Singing, Stand-up comedy, running, movies, TV, web surfing-----------------------------------------------------
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God, eventually, of course.
Great legal minds, great comics--Steve Martin, David Letterman, all the SCTV cast, writers such as G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, Thomas Aquinas...lots more I can think of. I have a link to Emo Phillips' website, which I put there while his MySpace page was temporarily removed on June 26, 2007 until July 24 for reasons still not explained. I'm keeping it here, because we must never forget the transient and fragile nature of life, and because it is a really great website.
Classic rock, musical parody-Weird Al Yankovic; blues, gospel, some country--I have to be in the mood for it.
Amish paradise
Too many different kinds to list them all. Science fiction, comedy, some foreign or independent films, inspirational stories; films I can see at the dollar theaterRight Brothers - Momma I Want to Live
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Oh, I watch a lot of TV. Everything from Adult Swim on Cartoon Network to EWTN. Big fan of SCTV, Buffy, Angel, All the Star Trek series, Simpsons, South Park, Letterman, FX Network, Everybody Loves Raymond, Frasier, Fox News, E! Network, lots of other thingsThou Shalt Laugh Trailer
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History, political commentary, religion, biography, fantasy..
All those who fought and still fight to keep us free.
MySpace Codes & MySpace Layouts
Also, my father, who passed away June 29, 2007.