Living my life! Seeking resolution and stability!
Where to start???? I guess just like most people someone famous. You know, the ones who always look so happy. Like their lives are nothing but fun ,an Dreams come true. Id like to meet someone like that. Examples: Hugh Jackman, a smile so big an bright it could power the sun. Chris Cornell, so comfortable in his skin. Like nothing could ever truly bother him. Adam Ant, free to be whome ever he wants to be, an look the part. Bruce Campbell, living the dream. - Its their ability to be, or atleast look so at ease. That sence of place!
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All different kinds, an styles. Anything that makes me want to move! Fuel - Innocent
I love all movies, mostly horror and drama. I even like the so called B movies!
Dirty Jobs, Dexter, Weeds, My names Earl, Burn Notice!
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I think everyone should read Adam Ants Autobiography /Stand & Deliver. Not many people can be so open an honest with their public an fans, like he has, an come out smelling like a bed of roses. He is truly one hell of a man! Alot of people in this world can relate to his book, Im shure.( We are all a bit crazy, in one way or another, even if we cant admit it.)
My Father, My husband , Brandon Lee ( God Bless! ), Adam Ant, Bruce Campbell and Bret Allen Scallions.