Absinthe, Aromatherapy, Animals, Art, Art Dolls, Adventures, Airbrushing, Astrology, Beading, Boating, Coffee, Cooking, Cultures, Cemeteries & Crypts, Comedy, Chocolate, Canoing, Candles, Crystals, Corsets, Costumes, Decadence, Dreaming, Dancing, Ethnic Foods, Fantasy, Fairies, Fountains, Flowers, Friends, Forests, Gem-Stones, Gothic Culture, Goblins, Herbalogy, Henna, Hugging, History, Horoscopes, Karma, Leather Works, Laughing, Masks, Masquerade Balls
Myths & Legends, Mosaics, Historical & Art Museums, Networking, Nature, Night, Painting, Photography, Poetry, Reading, Paper-Mache, Paper-making, Polymer Clay, Pixies, Renaissance, Runes, Reupholster Furniture, Reading, Romance, Jewelry Designing, Sketching, Swimming, Sewing, Teas, Truffles, Traveling, Tantra, Tarot, Volleyball, Vampires, Writing, Wiccan Culture & Witches, Wood Carving, Watercolor, Madison Wisconsin and living Life to the fullest and creatively.
I'm on MySpace for some new friendships to be made, maybe for life. To network with other artists around the globe and to enhance my life with others sweet ramblings.
Whether musicians, painters or writers or any other artist for that. If you feel that you create eye or ear candy, you would be the one I'd want to meet and ramble with.
I'd love to get acquainted with Gallery Owners and Art Promoters, Retailers, Gift Shop Owners and anyone in Marketing as well as individual art collectors and fantasy art lovers and fans, as well as potential buyers of my fantasy art, jewelry or anything that I create.The following Artists are amongst my favorites here on myspace:
Also of course I'm still searching for a few of my friends that might be on MySpace, make some new ones along the way, connect with some co-workers and let's not forget family members!So leave me a message...I would enjoy a few Comments every now and then...let me know that you've been here! I had to share this brilliant FilmEnjoy!
America, David Bowie, Kate Bush, J.S.Bach, Clannad, 3 Doors Down, David Lanz, Delirium, Def Lepard, Enya, Enigma, Eagles, Eve, Evanescence, Pink Floyd, Fourplay, Fleetwood Mac, Foreigner, Genesis, Boy George, Heart, Elton John, Led Zepplin, Lenny Kravitz, Bob Marley, Bill Miller, M. Jackson, Neil Young, Natty Nation, Nightnoise, Mike Oldfield, Mozart, Outcast, 2 Pac, Pink, R.Kelly, Sade, Seal, Stevie Nicks, Santana, Supertramp, Sarah McLachlan, Secret Garden, Scissor Sisters, Scorpio, Steppenwolf, Tyrese, Tori Amos, Twista, T.A.T.U., Yanni, George Winston, Xavier Naidoo, Zhane and many more. Ambient, Alternative, some Blues, Classical, Celtic, Soft & Hard Rock, some Hip-Hop, some Rap, some Pop, some Folk-Pop, Indie, Jazz, Gothic, Experimental, Electronica, Lounge, New Wave & Techno, Soul & R&B.
Edward Scissorhands, Braveheart, Troy, Cleopatra, Mr.Bean, Forest Gump, Birdcage, Ladies in Lavender, Labyrinth, The Phantom Of The Opera, Pans Labyrinth, The Secret Garden, Troy, LOTR, Pirates of the Caribbean, Casanova, 8 Below, Polly, Tyler Perry's Madea series, Party Monster, The Green Mile, 8 Mile, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Color Purple, Cast Away, The Barbershop, Bourne Identity, X-Men, Practical Magic, Dr. Doolittle, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Last Samurai, Gladiator, Alexander, Shawshank Redemption, The Crow, Brahm Stokers Dracula, Interview with a Vampire, Silent Hill, Immortal Beloved, Dances with Wolfes, The Sixth Sense, 13 Ghosts, Hocus Pocus, Hidalgo, Cube, Hellrazor, The Excorsism of Emily Rose, The Covenant, The Craft and a few more.
That's Clever, The Tudors, Trading Places, Queer as Folks, The L Word, Sex in the City, Friends, Charmed, Weeds, Smallville, Monk and others.Animal Planet, History Channel & Discovery Channel
as well as some other channels.
Ann Rice, Piers Anthony, J. Krantz, Nora Roberts, R. Margroff, J.R.R.Tolkien, Dan Brown, Ridley Pearson, James St. James, Allen Edgar Poe, Schwan and many more.
MyGen Profile Generator All mothers, Julia Butterfly Hill, Ghandi, Michael Moore, John Lennon, Martin Luther King.