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About Me

I exist.

[And as a free man will not be categorized, analyzed, or summarized!]

My Interests

Current writing projects:

BLOOD MUSIC, a terrifying sci-fi thriller in which intelligent micro-organisms transform the human race and change the face of the planet, based on the novel by Greg Bear, James McTeigue (V for Vendetta) attached to direct; SPACELESS, an action-packed twist-filled reckless post-cyberpunk love story, from my original screenplay, Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean) attached to direct for 20th Century Fox; and the new SUPER-COOL SECRET project I can’t talk about, even though I want to tell everyone, because I’m not sure I have the job yet!

Recent writing projects:

GATEWAY, an adventure about desperate prospectors risking their lives in space to find ancient artifacts left behind by the missing alien Heechee race, based on the novel by Frederik Pohl, for Fox 2000; FOUNDATION, based on the classic trilogy by Isaac Asimov with Hari Seldon, his mysterious 1,000 Year Plan, and the one deformed mutant who can stop it, for 20th Century Fox; and Y--THE LAST MAN, showing us what happens when every male in the world dies except for one young man and his pet monkey, based on the Vertigo comic book, for New Line Cinema.

Past films and DVD/video:

I, ROBOT, a sci-fi murder mystery based on my original screenplay Hardwired with some characters and concepts from Isaac Asimov’s robot stories, starring Will Smith and Bridget Moynahan, released by 20th Century Fox, 2004; FINAL FANTASY, the first animated film to feature photorealistic human beings, based on the Square computer game, released by Columbia Pictures, 2001; and THE LONG HELLO AND SHORT GOODBYE, a neo-noir from my original screenplay, starring Nicolette Krebitz and Katja Riemann, released in Germany by Warner Bros., 1999.

I am a proud no-longer-on-strike member of the Writers Guild of America, west, Inc.

If you want to offer me a job, send a complimentary gift, or file a frivolous lawsuit contact the William Morris Agency in Beverly Hills, California!

And now for the usual "things I like" tables, goofy and strangely irresistible at the same time:

I'd like to meet:

All rational human beings...any hyper-evolved animal, plant, or insect life...all alien creatures including, but not limited to, gigantic segmented worms...and any interdimensional galactic beings or super-minds. Plus anybody who owes me money.


"The man can't bust our music!" The San Francisco scene and psychedelic era, 1965-1970. And of course, The Ventures--best heard on an old record player with a big scratchy vinyl LP.


Go to mini-film school with: Rashomon; Wages of Fear; Tokyo Story; The Cranes Are Flying; Kanal; The Seventh Seal; Hiroshima, Mon Amour; L'Avventura; Breathless; La Dolce Vita; Belle de Jour; and Army of Shadows. For recent foreign films check out: In the Mood for Love; Russian Ark; The Son; City of God; and The World. After you've watched and studied all these art-house films, meet me at the Century City mall, and I'll show you where they filmed Conquest of the Planet of the Apes!


Why spend time watching scripted television when you can wait forty years and see it then? The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1964-1968) and Land of the Giants (1968-1970) now on DVD in incredibly expensive box sets. If you can't afford that watch Ninja Warrior and Unbeatable Banzuke on G4.


Well, I have a big collection of sci-fi pulps and digests from the ’30s, ’40s, and ’50s. You really have to read the classics in their original form, assuming you can withstand the overwhelming smell of mildew as you turn each discolored page--and the spores coating the old paper bore into your brain!


The ape-man who first picked up a rock and smashed the other ape-man in the head... inventing human society.

My Blog

Does the Human Race Suck Big-Time, or Just Mildly Suck?

So my hypothesis for today is that human beings, as a species, basically suck.  Wait, you say!  We don't all suck all the time.  Maybe you think that war, genocide, and other...
Posted by Vintar on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 02:27:00 PST

On Screenwriting and Rejection

I’ve been asked a couple of very heartfelt questions about writing, more specifically I guess, about facing rejection. I hate hearing the word "rejection" when talking about screenwriting, or an...
Posted by Vintar on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 11:54:00 PST

The End of Everything and How to Avoid It

I don’t see any use in writing a blog if the entire human race is doomed to ultimate extinction. I mean, what the hell is the point of talking about art, politics, or sex if at the end of space/...
Posted by Vintar on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 01:53:00 PST