my FAMILY-especially my four dead-on-decent sons! and friends AND just about everything else. i'm a small time illustrator-books and movie storyboards-and endless doodling. do portraits & interested in medical tatooing-especially with regard to restorative & correcting disfigurements-as well as the arty and cosmetic kind to pay for the former. at this point i only do them with markers, for a few films and for fun. reason i got here? to be able to easily be in touch with my brilliant, sweeeet!, funny, traffic stoppin' "SEXI", 18-year-old friend from The Republic of Georgia(formely Russian)-who above all else is decent and one of the most amazing, loving moms i've met! HEY ETERI!.....................................and folks...with regard to my bro in law... we will always hold you in our hearts,Robert...and we will never forget you...the lessons you taught us...and the cost...thank you for loving can be so hard sometimes...'s worth it.
Dr. Who? "Byte me Alien Boy!"
i LOVE my friend STEVEN PAUL PERRY!!!!!!!!his talent has awed me since we met a looooong time ago- before he started playing with all those famous people and toured the world. he really knows how to "squeeze tone"(his phrase) out of a guiter. he hasn't had the time to update his myspace or any other site much lately- it barely touches on the stuff he's done! that's his voice and writing too you hear, and he does movie scores, and plays backup all over the place! he has played incredible guitar since he was a little guy. he's my  friend on myspace (DON'T look at the naughty pictures in his "more skin" folder... what exactly are you up to STEVEN?!!) but do listen to "IT'S NOT ME"...the photo with it, his sweet guileless self, as i've always known him, before we knew quite how much bravery life would require, and the challenges that lay ahead, of AIDS and the 3 cancers he's had to overcome - that now he's willing to allow the public to know about, in case knowing what he has beaten, will help others(I am so freakin' proud to know him!). AFREAKIN'MAZING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STEVEN JUST GOT A CALL FROM HIS DOCTOR...HIS VIRAL LOAD...WHICH WAS 24000...IS NOW UNDETECTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S RIGHT...UNDETECTABLE!!!!!!!!! NO DETECTABLE AIDS VIRUS! AND HIS FINAL CANCER SCAN HAS COME OUT "CANCER FREE"...had AIDS it since age 26, was "full blown", 3 ABSOLUTELY DASTARDLY CANCERS but now...healthy! and he's still someone i know and love truly, madly, deeply! (well, he keeps telling me me i'm really pretty, so he's getting some points for that) i'd love him anyway though. he also just put "Blue Light" up on his site again, and that is beautiful! and "Shining Through" which is exactly what he does! and yeah...listen to "Stick Around", especially now. anybody who want's to... pray or hope, or whatever feels right, for Neil, may his soul find peace........................................ and the world, while you're at it. yeah, yeah, preachy..............AND my sweet friend TYLER FARNSWORTH who brought music & so much back into my life. and who has my gratitude, for the rest of it!!! i also love mark knopfler/dire straits,chris white, j.j. cale (for gosh sakes) & ROCKY FRISCO, eric clapton "Layla"-d.&dominoes version), ky mani marley and all Marleys, Ziggy: "Love Is My Religion" gyptian, charlie farren "GLORY", jon pousette-dart"CAN'T KEEP A GOOD MAN DOWN!", gary cherone"Need I Say More" jon butcher, track 44, dan savage"I Fall Away"-raw,(wow!) jim barber, "Warriors Of Light", etc, kyle eastwood"Let's Play", annie lennox, kings of jupiter-Very healing! LATA a.k.a Lata Gouveia - astonishing! genuine! (i love "Bad Woman")....the sky about to rain "I Am The Fuse","Tragic" "OhioOhio Meltdown"-(brilliant,all of it!!!!!)....third world "Try Jah Love" bees deluxe, ALIZON LISSANCE "BABY DON'T BE BLUE", "Lone Wolf" "It'll Be Alright" (Alizon is amazing!), shinedown "Save Me", LISA MARIE PRESLEY "So Lovely" "Burning..."."Lights Out" , angela McCluskey, SHADOWLIKE "elaLIVEzari mix" lovely and intruiguing, Eric Stever...stunning virtuosity. Pat King...bold talent! howard jones, madonna, chris issak "wicked Game" is like having...ummm,yeah, so anyway... jimmy cliff "The Harder They Come" naomi & the courteous rudeboys"LoveSong featStoval...", SPENNY MAN "She Got Them Jeans On"(makes me think of ETERI and the effect she has, just walking through a room!!!!) adam shenk, LEO WAYGEN "Amber Glow" ..Camelot.." clin/colin pearson, one drop, tom yates, gwen stefani, barenaked ladies, rock paper razor, aimee mann "BEAUTIFUL", nina simone"Sinner Man", gov't mule"Endless Parade", snowy white, beres hammond, DECEPTION RIDDEM( thanks for getting it out there to the people!!!!), tons of new & old stuff, the list is ENDLESS!. PETER TROISI(call me eeejit! I mean it! no matter what!), various things on the radio, Puccini ~ Vissi d'arte, Vissi d'amore ~ from Tosca(1st memory is trying to sing along with it, sittin' on my yellow blankie, before i could talk or crawl, thinkin' i was sounding all great when a fly flew into my mouth-couldn't call mum and had to swallow it. didn't know what the words meant at the time:"i live for art, i live for love" (both of my grandmothers were concert musicians.) the beginning notes of the Princess Bride soundtrack sound the same as the opening of the aria-good old Mark Knopfler again! And i can't believe that deeply dyslexic me has been spelling it so badly all this time that i might have been saying something along the lines of "cheese is art.." just found my old cds...humiliating! please friends! tell me when i have soup on my sweater!.... also love "Dulcinea" from Man Of La Mancha soundtrack, cuz i like seeing the best in people...consider the alternative................................................. .........and oh yeah...blind faith....hard to imagine a workable scheme...where any soul...any soul goes unredeemed....
well, i can't play favorites here, too close to home...a few of the many: ghostbusters, field of dreams, muriel's wedding "You'e terrrrrible Muriel!", rudy, touch, lord of the rings, micky mouse version of a Christmas carol, shawshank redemption, on and on and on.
music is better than...most t.v., but i like monk, house,scrubs,colbert report, sometimes masterpiece theatre,& mystery, south park, family guy, Dr. Who ( and am i ever a dorky girl!) torchwood, and yes, star trek, history channel stuff,nova, conan, and in desperate, spooky wee hours when i'm worried about that evil monkey in my closet- poker, which i barely comprehend but prefer to infomercials.
the library. religion, history, comic books the poetry of Alec Emerson, novels by Alexander McCall Smith, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, Ivan Massar's photography books( i'm the girl in the rainstorm), & many many others. Challenge: 3 generations of Owen women have had the same favorite novel. Precious Bane by Mary Meredith Webb. out of print now, and written in an archaeic dialect(Shropshire,UK), it begins with such flowery prose, all but the most determined drop it after a few pages. soon though, it reaches in and wrestles with the darkest-and the most hopeful parts of our souls. it's about just about everything that people are. comparable to Silas Marner and The Crucible, but a bit more fun. I dare you to get through the first thirty pages-the rest will take care of itself.