YOU... If you see me in the streets holla at me, let's talk some shit.
Hip Hop,R&B,Soul,Gospel, Heavy Metal, Classic Rock, Hell anything that sounds good to my ears. It doesnt even have to be in english. I like Indian and Spanish and that music they played in the movie Gladiator...
Gangsta Movies Like... the GodFather, ScareFace, Star Wars. and Porno
Anything that i'm on.
the Art of War, Autobiography of Malcom X, The Artists Way, Pryor Convictions, Pimp, Comic Insights, You're No One in Hollywood Unless Someone Wants You Dead... Where Did I Go Right?
My Mother, Grandfather,Grand Mother, Older brothers, Older Sisters , Uncles, Aunts, MalcomX, Martin Luther King,Old School Rappers,My Penis