modernartmotherfukker politeness kindness religion chaos success beauty anarchy candy love power and a peacock or two or three or four.
everybodeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and their pets too.
kruder & dorfmeister ladytron justice the doors janes addiction leonardcohen nirvana amy winehouse meltbanana tricky senorcoconut coil wutang bowie djlendeluxer portishead marilynm prince pumkins nakedcity jesuslizard beck cornelius wolfmother squarepusher aphex twin radiohead djzinc minty chilipeppers hendrix
wilde velvetgoldmine microcosmos that vhi hendrix bio thecockettes pollock basquiat victorvictoria reefermadness the cruise sicko star wars
ate it.
voidofcourse loveisadogfromhell awakeningthebuddhawithin barebonesmeditation thepictureofdoriangray discobloodbath
speedlevitch oscarwilde jimmorrison jimcarroll bukowski dali orion hendrix hundertwasser klimt gandhi hunterthompson leighbowery the dalai lama rumi krishna