band and Jars Of Clay Head Up Extensive U.S. Tour To Benefit Local Affiliates of Habitat For Humanity. MAY 9 -...
Posted by Switchfoot on Tue, 06 May 2008 07:27:00 PST

Switchfoot launches Friends of the FOOT

Posted by Switchfoot on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:59:00 PST


Posted by Switchfoot on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 08:58:00 PST

UP In ARMS Tour starting...Tickets on Sale

UP IN ARMS TOUR 2008 We're happy to announce a new set of tour dates for the spring: the 2008 UP IN ARMS TOUR featuring a special performance by ATHLETE. We are pleased to be partnering with a wonde...
Posted by Switchfoot on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 06:08:00 PST

Merry December

From: Switchfoot Date sent 12/12/2007 10:12:34 am : Merry December   ..> Merry December amigos,Here's my 2007 Christmas...
Posted by Switchfoot on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 07:52:00 PST

New Live DVD and Jons Fall EP

  www.switchfoot.com ...
Posted by Switchfoot on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 10:18:00 PST

News from Switchfoot

  Merry Thanksgiving and Happy Christmas amigos, we've had an amazing time out on the road this year, and it's been great t...
Posted by Switchfoot on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:50:00 PST

san jose

greetings with san jose love!it's a beautiful morn. in california... Radio this morning, borrowed a guitar - played southbound train on a cup of coffee and change. met a supermodel mom yesterday. nice...
Posted by Switchfoot on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 11:04:00 PST

bright lights and the dark black air

hi all,It's been a crazy week, so hard to be away from the ones you love in a crisis like this. A big chunk of of my hometown of san diego burned down this week. A strange birthday present indeed. Tha...
Posted by Switchfoot on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 02:10:00 PST