Art, Fine Art, Illustration, Tattoo, Drawing, Painting, Mural, Stencil, Love, and Friendship
Everybody. Especially when they are buying me a beer.
Good music, Benny Goodman, Radiohead, Ugly Casanova & Modest Mouse, Damien Rice, Whisper in a Noise, Alice in Chains, Miles Davis, Gene Kruppa, Foo Fighters, Aphex Twin, Black Rebal Motorcycle club, Under World, Portishead, Pixies
The Royal Tenenbaums, Adaptation, Basquiat, Magnolia, BeetleJuice, Brazil, 12 Monkeys, The Usual Suspects, Dr. Strange Love, Rushmore, Amelie, The Never Ending Story, Sleepy Hollow
PBS Documenteries
Pillars of the Earth, Snow Crash, Fahrenheit 451, China Mieville, Vonnegut, Science Fiction, Satire, Art books and Mags, Design books and Mags, Dictionary, Thesaurus
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