Halcyon Pink profile picture

Halcyon Pink

Spread The Pink!

About Me

I'm a media mogul and a spiritual infant .
Q: What do you do exactly? Are you a dancer? An actor? Director?
A: Yes. :) I am a lifestyle artist and digital explorer. I pay my bills as an .. consultant. It pays me enough that I can work part-time, and then spend the rest of my time on digital projects. The projects, in turn, give me experience so that I am useful as a consultant… And so on.
Q: Why Pink?
A: Pink is the color of hugs.
Pink is the color of love...without the aggression of red.
Pink is often associated with girls and gays...I am neither. I like that it makes people question assumptions.
Pink is vibrant and bold. You can’t be a wallflower with a traffic cone on your head.
We are all pink on the inside.
Q: Will you be my friend?
A: HELL YES! It would be an honor. I consider the myspace universe to be a huge meeting space where people with similar mindsets can connect. If you vibrate like I vibrate, I would love to stay connected. I am allll about Digital Intimacy.
NOTES: if you are the myspace admin for a band, product or company, I probably will not add you. Feel free to add me as yourself, however!
I'm also probably gonna delete any 'chain letter' comments ('send this to 6 friends!!').
And if you leave me "Help me win a free IPOD!" comments, I'll block you. Nothing personal....just not what I think this place is for.

Q: Are you gay?
A: I am sexy to the core. I’ll sleep with whomever I am attracted to. That is almost always women, but I’d rather not be limited by a label.
Q: What’s with “The PBC”? ( www.pinkbroadcasting.com )?
A: The PBC is my one-man TV station. Ya see, My dream is to be an independent media mogul.
When I first heard about the internet 10 years ago, I visualized everyone with our own TV stations. But technology and bandwidth weren’t ready.
We are FINALLY on the brink. So I am like a pig in muddy zen as I wrestle around with social networking and broadcast technologies. I love this shit.
Anyhoo… I have been doing a personal broadcast of sorts (see: cockybastard.com ) for a decade. And now my TV network is REAL.
I produce 2 regular (weekly or more) shows that are distributed globally on Veoh Networks (TV quality) and as Flash internet versions on myspace, veoh, & youtube.
I feel blessed to be alive in such an age. I’m tickled pink.
The PBC Fall Shows:

My Interests

Web, Video, Living as an Artform. Burning Man. (caddle prod photo)

I'd like to meet:

Anyone open to love, freedom, and hope.



People who can glimpse the miracle in every moment.
Lovers. Dreamers. Adventurers. Mystics. Hedonists. Burners.


house, breaks, big beat


hugnation.com Halcyon Level 3 Red Couch Interview Webby Awards

At the Webby awards, I got interviewed on the Red Couch. The Big Lebowski. Waking Life. Fight Club. Princess Bride. HERO. Gifting It .


I make my own!!!!! ..click here to get my MySpace updates


Vurt - Jeff Noon, Surviver - Chuck P., The Power of Now


Jacob Glass , My Grandpa Caleb , Jon Stewart, Perry Farrel, Hunter S Thompson, MLK Jr., Mr. Rogers, Victor Frankl, Eckard Tolle
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting". ~e.e. cummings

My Blog

Happy Birthday, Brother!

more pics of me and jimToday my brother turns 35 years old.He is loving, honest, supportive, brilliant, and a wonderful husband and father.I am proud to call him brother. I am honored to call him frie...
Posted by Halcyon Pink on Thu, 22 May 2008 07:41:00 PST

Happy Birthday, Jimmy!

My brother is hilarious (and turns 35 on the 22nd!) Watch this:Check out this video: 90 secs - my brother is hilarious ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Halcyon Pink on Thu, 22 May 2008 06:33:00 PST

Halcyon.... LIVE!

I am going to be giving my first ever talk/workshop at the end of the month.The current topic is "InnerActivism - Change your Mind. Change the World."EDIT: That isn't entirely true. I have given solo ...
Posted by Halcyon Pink on Wed, 21 May 2008 02:13:00 PST

Early Bday Bonanza

Shells sent me this AWESOME knit hat in the mail. LOVE IT!...
Posted by Halcyon Pink on Mon, 19 May 2008 09:33:00 PST

hand-me-down hippies

Andicat & I got some SWEET hand-me-downs from my roomate:
Posted by Halcyon Pink on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:58:00 PST

The most impactful thing you can do...

Tomorrow at HugNation (1pm PST!) I am going to talk a bit about an idea I am working my way through.Mainly that the most MASSIVE thing you can do to change the world is as simple as changing your mind...
Posted by Halcyon Pink on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:38:00 PST

90 second BONANZA!!!

damn, I have been uploading flickr videos like mad.  www.90secs.com is my new favorite playground.I think 90 seconds is a beautiful canvas for me right now.It is inspiring me to articulate ideas ...
Posted by Halcyon Pink on Fri, 16 May 2008 01:17:00 PST

Halcyon vs Eckhart Tolle - HugNation May 13 clip

I was really happy about the way the vibe was rolling this week. Here's a 4 min clip:Check out this video: Halcyon vs Eckhart Tolle - HugNation May 13 clip ..Add to My Profile | More Video...
Posted by Halcyon Pink on Wed, 14 May 2008 03:24:00 PST

Check out this video: John & Andi Downtown Train

Check out this video: John & Andi Downtown Train ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Halcyon Pink on Mon, 12 May 2008 11:07:00 PST

To The Life-Givers...

card I painted last year:
Posted by Halcyon Pink on Sun, 11 May 2008 09:13:00 PST