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the paper prophet

Look, its a Faded Midget.

About Me

i made these!

The Paper Prophet dot com . The World Betwixt my ears and eyes.

My Interests

i enjoy long walks on the beach during full moons, candle lit diners in the cemetary and spending time with you while feasting on the blood of the elderly. im a leo, who, in all honisty has killed a few women. but im hoping things like my past wont get between us. i have three penis' of varying sizes deppending on what the situation calls for. but youll have to provide the strap on belt. and remember, as my life long partner and savior jesus christ told me one night while i stared into his deep dreamy eyes while we laid in bed togther. its not gay if your balls dont touch.

I'd like to meet:

pornstars, rockstars, ninjas, the last star fighter, people who like to chew tin foil and be drug across the room by large magnets. people under the stairs, the cursable king chip, the hamburgler and the grimace. because nothing can kill the grimace.


could be considered the most emotionally wrought art form.


have made america what it is currently.


will eat your brain out through your eyes.


are excellent to read, as opposed to view. but no, really, we should all read more.


is an excellent television show.

My Blog

curiouser and curiouser.

some how i dont feel as if a spining smiley face properly conveys the mood of being "artistic". but alas.i strongley suggest you all go and find and read Pride of Bagdad, a graphic novel by Brian K. V...
Posted by the paper prophet on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 06:51:00 PST

Shazzbotian Dramaturgy

So ive gone and put a new fancy fandagled webpage on the interweb for all yalls folks to enjoy. To get to the afformetioned webpage for the location at which your web browser currently resides, simply...
Posted by the paper prophet on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 07:37:00 PST

i slept with a pornstar because I love marijuana

its curious. why is it relationships and sex, perhaps two of the most natural human things next to eating and breathing, create such problems, and drama, and craziness. people fighting, people crying ...
Posted by the paper prophet on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 05:08:00 PST


Posted by the paper prophet on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 10:52:00 PST


I havent been sleeping at all the past few days.I keep having these crazy dreams.I dont recall nearly as much of this one. But I remember waking up in a bed; I was in a room that looked like it had it...
Posted by the paper prophet on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 04:54:00 PST

cold wet wetness.

I had this friend Becky and I were hanging out. going to do something. so we hopped into this car Becky was borrowing and started to drive around. we were in some desert like city I can only...
Posted by the paper prophet on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 01:46:00 PST


i miss my friend kira. yay for sap.
Posted by the paper prophet on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 03:37:00 PST

indeed indeed

as noted once before, i made another video a while back, and have taken the liberty of uploading it to youtube. just a little diddy i did for something at somepoint for somereason. what do you cats th...
Posted by the paper prophet on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 09:31:00 PST

Check it.

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have big...
Posted by the paper prophet on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 03:24:00 PST

IM IN LOVE!!!!!!!

I want to share something with you. Throughout my searchers in life ive always felt this void, this emptieness. But now, suddenly i feel this warmth, this sudden newness that ive never felt where ever...
Posted by the paper prophet on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 04:45:00 PST