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andy zaster

I am here for Networking

About Me

Hi I'm Andy and I'm starting to see the point maybe.

I work for a couple of radio stations in Memphis, and do improv comedy a couple of times a month with FreakEngine and The Wiseguys . Check out our MySpace !

I'm also starting to do stand-up here and there (mostly here , actually). Turns out I'm kind of okay at it, too, as I was a finalist in the 2007 Funniest Person in Memphis contest.

Here's my set from the finals of that contest:

If you do the LiveJournal thing, you can find me over there .

My Interests

3d glasses, alternative comedy, audio commentaries, auteurs, bbq, black hair, black lodge video, black people, bloods, breasts, canadia, catharsis, cathol, cheese, chinese sub shop, cici's pizza, cigars, collaboration, communications, cover songs, cow bell, crack cocaine, crazy go nuts university, crips, djing, freak engine, girls, girls' hair, guitar, guitar picks, headphones, hollywood video, homestar runner, i love movies, improv comedy, insomnia, jazz, jones soda, karaoke, less than three, lj, making out, meat, meg white, memories, memphis, midget farms, mitch hedberg, myspace, nephews, nicknames, pizza, poker, pornography, posters, previews, pyromania, sandwiches, sex, shakespeare, sicily, sketch comedy, smells, stand-up comedy, the bridge, university of memphis, voices, warm fuzzies, wiseguys improv, wwe, x-ray vision, yes and, you, zipper noises

I'd like to meet:

Gilda Radner

I remember being fascinated by Gilda the first time I saw her, and I couldn't have been older than 8. Here's someone who was incredibly funny, incredibly beautiful, and incredibly sweet. I honestly can't think of anyone else who's ever been all three at one time.

First, the funny. She could do character-y stuff like Roseanne Roseannadanna (which I think is one of the funniest characters of all time), or she could just be funny as herself. She used to do these pieces on Saturday Night Live that were just her listing what she had eaten for the day. She had such a funny, likable aura.

She commanded her physicality in a way that no comedienne had ever done before, with the exception of Lucille Ball. If you wanna get fucked up while watching Saturday Night Live, drink every time Gilda gets the shit beat out of her in a sketch. She had the funniest way of being a ragdoll. Her knees would give, and she would just be hanging there while someone held her by the hair, and you normally would be thinking, "How the fuck does she do that?!", but you're just laughing too hard to care.

The sweetness, though, was the thing. That was what made Gilda Gilda.

It makes me sad that she was bullimic for so much of her life. But then again, people didn't really know about bulimia at that time. It wasn't a disease yet, it was just a really good idea.

In my opinion, there are two sketches you should watch in order to both understand and fall in love with Gilda Radner. Oddly enough, both of them are without dialogue: The first is called "Laundromat," and it's from the 12.20.75 episode of Saturday Night Live. It's a scene between she and Belushi in which they play two strangers who decide to share the last washing machine available at the laundromat.

The second, which is probably my favorite Saturday Night Live piece of all time, is called "Dancing in the Dark," and it's from the 4.22.78 episode of Saturday Night Live. It's a piece she did with Steve Martin that's funny, sweet, and goofy. And that's really exactly what Gilda was. Jon Favreau

Favreau not only wrote Swingers, and wrote and directed Made, but he also created and hosts Dinner For Five. Here's a show where five people in the entertainment industry just get together to talk about whatever the fuck over dinner, and Favreau films it and sells it to the Sundance channel.

No talk show has ever enthralled me as much as Dinner For Five does. These people are just talking, talking to other people who get it. Though everyone knows the cameras are there, they're not out in the open-- which creates a really comfortable atmosphere, because the guests usually forget about the cameras and start shooting the proverbial shit.

So I guess the reason why I'd wanna meet Favreau is because he's not just a part of the movie industry-- he's interested in it. He's still a fan, and he's doing exactly what I would do, had I the capability.


