Cabinets of Curiosities
Thinkers, Dreamers, Magic Bean Buyers
Please note: I only visit Myspace twice a month or so (I am busy painting!), so please be patient if you contact me or invite me to add you.I MIGHT not add you if you are a band, if you are a concept, if you are a name without a face or details, or if you otherwise obscure your identity as an individual. Please do not be insulted. Since much of my life and my Self are up on display here, I expect the same from those I consider my "friends." I like to know whom I am adding.
Wolf's Glen scene from "Der Freischutz"
The Seventh Seal; The Holy Mountain; The Devils; Winged Migration; Faust (Svenkmajer); Queen Margot; Chinatown; The Pianist
I pay NO homage to the one-eyed-god. For deleriously hypnotic escapism, I prefer dancing Argentine Tango with my beloved. Try it yourself and see.
His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman; Possession - A.S. Byatt; Labyrinths - Borges; Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television - Jerry Mander; Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors - Carl Sagan
Hieronymous Bosch, Pieter Breughel, Jan van Eyck, Hans Memling, Hans Bellmer, Remedios Varo, Leonore Fini, Seymore Hirsch, Charles Darwin