Many... Music -singing specially-, Visual Arts, Eclectic Thinking, Humor, Wit, Smart and Creative Worldviews, Human Dynamics, Nature and Life Dynamics, The Internet, The 23 Synchronicity, Synergy, Neurosciences, our Brain, Semiotics, The Maya, Astronomy... etc, etc, etc. But above all, my main interest is being a better person everyday.
Anyone enough confused to keep questioning things about themselves and the world, and willing to write down the screenplay of their lives. And act it out. Anyone who I could learn from. Anyone with some wit and sense of humor and a creative worldview. Anyone with the courage to see things from multiple and different perspectives and comprehend they are all part of a same broad view. Anyone who believes in magic.
Yet, in a less extensive but more eccentric answer... Here..s a list of cool people (from all disciplines, kinds, dead or alive, real or characters) I..d love to have a conversation with:
Jorge Luis Borges, Albert Einstein, Val Kilmer, Walt Whitman, Jesus, Siddhartha Gautama, Oscar Wilde, Lord Henry (character from "The Portrait of Dorian Gray"), JFK, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mark Twain, Freddie Mercury, Richard Bach, Goethe, The little Prince, Eddie Vedder, Martin Gore, Voltaire, Gregory Bateson, Charles Sanders Peirce, Syd Barret, Blaise Pascal, Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Bacon, Sarah McLachlan, Keith Haring, Tchaikovsky, Edward Hopper, Herbert Marcuse, Oliver Stone, Jane Eyre, Lewis Carrol, Andy Warhol (et al). Would be a blessing to learn about the souls behind and beyond their works and legacy. They are, to me, advanced human beings, ahead of their time like prophetic zeitgeists or perhaps, actually timeless. And even through the slight feeling of the essential interconnectedness which gathers us all, they already help/ed me grow up, understand myself and others better, grasp the dynamics of the human condition and the whole of the universe itself.
I consider I am made of others and shaped with their works, their crafts and arts, their teachings, their examples -and counterexamples- and their legacy (oh and genes too). All blent together in some way which would come to be what makes my "self"... Therefore, a good way to know who I am is to know who are some of my mentors (elected or by default setting).
"The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others" -Vincent Van Gogh
My work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License .
Currently listening to: Val Kilmer's Music Myspace, Check out!
Nick Rivers
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