Beatles, Cowboy Mouth, David Bowie, Detroit Cobras, even Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Hootie and the Blowfish, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Len, Louis Prima, Maroon 5, Nickel Creek, Northern State, OK Go, Otis Redding, Outkast, Paul McCartney, Prince, Sublime, Tenacious D, White Stripes


12 Angry Men , Alice In Wonderland , Best In Show , City of God , Clerks , Dogma , Garden State , The Godfather , The Godfather Part II , High Fidelity , Kill Bill , The Life Aquatic , not The Godfather Part III , Pulp Fiction , The Rocky Horror Picture Show , Run Lola Run , Serenity , Super Troopers , Swingers , This Is Spinal Tap , Yellow Submarine


30 Days , 30 Rock , The Andy Milonakis Show , Angel , Arrested Development , Big Train , Buffy the Vampire Slayer , Clone High , Coupling , The Daily Show , Dinner for Five , Firefly , Home Movies , Mr. Show , My Name Is Earl , The Office , Saturday Night Live , The Sopranos , Spaced, Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip , Twin Peaks , Upright Citizens Brigade


The Godfather , A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius , High Fidelity , Killing Yourself to Live: 85% of a True Story , Sex Drugs & Cocoa Puffs , Survivor


Bill Cosby, Bill Murray , Coach Z , David Cross , Eddie Izzard , Edward R. Murrow , John Montagu , Joss Whedon , Judd Apatow , Kevin Smith , Lorne Michaels , Wes Anderson

My Blog

Northern State in November in New Orleans. Neat!

..I'll be spending an evening in New Orleans in November. I dropped a comment on Northern State's MySpace to let em know how much I dig the new album, and Sprout hit me back and asked me if they would...
Posted by andy zaster on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 03:17:00 PST

more Mary stuff..

I just got this message on Facebook: Andy,I am Shawn Calhoun. I wanted to let you know that Ms. Mary Thomas passed away on early Wednesday morning (12:00a.m.). I know that she was loved by my family a...
Posted by andy zaster on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:41:00 PST

RIP Mary Thomas

There's a woman about whom I've almost never spoken who was incredibly instrumental in my life and my formative years.Her name was Mary Thomas, and she was the housekeeper for my mom and dad, both whe...
Posted by andy zaster on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 11:28:00 PST

Pilot Week: "Chuck" and "Reaper." Also, Lethal Weapon 2

I watched a couple of pilots lastnight: "Chuck" and "Reaper."First of all, "Reaper" was completely awesome. It's funny, it's got great action, and it's got completely lovable characters with a real po...
Posted by andy zaster on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 10:01:00 PST

it’s so hack to be emo

I'm up late and I really just don't know why. I guess it's because I slept the afternoon and evening away. I feel a little fucked up, but I'm not sure why. I don't know if this happens to anyone else,...
Posted by andy zaster on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 01:46:00 PST

The sands of the River Internet.

I haven't read or updated LiveJournal in weeks. This is largely due to the fact that I don't have a working computer at home, and there hasn't been a whole lot of free time at work lately. Here's the ...
Posted by andy zaster on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 01:40:00 PST

Yesterday and Today

Friday was pretty great. Saturday was pretty awful.I spent most of my birthday day Friday cleaning the house (read: hanging up posters in my room). Got some pretty good birthday calls, including Jill ...
Posted by andy zaster on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 07:12:00 PST

La Vie En Happy

I'm pretty much very happy right now.I've moved into the new house, and I'm about three steps away from being settled. (Those steps being: 1.) hang posters; 2.) arrange common room furniture; 3.) set ...
Posted by andy zaster on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 07:07:00 PST

Movin out (but not the Billy Joel musical)

Yesterday was a tour-de-force of moving. Mallary and I were the only two left to move out of the house, and we thought we were gonna be loading up my U-haul all day by ourselves, but Brett showed up a...
Posted by andy zaster on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 02:57:00 PST


I'm officially not going back to school this semester, because, ya know, if Harry Potter can do it, so can I.The real reason is money, that I just need to work right now and make money. And I wish I w...
Posted by andy zaster on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 02:56:00 PST