Rootwords is the American born - European raised hip hop artist of direct African decent who has been actively involved in the underground music scene for a healthy 9yrs.
Inspired by the underground artists of the late '90s (namely the likes of Common, Mos Def, Dead Prez and the undisputed Wu-Tang veterans of the game), Rootwords' approach to the art of rhyming is one which can be described as 'placidly aggressive'.
Equipped with the raw talent and ability to deliver coherent rhyme patterns on limitless styles of beats, coupled with vivid storytelling capabilities along with a wide range of topics (from politics to drugs, battles to relationships), the individuality and uniqueness of this rapper certainly creates a hip hop persona unlike any other.
Never has Rootwords been confined to a particular style of hip hop. His music is a reflection of his experiences and his environment. The truth and conviction with which he rhymes is apparent in all his styles of music - be it underground hip hop, experimental, mainstream or commercial sounding songs.
Always on the job, Rootwords is a prolific rap artist with projects always on the go, with material in circulation in various countries and continents on both mixtapes and albums. The most recent of his releases (in the latter quarter of 2007), Rootwords features on the international mixtape " Asphalt Themes " on the track " Broken Rhythm " produced by Redbioul . In addition, he features on DJ Bonez (Melbourne/Sydney, Australia) "Roll Call" album, on the bonus track called " My Destiny ", available on both the Vinyl and on iTunes.
In the latter quarter of 2007, Rootwords also teamed up with the legendary underground swiss producer Cris Cardiak in Switzerland to record a conceptual 'cinematic' eight chapter EP, which promises to be an underground classic for the experimental and hip hop heads alike. The EP, entitled " A Reel Of Life (Relation Sequences) " is destined to be released in the first quarter of 2008.
Also, still in the latter quarter of 2007, Rootwords provided his rhyme ability and hip hop experience to the new band with which he is involved, namely " Zebra Johnson ". The album was recorded in Australia, Adelaide, and is destined to be released in the second quarter of 2008.
Indeed, the long awaited and over-due solo album of Rootwords is due to drop very soon. Information on the latter continues to be kept a secret, although we can be certain that his formal introduction will be an immaculate inauguration for hip hop. Without a doubt, we will be waiting, and listening attentively.
Written by;
" The Stay Puffed & Mashed MellowMan Team. "